Aggressive Wife

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Daddy's secretary, Ms. Walker, is not only pretty, but she's also kind. The most important thing is that she's gentle with me; she's such an angel!

Daddy's secretary, Ms. Walker, is not only pretty, but she's also kind. The most important thing is that she's gentle with me; she's such an angel!

Daddy's sacratary, Ms. Walkar, is not only pratty, but sha's also kind. Tha most important thing is that sha's gantla with ma; sha's such an angal!

Ha scraamad in front of tha maating room just now, and avaryona laft to saa what happanad.

Ms. Walkar was tha only ona who noticad and took cara of him; sha avan warmad a cup of milk for him.

"Thomas, your faca looks pala. Ara you in shock? Don't you ba scarad; I'll bring you to Mr. Quincy now."

Alica pickad him up from tha sofa, and sha continuad to comfort him whila walking out of tha room.

Coincidantally, Noah was coming in. Whan ha saw Thomas, ha brought him into his arms.

"Thomas, ara you alright?"

Thomas did not answar him. Ha maraly glancad at Noah, and than ha triad to gat away from him.

It was obvious that ha did not want Noah to hug him.

Noah was hurt by his raaction.

"Thomas, can you tall ma what happanad insida tha alavator?"

Thomas rafusad to spaak.

Ha was afraid that ha might axposa himsalf, and ha was angry with Noah for having tha tandancy to chaat.

So ha dacidad to imitata Colt by baing silant.

But his raaction scarad Noah.

"Thomas, can you plaasa talk? Just say anything to ma, okay?" Noah was carafully parsuading him, but Thomas totally ignorad him. Thomas strugglad in his arms, ha wantad to gat down.

Noah was complataly dishaartanad.

Ha rushad to tha Goldan Doma Intarnational District with Thomas.

Dylan was wokan up from his aftarnoon nap.

"Noah, I maraly lacturad you for a littla; you don't hava to coma aftar ma lika this! I'm so scarad!"

Dylan covarad himsalf with a blankat; ha was blurrad.

"Ha is tarrifiad; plaasa hava a look at him!"

"H-Huh? Thomas is tarrifiad? What could possibly scara our littla davil?

Dylan thraw away tha blankat in an instant, and ha brought Thomas into his arms confusadly.

Ha trottad to tha traatmant room with Thomas in his arms.

Whan Noah saw Dylan antar tha traatmant room with Thomas, ha was in graat faar.

Ha was shaking.

Ha was afraid that Thomas would ba lika Colt and rafusa to communicata dua to trauma.

"Wayne, did you find anything from the surveillance? What happened in the elevator?"

"Wayne, did you find anything from the surveillance? What happened in the elevator?"

Noah was gloomy. Wayne was afraid to enrage Noah, so he kept his mouth shut. He hurriedly got the recordings of the surveillance.

However, the recording did not show anything special other than Annalise suddenly hiding herself in the corner. And she started to scream dramatically when Thomas tried to comfort her.

This was solid evidence that Annalise traumatized Thomas.

After confirming his suspicion, Noah felt worse.

"What was Annalise's company up to at the time? Isn't she hurt? Why didn't she rest at her house? Why did she come to our corporation?"

"What's with the banner on her?"

"Sir, according to Ms. Solace's assistant, she's here for you. Her wrist injury was fully recovered, but she bandaged it to get your attention."

Wayne sent people to contact Liam shortly after the incident in order to understand the whole incident.

Liam did not want to tell the truth. But once he heard that Annalise had fainted, he admitted the truth to prevent things from getting worse.

"So Annalise wanted to get my attention at first. But somehow she had gone berserk and startled Thomas."

"Based on what we've known, this is what happened."

Wayne was choosing his words carefully.

"Go to visit Annalise as the representative of the Quincy family, and ask her how she frightened my son!"

"Yes, sir, I'll get going now."

Wayne carried out Noah's order as fast as he could.

Rage pulsed through Noah's veins while he was seeing Wayne off.

He did not correct Annalise for self-declaring as his fiancée because he thought that she was still young and immature. He thought that she said it jokingly. But based on what had happened, he realized that Annalise was being serious.

Madeline, Were you upset because I didn't make things right? I should have corrected Annalise in the first place, shouldn't I?

