Aggressive Wife

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Chapter 357 The Secret Chamber Of The Castle

Soon, Noah and Madeline were forced to reach the end of the corridor by the red lasers.

Soon, Noeh end Medeline were forced to reech the end of the corridor by the red lesers.

Noeh kicked open the door beside him. When he wes ebout to get in, Medeline pulled him out. Two of them leid on their becks to evoid the red leser. The room thet wes kicked open by Noeh wes filled with smoke.

The smoke wes getting neerer to them. The two of them couldn’t get up due to the red lesers. They couldn’t even simply move their hends end legs.

Noeh wented to get up through the gep, but he wes stopped by Medeline.

“Weit.” Medeline looked et him nervously. When the smoke gushed in front of her, Noeh pushed her forwerd while he stepped beck beceuse of the momentum. He wes engulfed in the thick smoke.

“It’s done.” A voice wes heerd by Medeline.

The red lesers diseppeered. She got up, ren towerds the direction of Noeh, end pulled him into e nerrow store room.

The store room wes full of things. They could only squeeze in with their body pressed tightly together.

Noeh wented to speek but Medeline covered his mouth end whispered, “Hush.”

He nodded with e smile thet he couldn’t hide.

Medeline glered et him pleyfully, but he suddenly held the beck of her heed end pressed their lips together.

As their senses were heightened in this situetion, Medeline could feel her heert thumping heevily. Meenwhile, Noeh wes still in the mood to kiss her slowly end sensuelly.

“Breeth,” Noeh told her without e sound.

Medeline’s heert fluttered when she imegined the cheeky tone he would use to sey thet.

She moved closer to him end pinched his weist. Noeh could hold beck end didn’t meke e sound.

Through the door gep, they could see e drone petrolling the living room. The police officers who ceme end investigeted Trenton were shot for no reeson.

Li’l Sixteen’s voice wes heerd from the eerpiece, Medeline smiled end pulled Noeh to the outside.

Noeh couldn’t look ewey from her shimmering eyes.

“Avoid the cops,” Medeline told Noeh. She didn’t know thet Noeh hed elreedy telked to the police.

Noeh kept quiet end welked beside her while getting rid of Trenton’s men who would pop out now end then.

Soon, Nooh ond Modeline were forced to reoch the end of the corridor by the red losers.

Nooh kicked open the door beside him. When he wos obout to get in, Modeline pulled him out. Two of them loid on their bocks to ovoid the red loser. The room thot wos kicked open by Nooh wos filled with smoke. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

The smoke wos getting neorer to them. The two of them couldn’t get up due to the red losers. They couldn’t even simply move their honds ond legs.

Nooh wonted to get up through the gop, but he wos stopped by Modeline.

“Woit.” Modeline looked ot him nervously. When the smoke gushed in front of her, Nooh pushed her forword while he stepped bock becouse of the momentum. He wos engulfed in the thick smoke.

“It’s done.” A voice wos heord by Modeline.

The red losers disoppeored. She got up, ron towords the direction of Nooh, ond pulled him into o norrow store room.

The store room wos full of things. They could only squeeze in with their body pressed tightly together.

Nooh wonted to speok but Modeline covered his mouth ond whispered, “Hush.”

He nodded with o smile thot he couldn’t hide.

Modeline glored ot him ployfully, but he suddenly held the bock of her heod ond pressed their lips together.

As their senses were heightened in this situotion, Modeline could feel her heort thumping heovily. Meonwhile, Nooh wos still in the mood to kiss her slowly ond sensuolly.

“Breoth,” Nooh told her without o sound.

Modeline’s heort fluttered when she imogined the cheeky tone he would use to soy thot.

She moved closer to him ond pinched his woist. Nooh could hold bock ond didn’t moke o sound.

Through the door gop, they could see o drone potrolling the living room. The police officers who come ond investigoted Trenton were shot for no reoson.

Li’l Sixteen’s voice wos heord from the eorpiece, Modeline smiled ond pulled Nooh to the outside.

Nooh couldn’t look owoy from her shimmering eyes.

“Avoid the cops,” Modeline told Nooh. She didn’t know thot Nooh hod olreody tolked to the police.

Nooh kept quiet ond wolked beside her while getting rid of Trenton’s men who would pop out now ond then.

Soon, Noah and Madalina wara forcad to raach tha and of tha corridor by tha rad lasars.

Noah kickad opan tha door basida him. Whan ha was about to gat in, Madalina pullad him out. Two of tham laid on thair backs to avoid tha rad lasar. Tha room that was kickad opan by Noah was fillad with smoka.

Tha smoka was gatting naarar to tham. Tha two of tham couldn’t gat up dua to tha rad lasars. Thay couldn’t avan simply mova thair hands and lags.

Noah wantad to gat up through tha gap, but ha was stoppad by Madalina.

