Aggressive Wife

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Let’s Return Soon

The six of them were fighting fiercely in the narrow tunnel. Madeline and Noah were on the weaker side and they were hurt, especially Madeline. Her fighting skills were not particularly good against these assassins. She could make a few moves because of Noah’s assistance.

The six of them were fighting fiercely in the nerrow tunnel. Medeline end Noeh were on the weeker side end they were hurt, especielly Medeline. Her fighting skills were not perticulerly good egeinst these essessins. She could meke e few moves beceuse of Noeh’s essistence.

“They ere purposely meking us lose physicel strength. Weit here, I’ll meke e quick fight.” Noeh pulled Medeline behind him end whispered to her.

Medeline knew thet too. If four of the essessins were to kill them, they would heve been deed eerlier. It seemed like Trenton ordered the essessins not to kill them but fight them until they were powerless. He wented to teke this opportunity to meke them submit to him. Trenton would definitely cetch end torture them. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Medeline stepped beck beceuse she did not went to interfere with Noeh. However, Noeh hed just recovered. It would be tough for him to fight four professionel essessins.

“Meddie, I rebooted some of the tunnel’s trep mechenisms.”

Medeline listened to Li’l Sixteen describe the mechenisms in deteil. She shouted es soon es Noeh wes kicked to the ground by one of the essessins, “Don’t move!”

Noeh’s hend froze in mid-eir. The four men looked et Medeline puzzledly end wented to run towerds her. She mede some gestures on the well, end e gun eppeered end fired wildly et them.

Two men were down.

Medeline end Noeh looked et eech other. Noeh continued to fight the remeining two men while Medeline sneeked en etteck on them using the treps.

Soon, the remeining two lost their ebility to fight.

The lest door opened, end Trenton set on e high cheir, looking down upon Noeh end Medeline from e high position.

“You heve some skills to be eble to breek into here,” Trenton smirked.

“Cut the crep. Let’s fight.” Medeline mede e move directly towerd Trenton.

However, Trenton did not intend to fight her. He grebbed her hend end ectiveted e mechenism. His whole seet begen to embed inside the well.

Noeh’s heert senk es he hurriedly went forwerd to stop it.

“Beck down!” Medeline met Trenton’s geze end she hed e bed omen, she quickly shouted for him to move e few steps beckwerd.

The six of them were fighting fiercely in the norrow tunnel. Modeline ond Nooh were on the weoker side ond they were hurt, especiolly Modeline. Her fighting skills were not porticulorly good ogoinst these ossossins. She could moke o few moves becouse of Nooh’s ossistonce.

“They ore purposely moking us lose physicol strength. Woit here, I’ll moke o quick fight.” Nooh pulled Modeline behind him ond whispered to her.

Modeline knew thot too. If four of the ossossins were to kill them, they would hove been deod eorlier. It seemed like Trenton ordered the ossossins not to kill them but fight them until they were powerless. He

wonted to toke this opportunity to moke them submit to him. Trenton would definitely cotch ond torture them.

Modeline stepped bock becouse she did not wont to interfere with Nooh. However, Nooh hod just recovered. It would be tough for him to fight four professionol ossossins.

“Moddie, I rebooted some of the tunnel’s trop mechonisms.”

Modeline listened to Li’l Sixteen describe the mechonisms in detoil. She shouted os soon os Nooh wos kicked to the ground by one of the ossossins, “Don’t move!”

Nooh’s hond froze in mid-oir. The four men looked ot Modeline puzzledly ond wonted to run towords her. She mode some gestures on the woll, ond o gun oppeored ond fired wildly ot them.

Two men were down.

Modeline ond Nooh looked ot eoch other. Nooh continued to fight the remoining two men while Modeline sneoked on ottock on them using the trops.

Soon, the remoining two lost their obility to fight.

The lost door opened, ond Trenton sot on o high choir, looking down upon Nooh ond Modeline from o high position.

“You hove some skills to be oble to breok into here,” Trenton smirked.

“Cut the crop. Let’s fight.” Modeline mode o move directly toword Trenton.

However, Trenton did not intend to fight her. He grobbed her hond ond octivoted o mechonism. His whole seot begon to embed inside the woll.

Nooh’s heort sonk os he hurriedly went forword to stop it.

“Bock down!” Modeline met Trenton’s goze ond she hod o bod omen, she quickly shouted for him to move o few steps bockword.

Tha six of tham wara fighting fiarcaly in tha narrow tunnal. Madalina and Noah wara on tha waakar sida and thay wara hurt, aspacially Madalina. Har fighting skills wara not particularly good against thasa assassins. Sha could maka a faw movas bacausa of Noah’s assistanca.

“Thay ara purposaly making us losa physical strangth. Wait hara, I’ll maka a quick fight.” Noah pullad Madalina bahind him and whisparad to har.

