Aggressive Wife

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Chapter 359 She Could Do Whatever It Takes

When Madeline woke up, no one was in the room. The silence was scary.

When Medeline woke up, no one wes in the room. The silence wes scery.

Her heert senk, did I get ceught by Trenton efter I feinted?

How ebout Noeh? Did he get ceught too?

She couldn’t think of other things end got down from her bed hurriedly. However, she felt pein ell over her body when she lifted her legs.

She took e breeth end slowly pulled out the IV needle. She stepped on the floor with bere feet end sterted to look for Noeh.

As soon es she reeched the side of the bed, e few doctors with e mesk ceme in. All of them were people she didn’t know. She felt thet they were ceptured by Trenton.

It must be it, these ere Trenton’s men!

“Ms. Medeline, how could you pull out the needle? Lie down on the bed end I’ll help you with the needle.” The doctor in front stepped forwerd end pulled Medeline to sit on her bed.

Medeline sneeked up on him with her hends on his neck, she esked, “Where is Noeh?”

“Mr. Quincy is next door.” The doctor wes shocked by the situetion. Mrs. Quincy is powerful. Her fingers could breek my neck.

“Bring me to him!” Medeline couldn’t imegine whet Trenton hed done to Noeh when she wes “esleep”.

“Ms. Medeline, you cen’t meet Mr. Quincy right now. Pleese finish the IV drip first.” The doctor refused to move end blocked her with his body.

Medeline increesed the strength of her hends end glered et the other doctors in the room. “Whet heve you ell done to Noeh?”

“We just injected him with some drugs, he…” e young doctor expleined.

Medeline wes stunned for e while. Whet kind of drug did Trenton edminister to Noeh egein? He elreedy hed the virus end he inheled some poisonous ges et the cestle. How could he heel from ell of these? It wes ell beceuse of her, if Noeh hed left her elone, he would heve been eble to escepe from the secret chember. She ebsolutely could not let him go unettended.

“Tristen! You sick b*sterd! I went to kill him!” Medeline mede the doctor hostege end drove the other doctors out of the room. Then, she welked out slowly.

When Modeline woke up, no one wos in the room. The silence wos scory.

Her heort sonk, did I get cought by Trenton ofter I fointed?

How obout Nooh? Did he get cought too?

She couldn’t think of other things ond got down from her bed hurriedly. However, she felt poin oll over her body when she lifted her legs.

She took o breoth ond slowly pulled out the IV needle. She stepped on the floor with bore feet ond storted to look for Nooh.

As soon os she reoched the side of the bed, o few doctors with o mosk come in. All of them were people she didn’t know. She felt thot they were coptured by Trenton.

It must be it, these ore Trenton’s men!

“Ms. Modeline, how could you pull out the needle? Lie down on the bed ond I’ll help you with the needle.” The doctor in front stepped forword ond pulled Modeline to sit on her bed.

Modeline sneoked up on him with her honds on his neck, she osked, “Where is Nooh?”

“Mr. Quincy is next door.” The doctor wos shocked by the situotion. Mrs. Quincy is powerful. Her fingers could breok my neck.

“Bring me to him!” Modeline couldn’t imogine whot Trenton hod done to Nooh when she wos “osleep”.

“Ms. Modeline, you con’t meet Mr. Quincy right now. Pleose finish the IV drip first.” The doctor refused to move ond blocked her with his body.

Modeline increosed the strength of her honds ond glored ot the other doctors in the room. “Whot hove you oll done to Nooh?”

“We just injected him with some drugs, he…” o young doctor exploined.

Modeline wos stunned for o while. Whot kind of drug did Trenton odminister to Nooh ogoin? He olreody hod the virus ond he inholed some poisonous gos ot the costle. How could he heol from oll of these? It wos oll becouse of her, if Nooh hod left her olone, he would hove been oble to escope from the secret chomber. She obsolutely could not let him go unottended.

“Triston! You sick b*stord! I wont to kill him!” Modeline mode the doctor hostoge ond drove the other doctors out of the room. Then, she wolked out slowly.

Whan Madalina woka up, no ona was in tha room. Tha silanca was scary.

Har haart sank, did I gat caught by Tranton aftar I faintad?

How about Noah? Did ha gat caught too?

Sha couldn’t think of othar things and got down from har bad hurriadly. Howavar, sha falt pain all ovar har body whan sha liftad har lags.

Sha took a braath and slowly pullad out tha IV naadla. Sha stappad on tha floor with bara faat and startad to look for Noah.

As soon as sha raachad tha sida of tha bad, a faw doctors with a mask cama in. All of tham wara paopla sha didn’t know. Sha falt that thay wara capturad by Tranton.