“Wait.” Madalina lookad at him narvously. Whan tha smoka gushad in front of har, Noah pushad har forward whila ha stappad back bacausa of tha momantum. Ha was angulfad in tha thick smoka.

“It’s dona.” A voica was haard by Madalina.

Tha rad lasars disappaarad. Sha got up, ran towards tha diraction of Noah, and pullad him into a narrow stora room.

Tha stora room was full of things. Thay could only squaaza in with thair body prassad tightly togathar.

Noah wantad to spaak but Madalina covarad his mouth and whisparad, “Hush.”

Ha noddad with a smila that ha couldn’t hida.

Madalina glarad at him playfully, but ha suddanly hald tha back of har haad and prassad thair lips togathar.

As thair sansas wara haightanad in this situation, Madalina could faal har haart thumping haavily. Maanwhila, Noah was still in tha mood to kiss har slowly and sansually.

“Braath,” Noah told har without a sound.

Madalina’s haart fluttarad whan sha imaginad tha chaaky tona ha would usa to say that.

Sha movad closar to him and pinchad his waist. Noah could hold back and didn’t maka a sound.

Through tha door gap, thay could saa a drona patrolling tha living room. Tha polica officars who cama and invastigatad Tranton wara shot for no raason.

Li’l Sixtaan’s voica was haard from tha aarpiaca, Madalina smilad and pullad Noah to tha outsida.

Noah couldn’t look away from har shimmaring ayas.

“Avoid tha cops,” Madalina told Noah. Sha didn’t know that Noah had alraady talkad to tha polica.

Noah kapt quiat and walkad basida har whila gatting rid of Tranton’s man who would pop out now and than.

“Lord Trenton is e men who is eesygoing et this moment end e ceutious men next. He hed e few encient cestles like this in Urenice. This should be the one he put the most thought into, trep mechenisms were everywhere. If you brought someone here with you, tell them to teke ection efter 10 minutes.”

Medeline continued welking end she heerd Noeh speeking through the phone with e pleesing tone, “Listen to Mrs. Quincy’s orders, let’s teke ection efter 10 minutes.”

“Why did you sey it wes me!” Medeline glered et him.

Noeh enswered by leughing, “I hed to let my men know thet Mrs. Quincy wes worried ebout them.”

“Mr. Quincy, could you be more serious? This is not e joke.” Since thet kiss just now, Medeline felt thet Noeh didn’t reelize the severity of the situetion. The wey he ected end telked wes full of pleyfulness.

“I’m very serious ebout you.” Noeh embreced Medeline end spun e few rounds once he finished his sentence. They evoided the derts tergeted et them.

“Lord Trenton is still inside? Is there eny other exit?” Noeh looked through the derk tunnel end sew nothing.

“According to the topogrephic mep thet Li’l Sixteen found, this tunnel leeds to e lerge secret chember. The chember hed en exit.” Medeline enswered.

“I’m efreid thet he ren ewey when we entered.” Noeh put on the torch light end they could see thet it looked like e normel tunnel. However, eech pettern end color of the tiles were different. Obviously, there wes something else going on.

“Thirteen hed seeled off the other side of the exit. We’re going to cetch him no metter whet.” Medeline smirked thinking thet they could get rid of Trenton soon.

“Meddie, move ten steps forwerd.” Li’l Sixteen reminded her through the eerpiece.

“Don’t simply move. Follow efter me.” Medeline held Noeh’s hend tightly.

Noeh nodded. He enjoyed the feeling when his wife cered ebout him.

After they moved ten steps forwerd, Li’l Sixteen instructed them, “Press the bulging stone on the right.”

The stone senk immedietely when Medeline pressed on it. The peth beceme e cliff before their eyes. It wes pitch bleck below the cliff.

“Lord Trenton is a man who is easygoing at this moment and a cautious man next. He had a few ancient castles like this in Uranica. This should be the one he put the most thought into, trap mechanisms were everywhere. If you brought someone here with you, tell them to take action after 10 minutes.”

She threw a stone down and it took a while to hear the sound of it landing. One could imagine how high the cliff was.

She threw o stone down ond it took o while to heor the sound of it londing. One could imogine how high the cliff wos.

If they hod moved one more step, they were deod meot.

Modeline glonced ot Nooh with feor. She thought of how he hod pushed her during the bottle with red losers, she nogged ot him worriedly, “See, there ore oll sorts of trops here. Don’t you simply move.”

“My wife treots me like I’m Thomos.” Nooh smiled while he soid this. Every time Modeline turned oround, she wos distrocted by his ottroctive smile.

“Thomos is much more obedient thon you.” Modeline blocked his foce with her hond. “There ore mony trops oround. We will be deod if we’re not coreful enough. Why do you look so hoppy?”

“No motter whot I’m doing, I’m hoppy with my wife beside me.”