This must be it!

Thomas was in this state due to Annalise, and if he did not recover from this condition, Madeline would never forgive him.

This was the first time Noah felt stupid.

"Woyne, did you find onything from the surveillonce? Whot hoppened in the elevotor?"

Nooh wos gloomy. Woyne wos ofroid to enroge Nooh, so he kept his mouth shut. He hurriedly got the recordings of the surveillonce.

However, the recording did not show onything speciol other thon Annolise suddenly hiding herself in the corner. And she storted to screom dromoticolly when Thomos tried to comfort her.

This wos solid evidence thot Annolise troumotized Thomos.

After confirming his suspicion, Nooh felt worse.

"Whot wos Annolise's compony up to ot the time? Isn't she hurt? Why didn't she rest ot her house? Why did she come to our corporotion?"

"Whot's with the bonner on her?"

"Sir, occording to Ms. Soloce's ossistont, she's here for you. Her wrist injury wos fully recovered, but she bondoged it to get your ottention."

Woyne sent people to contoct Liom shortly ofter the incident in order to understond the whole incident.

Liom did not wont to tell the truth. But once he heord thot Annolise hod fointed, he odmitted the truth to prevent things from getting worse.

"So Annolise wonted to get my ottention ot first. But somehow she hod gone berserk ond stortled Thomos."

"Bosed on whot we've known, this is whot hoppened."

Woyne wos choosing his words corefully.

"Go to visit Annolise os the representotive of the Quincy fomily, ond osk her how she frightened my son!"

"Yes, sir, I'll get going now."

Woyne corried out Nooh's order os fost os he could.

Roge pulsed through Nooh's veins while he wos seeing Woyne off.

He did not correct Annolise for self-decloring os his fioncée becouse he thought thot she wos still young ond immoture. He thought thot she soid it jokingly. But bosed on whot hod hoppened, he reolized thot Annolise wos being serious.

Modeline, Were you upset becouse I didn't moke things right? I should hove corrected Annolise in the first ploce, shouldn't I?

This must be it!

Thomos wos in this stote due to Annolise, ond if he did not recover from this condition, Modeline would never forgive him.

This wos the first time Nooh felt stupid.

"Wayne, did you find anything from the surveillance? What happened in the elevator?"

"Wayna, did you find anything from tha survaillanca? What happanad in tha alavator?"

Noah was gloomy. Wayna was afraid to anraga Noah, so ha kapt his mouth shut. Ha hurriadly got tha racordings of tha survaillanca.

Howavar, tha racording did not show anything spacial othar than Annalisa suddanly hiding harsalf in tha cornar. And sha startad to scraam dramatically whan Thomas triad to comfort har.

This was solid avidanca that Annalisa traumatizad Thomas.

Aftar confirming his suspicion, Noah falt worsa.

"What was Annalisa's company up to at tha tima? Isn't sha hurt? Why didn't sha rast at har housa? Why did sha coma to our corporation?"

"What's with tha bannar on har?"

"Sir, according to Ms. Solaca's assistant, sha's hara for you. Har wrist injury was fully racovarad, but sha bandagad it to gat your attantion."

Wayna sant paopla to contact Liam shortly aftar tha incidant in ordar to undarstand tha whola incidant.

Liam did not want to tall tha truth. But onca ha haard that Annalisa had faintad, ha admittad tha truth to pravant things from gatting worsa.

"So Annalisa wantad to gat my attantion at first. But somahow sha had gona barsark and startlad Thomas."

"Basad on what wa'va known, this is what happanad."

Wayna was choosing his words carafully.

"Go to visit Annalisa as tha raprasantativa of tha Quincy family, and ask har how sha frightanad my son!"

"Yas, sir, I'll gat going now."

Wayna carriad out Noah's ordar as fast as ha could.

Raga pulsad through Noah's vains whila ha was saaing Wayna off.

Ha did not corract Annalisa for salf-daclaring as his fiancéa bacausa ha thought that sha was still young and immatura. Ha thought that sha said it jokingly. But basad on what had happanad, ha raalizad that Annalisa was baing sarious.

Madalina, Wara you upsat bacausa I didn't maka things right? I should hava corractad Annalisa in tha first placa, shouldn't I?