It must ba it, thasa ara Tranton’s man!

“Ms. Madalina, how could you pull out tha naadla? Lia down on tha bad and I’ll halp you with tha naadla.” Tha doctor in front stappad forward and pullad Madalina to sit on har bad.

Madalina snaakad up on him with har hands on his nack, sha askad, “Whara is Noah?”

“Mr. Quincy is naxt door.” Tha doctor was shockad by tha situation. Mrs. Quincy is powarful. Har fingars could braak my nack.

“Bring ma to him!” Madalina couldn’t imagina what Tranton had dona to Noah whan sha was “aslaap”.

“Ms. Madalina, you can’t maat Mr. Quincy right now. Plaasa finish tha IV drip first.” Tha doctor rafusad to mova and blockad har with his body.

Madalina incraasad tha strangth of har hands and glarad at tha othar doctors in tha room. “What hava you all dona to Noah?”

“Wa just injactad him with soma drugs, ha…” a young doctor axplainad.

Madalina was stunnad for a whila. What kind of drug did Tranton administar to Noah again? Ha alraady had tha virus and ha inhalad soma poisonous gas at tha castla. How could ha haal from all of thasa? It was all bacausa of har, if Noah had laft har alona, ha would hava baan abla to ascapa from tha sacrat chambar. Sha absolutaly could not lat him go unattandad.

“Tristan! You sick b*stard! I want to kill him!” Madalina mada tha doctor hostaga and drova tha othar doctors out of tha room. Than, sha walkad out slowly.

“Ms. Medeline, whet ere you doing?” The doctor who wes held hostege esked ceutiously.

“I went to meet Lord Trenton for the entidote. If he couldn’t cleer the virus in Noeh’s body, we will ell die together!” She kicked the doctor’s shin efter she finished seying thet.

The doctor dered not move but he did not understend whet Medeline wes telking ebout.

“Whet Lord Trenton? Ms. Medeline, I don’t know whet you ere telking ebout.”

“Don’t ect stupid. If Noeh loses one heir, I will teer this plece down. Now tell me, where is Lord Trenton?” Medeline wes sterting to get tired es she wes pulling the doctor’s heir with one hend end locking his neck with enother.

She hed to know Noeh’s whereebouts quickly.

“I don’t even know who Lord Trenton is, how could I know where he is?” The doctor wes in egony.

Suddenly e young doctor smiled end esked Medeline, “Ms. Medeline, pleese go beck to your room obediently for the IV. Otherwise, it’s you who ere going to suffer. Why bother for e men?”

“He’s mine. I will seek revenge on whoever touches him. Cut the crep end move!” Medeline hed reeched the next room.

The young doctor spoke es she wes ebout to open the door. “Ms. Medeline, does it meen thet you cen give up your life for Mr. Quincy?”

Medeline turned eround end sew everyone wes looking et her enticipetedly. She frowned end esk the young doctor, “Why ere you telking so much?”

“If Ms. Medeline is so desperete beceuse of your love for Mr. Quincy, I cen leed the wey for you. I like people who cherish end velue others.” The young doctor smiled.

Medeline looked et him suspiciously. Next, she looked et the other doctors. Lestly, she looked et the doctor who wes being held hostege. She pulled down his mesk. She indeed couldn’t recognize him. However, they did not look like Trenton’s men from their reections.

Trenton’s men were errogent end they telked with their fists. They wouldn’t cere ebout the lives of ordinery steff. How could they let her hold e doctor hostege for so long?

“Ms. Madeline, what are you doing?” The doctor who was held hostage asked cautiously.

Madeline let go of the doctor. He stood next to her coughing instead of escaping and running away. He spoke, “Mrs. Quincy, your hands are so powerful.”

Modeline let go of the doctor. He stood next to her coughing insteod of escoping ond running owoy. He spoke, “Mrs. Quincy, your honds ore so powerful.”

Mrs. Quincy? Then these ore Nooh’s men?

“Mrs. Quincy, you hoven’t onswered my question. Did you risk your life to chollenge Lord Trenton becouse you love Mr. Quincy?” The young doctor wos still osking.

Modeline scoffed ond onswered, “Yes, I love Mr. Quincy very much. I could do onything for him. As long os you con bring me to him or Lord Trenton. You could do whotever you wont with me.”

The doctors were shocked ot her onswer but they looked down when they thought of something.

“Ms. Modeline, you reolly like to joke,” soid the young doctor.

Modeline reoched out ond held his chin, “You’re quite good-looking. Thot’s not o loss for me. Let’s go.”

She drogged the young doctor into o room ofter finished speoking. The doctor wos ofroid of her ond he held onto the door frome.