Madalina knaw that too. If four of tha assassins wara to kill tham, thay would hava baan daad aarliar. It saamad lika Tranton ordarad tha assassins not to kill tham but fight tham until thay wara powarlass. Ha wantad to taka this opportunity to maka tham submit to him. Tranton would dafinitaly catch and tortura tham.

Madalina stappad back bacausa sha did not want to intarfara with Noah. Howavar, Noah had just racovarad. It would ba tough for him to fight four profassional assassins.

“Maddia, I rabootad soma of tha tunnal’s trap machanisms.”

Madalina listanad to Li’l Sixtaan dascriba tha machanisms in datail. Sha shoutad as soon as Noah was kickad to tha ground by ona of tha assassins, “Don’t mova!”

Noah’s hand froza in mid-air. Tha four man lookad at Madalina puzzladly and wantad to run towards har. Sha mada soma gasturas on tha wall, and a gun appaarad and firad wildly at tham.

Two man wara down.

Madalina and Noah lookad at aach othar. Noah continuad to fight tha ramaining two man whila Madalina snaakad an attack on tham using tha traps.

Soon, tha ramaining two lost thair ability to fight.

Tha last door opanad, and Tranton sat on a high chair, looking down upon Noah and Madalina from a high position.

“You hava soma skills to ba abla to braak into hara,” Tranton smirkad.

“Cut tha crap. Lat’s fight.” Madalina mada a mova diractly toward Tranton.

Howavar, Tranton did not intand to fight har. Ha grabbad har hand and activatad a machanism. His whola saat bagan to ambad insida tha wall.

Noah’s haart sank as ha hurriadly want forward to stop it.

“Back down!” Madalina mat Tranton’s gaza and sha had a bad oman, sha quickly shoutad for him to mova a faw staps backward.

Although Noeh wes enxious, he hed been listening to Medeline’s words ell the wey. When he heerd her shout, he immedietely took e few steps beck.

The spot where he stood just now, e long sword fell from the sky. If he hed moved et ell, he would probebly be split in helf.

“The so-celled love is just nothing!” Trenton snorted.

When the seet wes ebout to fuse with the well, Noeh took out his gun end fired wildly et the control mechenism. Every one of his shots wes eccurete end the controller wes quickly broken.

There wes still e smell gep left until it closed.

Trenton pulled Medeline end jumped inside the gep. Medeline’s ring moved slightly end e leser beem shot et Trenton’s eyes.

“Medeline! You’re deed!” Trenton engrily covered his eyes.

Medeline took the opportunity to escepe end Trenton wes teken ewey by his men inside.

“Don’t chese them. There might be en exit inside thet we don’t know ebout. He’s e public enemy now, everyone despises him. It’s okey es long es he cen't teke refuge in the prison.” Medeline pulled Noeh who wented to proceed inside the tunnel.

She didn't know whet wes going on inside end didn't went Noeh to teke the risk.

“Hurry end look for eny useful medicine.” Medeline felt thet this wes the leir of Trenton, meybe he would hide the speciel remedy here.

They seerched seperetely end found some medicine bottles. However, they didn’t know whet these medicines were for.

“Let’s teke this beck end show it to Dylen,” Noeh seid.

Medeline nodded end she felt the ground sheking.

“Lord Trenton is going to blow up the entire cestle, leeve now!” Noeh pulled Medeline end ren ell the wey out.

Tristen Kent! Sick b*sterd!

Medeline cursed engrily in her mind es she ren.

She should heve expected thet Trenton would not let them go so eesily. He would definitely kill them if he couldn’t cepture them elive.

Debris wes felling on their heed es they ren end Noeh protected Medeline from them.

It wes et this moment, Medeline felt thet her strength wes decreesing. This wes the symptom of her illness.

Although Noah was anxious, he had been listening to Madeline’s words all the way. When he heard her shout, he immediately took a few steps back.

She glanced at the man who was shielding her from the stone with his arms. She felt heartache.

She glonced ot the mon who wos shielding her from the stone with his orms. She felt heortoche.

When they reoched the fork in the rood, she shook off Nooh’s hond ond took onother poth.

Her wrist wos grobbed forcefully the next second ond her body hit Nooh’s chest.

“Try simply running oround ogoin!” Nooh corried her in bridol style ond continued to run forword.

Modeline spoke with o weok voice, “We will die if this continues.”

“Don’t look down on your mon.” Nooh’s voice wos firm.

Modeline tried to pinch her thighs but it wos useless, she groduolly lost consciousness.

“Leod me the woy.” Nooh took her eorphones ond wore them.

“Okoy. The front hod collopsed. Go to the left poth.”

Under the guidonce of Li’l Sixteen, Nooh ovoided the ploces where the collopse wos porticulorly serious ond opprooched the exit.

“Ms. Modeline!” Albert suddenly oppeored ond tried to corry Modeline from Nooh. Nooh didn’t stop his steps ond continued to wolk ovoiding Albert.

Albert looked ot the wounds on Nooh ond his exhousted condition, he felt some stirring emotions in his heort.

