Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 62

Chapter 62.

Chapter Forty-One: Unseen Battles

Axel POV:

Standing in the dim light of the living room, I watched Phera’s retreating figure as she headed to her home. Her strength and resilience never ceased to amaze me. The meeting with the Council, the revelations about the Blue Moon Pack, the

mysterious note – all these were weighing heavily on us, but most of all on her.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

The silence in the room was thick, filled with unspoken worries and plans. Damon was the first to break it.

“We need to be cautious. The next few days are crucial.”

Zane nodded in agreement, his usual easygoing demeanor


replaced by a grave seriousness.

“We can’t let our guard down. Not now.”

As for me, a tumultuous sea of emotions raged within. Seeing Phera in the infirmary, so vulnerable yet so strong, had sparked a protective instinct I never knew ran this deep. The thought of her being targeted, that someone had intended to harm her, sent a chill down my spine. It wasn’t just about being Alphas or leaders; it was personal.

“We need to increase patrols, tighten security around her house,” I suggested, my mind racing through various strategies.

Damon paced the floor, his hands clenched.

“And what about the envoy to the Blue Moon Pack? We need to address this directly.”

“I’ll go,” I volunteered immediately. “I can talk to their Alpha,

gauge their stance.”

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“No,” Zane interjected. “We should go together. This is a matter that concerns all of us.”

Damon stopped pacing and looked at us.

“Agreed. We present a united front. We show them that any threat to one of us is a threat to all of us.”

dded, feeling a sense of unity with my brothers. Together, we were a formidable force, and our united front was essential in times like these.

As we discussed further, the weight of leadership bore down on me. Our decisions in the coming days would not only affect our pack but also Phera. The thought of her being in danger, of her being caught up in this web of deceit and betrayal, was unbearable.

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I was late when we finally decided to call it a night. As I made my way to my room, the events of the day replayed in my mind. The attack, the council meeting, the note, Phera’s involvement everything seemed like pieces of a puzzle we were yet to solve.

In the solitude of my room, I allowed myself a moment of vulnerability. The image of Phera lying in the infirmary, her face pale but her spirit unbroken, haunted me. I had known from the moment I met her that she was special, but now, she was more than that. She was a part of me, a vital piece of my soul.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the shadows dancing in the moonlight. The challenges ahead were daunting, but my resolve was unwavering. We would face whatever came our way, protect our pack, and most importantly, protect Phera.

As the night deepened, my thoughts lingered on her. Her courage, her strength, her unwavering spirit. She was the Luna our pack needed, the mate we desired, and the woman I loved. No matter what the future held, I knew one thing for certain – | would lay down my life to keep her safe.

And with that resolve firm in my heart, I finally drifted into a restless sleep, filled with dreams of battles unseen and challenges yet to be faced.


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