Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 61

Chapter 61.

I settled into a chair, my mind racing.

“So what now? We’re back to-square one?”

“Not exactly,” Axel chimed in. “There’s something else we need to consider. The Blue Moon Pack!”

“Their territory borders ours where the attack happened,” Zane explained. “But they didn’t come to our aid. Not a single warrior. It’s unusual, given our alliance.”

“Their lack of support is concerning,” Damon added. “It could mean a number of things. Perhaps they didn’t know, or worse, they chose not to intervene.”Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

My brows furrowed in confusion.


“But why? We’ve always had a strong alliance with the Blue Moon Pack. What reason would they have to stay out of it?”

“That’s what we need to find out,” Axel stated. “It could be a simple miscommunication, or it could indicate a shift in their allegiance.”

Damon leaned forward, his eyes intense.

“We’re planning to send an envoy to the Blue Moon Pack. We need to understand their stance.”

I took a deep breath, absorbing the weight of their words.

“And what if we find out they’re no longer our allies?”

“We prepare for the worst,” Zane replied somberly. “But hope for the best. We need to tread carefully. Accusations or

assumptions could lead to conflict, something we must avoid unless absolutely necessary.”

The room fell silent, each of us lost in our thoughts. The possibility of a fractured alliance was a dangerous prospect, one that could have far-reaching consequences for our pack.

“We need to be strategic about this,” Axel said after a moment. “We can’t show any weakness or uncertainty. The pack is already on edge after the attack.”

Damon nodded in agreement.

“We stand united, stronger than ever. That’s the message we need to convey.”

I looked at each of them, feeling a surge of determination.

“Then that’s what we’ll do. United we stand. Whatever comes our way, we’ll face it together.”

As we sat there in the dimly lit room, a plan began to form-a

plan that would require all our strength, wisdom, and unity. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: we were in this together, for the pack, for our future.

As we sat in the dimly lit room, an uneasy silence enveloped us. The weight of unspoken fears and strategies hung heavy in the air. A troubling thought gnawed at me, one that I hesitated to voice. But the words spilled out, almost of their own accord.

“Could it be possible that my past with Josh has something to do with the Blue Moon Pack’s lack of response?” I ventured cautiously, watching their reactions closely.

Damon’s reaction was immediate and visceral, his body tensing like a coiled spring.

“Josh? Why would you bring him into this?”

Axel’s expression hardened, his protective instincts palpable.

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“Phera, that’s à stretch. Josh’s history with you is personal, but this… this feels like a strategic move against the pack.”

Zane’s growl rumbled through the room, a sound of warning and possessiveness.

“We won’t let anyone use your past against you, Phera, especially not an old flame.”

I bit my lip, regretting my words.

“I know it sounds far-fetched, but with everything so up in the air, I can’t help but wonder if every aspect of my past could be a weapon in this.”

Damon sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“Let’s not chase shadows. Our focus should be on the Blue Moon Pack and their actions, or lack thereof. They’re our allies, or at least they were supposed to be.”


Axel nodded in agreement.

“We’ve known the Blue Moon Pack for years. Their Alpha has always been honorable. It’s unlikely they’d stoop to such pettiness.”

“But their silence is troubling,” Zane interjected. “An attack on our borders, and they did nothing. We can’t ignore that.”

I leaned back, feeling a mixture of frustration and helplessness.

“So, what’s our next move? How do we approach this without causing a diplomatic incident?”

Damon met my gaze, his eyes reflecting determination.

“We send an envoy. We need to talk to them, face to face. Understand their reasons.”

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“And if their reasons aren’t satisfactory?” I asked, the possibility hanging in the air like a dark cloud.

“Then we reassess our alliance,” Axel said firmly. “But let’s not jump ahead. We need to tread carefully.”

Zane added,

rity is the safety and stability of our pack. Anything that

hat, we deal with it. Head-on.”

The conversation shifted to planning our approach to the Blue Moon Pack. We discussed various scenarios, each more complex than the last. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I felt a sense of unity, a shared purpose that bolstered my spirits.

As the night deepened, and our plans became more concrete, I couldn’t shake off a sense of foreboding. The note, the attack, and now the silence from our allies-it was all interconnected in a web of intrigue and hidden motives.

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But nimid the uncertainty one thing wamlebrawwwwere in this together Our bond both as matetranth sale cleerstof our pack, anasummardatest strength. With Danon, Aveskobrandofane at my dede fett ready to face whatever lay aheach WWWe would unravel isis mystery one thread at a time, no matter wiwhere it ted us.

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