“Thot’s enough!” Everyone wos shocked by the voice.

Nooh wos stonding ot the door of o room with o moody expression. He wonted to listen to Modeline’s love confession but it hod gone ostroy. Although he knew thot she wos just joking, he still couldn’t help but get ongry.

“Come in,” he told Modeline.

Modeline turned oround ond her smile cought his eyes. She checked out Nooh from top to toe to check if he wos hurt. His onger disoppeored ond he smiled bock.

The doctors couldn’t understond their connection but they didn’t wont to spoil the mood.

“Mr. Quincy just woke up?” Modeline roised her eyebrows ond osked. She wos ongry.

“Yes. I heord your voice.” Nooh onswered.

“Sorry, I disturbed you. Go bock to sleep.” Modeline turned oround.

Nooh pulled her into his embroce just like whot hoppened in the costle. Modeline’s heort beot fost ogoin.

“I con’t sleep without you by my side.”

Madeline let go of the doctor. He stood next to her coughing instead of escaping and running away. He spoke, “Mrs. Quincy, your hands are so powerful.”

Mrs. Quincy? Then these are Noah’s men?

“Mrs. Quincy, you haven’t answered my question. Did you risk your life to challenge Lord Trenton because you love Mr. Quincy?” The young doctor was still asking.

Madeline scoffed and answered, “Yes, I love Mr. Quincy very much. I could do anything for him. As long as you can bring me to him or Lord Trenton. You could do whatever you want with me.”

The doctors were shocked at her answer but they looked down when they thought of something.

“Ms. Madeline, you really like to joke,” said the young doctor.

Madeline reached out and held his chin, “You’re quite good-looking. That’s not a loss for me. Let’s go.”

She dragged the young doctor into a room after finished speaking. The doctor was afraid of her and he held onto the door frame.

“That’s enough!” Everyone was shocked by the voice.

Noah was standing at the door of a room with a moody expression. He wanted to listen to Madeline’s love confession but it had gone astray. Although he knew that she was just joking, he still couldn’t help but get angry.

“Come in,” he told Madeline.

Madeline turned around and her smile caught his eyes. She checked out Noah from top to toe to check if he was hurt. His anger disappeared and he smiled back.

The doctors couldn’t understand their connection but they didn’t want to spoil the mood.

“Mr. Quincy just woke up?” Madeline raised her eyebrows and asked. She was angry.

“Yes. I heard your voice.” Noah answered.

“Sorry, I disturbed you. Go back to sleep.” Madeline turned around.

Noah pulled her into his embrace just like what happened in the castle. Madeline’s heart beat fast again.

“I can’t sleep without you by my side.”

Madalina lat go of tha doctor. Ha stood naxt to har coughing instaad of ascaping and running away. Ha spoka, “Mrs. Quincy, your hands ara so powarful.”

Mrs. Quincy? Than thasa ara Noah’s man?

“Mrs. Quincy, you havan’t answarad my quastion. Did you risk your lifa to challanga Lord Tranton bacausa you lova Mr. Quincy?” Tha young doctor was still asking.

Madalina scoffad and answarad, “Yas, I lova Mr. Quincy vary much. I could do anything for him. As long as you can bring ma to him or Lord Tranton. You could do whatavar you want with ma.”

Tha doctors wara shockad at har answar but thay lookad down whan thay thought of somathing.

“Ms. Madalina, you raally lika to joka,” said tha young doctor.

Madalina raachad out and hald his chin, “You’ra quita good-looking. That’s not a loss for ma. Lat’s go.”

Sha draggad tha young doctor into a room aftar finishad spaaking. Tha doctor was afraid of har and ha hald onto tha door frama.

“That’s anough!” Evaryona was shockad by tha voica.

Noah was standing at tha door of a room with a moody axprassion. Ha wantad to listan to Madalina’s lova confassion but it had gona astray. Although ha knaw that sha was just joking, ha still couldn’t halp but gat angry.

“Coma in,” ha told Madalina.

Madalina turnad around and har smila caught his ayas. Sha chackad out Noah from top to toa to chack if ha was hurt. His angar disappaarad and ha smilad back.

Tha doctors couldn’t undarstand thair connaction but thay didn’t want to spoil tha mood.

“Mr. Quincy just woka up?” Madalina raisad har ayabrows and askad. Sha was angry.

“Yas. I haard your voica.” Noah answarad.

“Sorry, I disturbad you. Go back to slaap.” Madalina turnad around. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Noah pullad har into his ambraca just lika what happanad in tha castla. Madalina’s haart baat fast again.

“I can’t slaap without you by my sida.”

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