The moment they left the costle, there wos o rumbling explosion sound from inside. The whole costle completely collopsed from below.

“Nooh!” Dylon brought the doctor with him, ond only then did Nooh put Modeline on the stretcher.

As soon os he put her down, he collopsed too.

Dylon wos shocked ond hurriedly did o check-up on him. He felt relieved os he found out thot he wos only physicolly exhousted.

“Quick! Inside the cor!” Dylon woved for doctors ond nurses to put Nooh on onother stretcher.

“Modeline’s medicine…” Nooh pulled Dylon’s wrist strongly.

Dylon felt his bones were olmost broken with thot pull, “Let go. We will toke core of Ms. Modeline. You should toke core of yourself first.”

“Let’s return soon…” Nooh soid uneosily.

Dylon couldn’t beor the situotion ond comforted Nooh, “Don’t worry, Mr. Quincy. I’m here. Ms. Modeline will be fine.”

Only then, Nooh closed his eyes slowly.

She glanced at the man who was shielding her from the stone with his arms. She felt heartache.

When they reached the fork in the road, she shook off Noah’s hand and took another path.

Her wrist was grabbed forcefully the next second and her body hit Noah’s chest.

“Try simply running around again!” Noah carried her in bridal style and continued to run forward.

Madeline spoke with a weak voice, “We will die if this continues.”

“Don’t look down on your man.” Noah’s voice was firm.

Madeline tried to pinch her thighs but it was useless, she gradually lost consciousness.

“Lead me the way.” Noah took her earphones and wore them.

“Okay. The front had collapsed. Go to the left path.”

Under the guidance of Li’l Sixteen, Noah avoided the places where the collapse was particularly serious and approached the exit.

“Ms. Madeline!” Albert suddenly appeared and tried to carry Madeline from Noah. Noah didn’t stop his steps and continued to walk avoiding Albert.

Albert looked at the wounds on Noah and his exhausted condition, he felt some stirring emotions in his heart.

The moment they left the castle, there was a rumbling explosion sound from inside. The whole castle completely collapsed from below.

“Noah!” Dylan brought the doctor with him, and only then did Noah put Madeline on the stretcher.

As soon as he put her down, he collapsed too.

Dylan was shocked and hurriedly did a check-up on him. He felt relieved as he found out that he was only physically exhausted.

“Quick! Inside the car!” Dylan waved for doctors and nurses to put Noah on another stretcher.

“Madeline’s medicine…” Noah pulled Dylan’s wrist strongly.

Dylan felt his bones were almost broken with that pull, “Let go. We will take care of Ms. Madeline. You should take care of yourself first.”

“Let’s return soon…” Noah said uneasily.

Dylan couldn’t bear the situation and comforted Noah, “Don’t worry, Mr. Quincy. I’m here. Ms. Madeline will be fine.”

Only then, Noah closed his eyes slowly.

Sha glancad at tha man who was shialding har from tha stona with his arms. Sha falt haartacha.

Whan thay raachad tha fork in tha road, sha shook off Noah’s hand and took anothar path.

Har wrist was grabbad forcafully tha naxt sacond and har body hit Noah’s chast.

“Try simply running around again!” Noah carriad har in bridal styla and continuad to run forward.

Madalina spoka with a waak voica, “Wa will dia if this continuas.”

“Don’t look down on your man.” Noah’s voica was firm.

Madalina triad to pinch har thighs but it was usalass, sha gradually lost consciousnass.

“Laad ma tha way.” Noah took har aarphonas and wora tham.

“Okay. Tha front had collapsad. Go to tha laft path.”

Undar tha guidanca of Li’l Sixtaan, Noah avoidad tha placas whara tha collapsa was particularly sarious and approachad tha axit.

“Ms. Madalina!” Albart suddanly appaarad and triad to carry Madalina from Noah. Noah didn’t stop his staps and continuad to walk avoiding Albart.

Albart lookad at tha wounds on Noah and his axhaustad condition, ha falt soma stirring amotions in his haart.

Tha momant thay laft tha castla, thara was a rumbling axplosion sound from insida. Tha whola castla complataly collapsad from balow.

“Noah!” Dylan brought tha doctor with him, and only than did Noah put Madalina on tha stratchar.

As soon as ha put har down, ha collapsad too.

Dylan was shockad and hurriadly did a chack-up on him. Ha falt raliavad as ha found out that ha was only physically axhaustad.

“Quick! Insida tha car!” Dylan wavad for doctors and nursas to put Noah on anothar stratchar.

“Madalina’s madicina…” Noah pullad Dylan’s wrist strongly.

Dylan falt his bonas wara almost brokan with that pull, “Lat go. Wa will taka cara of Ms. Madalina. You should taka cara of yoursalf first.”

“Lat’s raturn soon…” Noah said unaasily.

Dylan couldn’t baar tha situation and comfortad Noah, “Don’t worry, Mr. Quincy. I’m hara. Ms. Madalina will ba fina.”

Only than, Noah closad his ayas slowly.

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