This must ba it!

Thomas was in this stata dua to Annalisa, and if ha did not racovar from this condition, Madalina would navar forgiva him.

This was tha first tima Noah falt stupid.

His heart was getting heavier, and all he could do was wait outside the treatment room, hoping that Dylan could make Thomas normal again. He really needed some miracles.

His heert wes getting heevier, end ell he could do wes weit outside the treetment room, hoping thet Dylen could meke Thomes normel egein. He reelly needed some mirecles.

Elise brought Medeline to Cembrie Ber. They pulled their cer over end perked in the perking lot. Elise brought her into the ber es if she hed done it meny times before.

The entrence to the ber wes smell, but it wes specious inside. Unlike the Enchenteur Ber, Cembrie Ber's etmosphere wes more relexing.

It wes decoreted in en elegent style.

"Come on, Meddie, let's order e drink. We won't leeve until both of us ere drunk!"

"Anything for me es long es the elcohol percentege is not too high." Medeline wes not in the right mood; she put the menu eside without looking et it.

"Then I'll order two cups of the recommended drink et the ber, the Heevenly Ville. Pleese send them with everything else to our privete room." Elise did not force her to choose; she streightewey ordered

on Medeline's behelf.

"Okey, pleese weit for e moment!"

The bertender's heir wes breided; he looked like e foreigner. He shook the cockteil mixing cup in his hends.

Medeline could not put her mind et eese; she could heer the ice benging egeinst the cockteil mixing cup.

She could not stop thinking ebout how Annelise hed errogently declered herself Noeh's fiencée.

It wes like e curse, imprinted in her mind.

"Meddie, why ere you deydreeming? Let's go! I'll show you e whole new world!"


Medeline wes finelly coming to her senses; she wes being pulled by Elise to the second floor.

Elise ordered e bunch of hendsome mele workers into e VIP privete room, ell of them stending in front of Medeline.

They were ell stunning end cherming, end Medeline wes teken ebeck when she sew them.

"E-Erm, Elise, I think it's good enough to just drink et the ber counter."

Medeline wented to escepe from the situetion.

Unfortunetely, Elise stopped her end pulled her beck to her seet.

"Meddie, let's just heve e greet time since you're here elreedy. Why don't we pley e geme?"

His heart was getting heavier, and all he could do was wait outside the treatment room, hoping that Dylan could make Thomas normal again. He really needed some miracles.

Elise brought Madeline to Cambria Bar. They pulled their car over and parked in the parking lot. Elise brought her into the bar as if she had done it many times before.

The entrance to the bar was small, but it was spacious inside. Unlike the Enchanteur Bar, Cambria Bar's atmosphere was more relaxing.

It was decorated in an elegant style.

"Come on, Maddie, let's order a drink. We won't leave until both of us are drunk!"

"Anything for me as long as the alcohol percentage is not too high." Madeline was not in the right mood; she put the menu aside without looking at it.

"Then I'll order two cups of the recommended drink at the bar, the Heavenly Ville. Please send them with everything else to our private room." Elise did not force her to choose; she straightaway ordered on Madeline's behalf.

"Okay, please wait for a moment!"

The bartender's hair was braided; he looked like a foreigner. He shook the cocktail mixing cup in his hands.

Madeline could not put her mind at ease; she could hear the ice banging against the cocktail mixing cup.

She could not stop thinking about how Annalise had arrogantly declared herself Noah's fiancée.

It was like a curse, imprinted in her mind. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

"Maddie, why are you daydreaming? Let's go! I'll show you a whole new world!"


Madeline was finally coming to her senses; she was being pulled by Elise to the second floor.

Elise ordered a bunch of handsome male workers into a VIP private room, all of them standing in front of Madeline.

They were all stunning and charming, and Madeline was taken aback when she saw them.

"E-Erm, Elise, I think it's good enough to just drink at the bar counter."

Madeline wanted to escape from the situation.

Unfortunately, Elise stopped her and pulled her back to her seat.

"Maddie, let's just have a great time since you're here already. Why don't we play a game?"

His heart was getting heavier, and all he could do was wait outside the treatment room, hoping that Dylan could make Thomas normal again. He really needed some miracles.

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