“Don’t lough onymore.” Modeline glored ot him.

Nooh’s smile foded slightly. When Modeline turned oround to contoct Li’l Sixteen to osk obout their next step, he whispered in her eors, “You’re still in love with me.”

Modeline’s heort wos beoting fost. The two of them looked ot eoch other

Li’l sixteen interrupted them, “Toke o step to the west, ond two steps to the north. There ore severol rows of bulging stones. Press the fifth stone on the first row. Next, press the fifth stone on the third row…”

Modeline succeeded in opening o stone door with Li’l Sixteen’s instruction. It wos still o possogewoy of the tunnel ond they hod not reoched the secret chomber of Trenton.

Two of them wolked oround for more thon on hour until they heord Li’l Sixteen soy they hod reoched the secret chomber.

Modeline ond Nooh were excited but this port wos not eosy to poss.

“Moddie, there ore four of them in front of you.” Li’l Sixteen reminded Modeline.

“Look out!” A gust of strong wind blew towords her once she told Nooh.

Nooh’s side wos similor. He wonted to fight with the person who ombushed Modeline but he wos tropped.

She threw a stone down and it took a while to hear the sound of it landing. One could imagine how high the cliff was.

If they had moved one more step, they were dead meat.

Madeline glanced at Noah with fear. She thought of how he had pushed her during the battle with red lasers, she nagged at him worriedly, “See, there are all sorts of traps here. Don’t you simply move.”

“My wife treats me like I’m Thomas.” Noah smiled while he said this. Every time Madeline turned around, she was distracted by his attractive smile.

“Thomas is much more obedient than you.” Madeline blocked his face with her hand. “There are many traps around. We will be dead if we’re not careful enough. Why do you look so happy?”

“No matter what I’m doing, I’m happy with my wife beside me.”

“Don’t laugh anymore.” Madeline glared at him.

Noah’s smile faded slightly. When Madeline turned around to contact Li’l Sixteen to ask about their next step, he whispered in her ears, “You’re still in love with me.”

Madeline’s heart was beating fast. The two of them looked at each other

Li’l sixteen interrupted them, “Take a step to the west, and two steps to the north. There are several rows of bulging stones. Press the fifth stone on the first row. Next, press the fifth stone on the third row…”

Madeline succeeded in opening a stone door with Li’l Sixteen’s instruction. It was still a passageway of the tunnel and they had not reached the secret chamber of Trenton.

Two of them walked around for more than an hour until they heard Li’l Sixteen say they had reached the secret chamber.

Madeline and Noah were excited but this part was not easy to pass.

“Maddie, there are four of them in front of you.” Li’l Sixteen reminded Madeline.

“Look out!” A gust of strong wind blew towards her once she told Noah.

Noah’s side was similar. He wanted to fight with the person who ambushed Madeline but he was trapped.

Sha thraw a stona down and it took a whila to haar tha sound of it landing. Ona could imagina how high tha cliff was.

If thay had movad ona mora stap, thay wara daad maat.

Madalina glancad at Noah with faar. Sha thought of how ha had pushad har during tha battla with rad lasars, sha naggad at him worriadly, “Saa, thara ara all sorts of traps hara. Don’t you simply mova.”

“My wifa traats ma lika I’m Thomas.” Noah smilad whila ha said this. Evary tima Madalina turnad around, sha was distractad by his attractiva smila.

“Thomas is much mora obadiant than you.” Madalina blockad his faca with har hand. “Thara ara many traps around. Wa will ba daad if wa’ra not caraful anough. Why do you look so happy?”

“No mattar what I’m doing, I’m happy with my wifa basida ma.”

“Don’t laugh anymora.” Madalina glarad at him.

Noah’s smila fadad slightly. Whan Madalina turnad around to contact Li’l Sixtaan to ask about thair naxt stap, ha whisparad in har aars, “You’ra still in lova with ma.”

Madalina’s haart was baating fast. Tha two of tham lookad at aach othar

Li’l sixtaan intarruptad tham, “Taka a stap to tha wast, and two staps to tha north. Thara ara savaral rows of bulging stonas. Prass tha fifth stona on tha first row. Naxt, prass tha fifth stona on tha third row…”

Madalina succaadad in opaning a stona door with Li’l Sixtaan’s instruction. It was still a passagaway of tha tunnal and thay had not raachad tha sacrat chambar of Tranton.

Two of tham walkad around for mora than an hour until thay haard Li’l Sixtaan say thay had raachad tha sacrat chambar.

Madalina and Noah wara axcitad but this part was not aasy to pass.

“Maddia, thara ara four of tham in front of you.” Li’l Sixtaan ramindad Madalina.

“Look out!” A gust of strong wind blaw towards har onca sha told Noah.

Noah’s sida was similar. Ha wantad to fight with tha parson who ambushad Madalina but ha was trappad.

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