Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 63

Chapter 63.

Damon POV:

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The house was quiet, almost eerily so, as I made my way through the dimly lit corridors. The meeting had left a lingering unease in the air, a tension that seemed to seep into the very walls of our home. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, strategies, and concerns, all revolving around one undeniable fact Phera was in danger, and we were in the thick of an unseen battle.

As I entered my room, the events of the past few days replayed in my head. The attack, its precise execution, the mysterious note, and most importantly, the target – Phera. It was a calculated move, a strike meant to destabilize not just her but our entire pack. The realization that someone was specifically targeting her, potentially someone from within our own ranks, was both infuriating and deeply concerning.

I paced the room, each step echoing my growing frustration. Phera, strong and resilient, had become more than just a mate to me. She was a part of my life, a vital presence that I couldn’t



imagine being without. The thought of her lying in the infirmary, hurt and vulnerable, ignited a protective rage in me that was hard to contain.

Axel had suggested increasing patrols and tightening security, a necessary move, but it felt like a band-aid solution. The real issue ran deeper, more sinister. Our conversation about the Blue Moon Pack added another layer of complexity to the situation. Their silence during the attack was suspicious, a deviation from the strong alliance we had always shared. The upcoming envoy to their territory was crucial, but it was also a move that could tip the delicate balance of power.

As an Alpha, the responsibility weighed heavily on me. Every decision, every action we took had to be calculated and precise. The safety of our pack, of Phera, depended on it. I couldn’t afford to let my emotions cloud my judgment, but the protective instinct was overwhelming.

The clock on the wall ticked steadily, a reminder that time was of the essence. We needed to act, and soon. The enemy was still a shadow, unseen and unknown, but I was determined to bring them into the light.

Lying down on my bed, I tried to clear my mind, to focus on the


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task ahead. But my thoughts inevitably drifted back to Phera. Her strength, her bravery, her unwavering spirit in the face of danger. She was more than just a Luna; she was a warrior, a leader, and the woman I loved.

As the night deepened, a sense of resolve settled over me. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them head-on. We would protect our pack, uncover the truth behind the attack, and most importantly, keep Phera safe.

And with that determination firmly etched in my heart, I closed my eyes, allowing the fatigue of the day to finally take over. But even in sleep, my mind remained vigilant, ready for whatever the next day would bring.

Zane POV:

The stillness of the night was a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me as I retreated to the solitude of my room. The house was silent, each of us ensconced in our thoughts after the day’s revelations and strategizing. Lying on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, my mind relentlessly replaying every detail of the past few days.



The attack, so vicious and calculated, was a clear message sent by someone who knew exactly how to hurt us most effectively. The thought of Phera, the target of this heinous act, stirred a deep-seated anger in me. It was an emotion that resonated with my protective instincts, instincts that extended beyond our roles as Alphas. Phera was more than just our mate; she was a part of us, her pain was our pain.

I rolled over, my thoughts drifting to the meeting with the Council. Their evasive responses and the lack of support from the Blue Moon Pack were troubling. It wasn’t just the breach of

of alliance that concerned me; it was the underlying implication

more ominous plot. And then there was the note, a

vidence that only deepened the mystery.


1 pondered over our decision to send an envoy to the Blue Moon Pack. The move was necessary but fraught with risk. If the alliance was indeed fractured, it could spell trouble for us, potentially even leading to a conflict we were keen to avoid.

But amidst all these concerns, one thing stood out – Phera’s safety. The thought of her in danger, of her being a pawn in someone else’s game, was something I couldn’t bear. My role as her mate, as her protector, was something I took seriously. It was a vow I had silently made to myself, a promise to stand as her guardian against any threat.



As I lay in the quiet of the night, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for Phera’s courage. Despite everything, she remained strong, her spirit unbroken. She was the Luna our pack needed, a beacon of strength and resilience. Her presence had changed us, brought a new dimension to our lives that we didn’t even know was missing.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

The night wore on, and I found myself lost in thoughts of the future. The challenges ahead were daunting, but I was ready to face them. Our bond with Phera had only grown stronger, and together, there was nothing we couldn’t overcome.

A guardian’s resolve settled over me, a silent oath to protect, to fight, to stand by Phera through whatever storms may come. And with that resolve, I finally closed my eyes, drifting into a restless sleep filled with the shadows of uncertainty but also the unyielding light of our combined strength.

And as dawn approached, bringing with it the promise of a new day, I knew we were ready for whatever lay ahead. Together, as a pack, as a family, we would face the unknown, united and unbreakable.

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