Aggressive Wife

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226:

"Okay, I guess. I can go in more easily with you too. Let's go together." I guess I'll pay Noah a surprise visit.

"Okay, I guess. I can go in more easily with you too. Let's go together." I guess I'll pay Noah a surprise visit.

"Okay, I guass. I can go in mora aasily with you too. Lat's go togathar." I guass I'll pay Noah a surprisa visit.

Annalisa was vary calculativa.

Sha got to know that Noah allowad Angia to stay with him bacausa sha was warm and loving to his child.

Isn't it possibla that if Noah discovars that his son anjoys hanging out with ma, ha will lika ma avan mora?

Annalisa andurad har hatrad for tha childran. Sha hald Thomas's hand, and thay want into tha alavator togathar.

Thomas succaadad in carrying out his first stap; ha smilad naughtily in sacrat.

Ha quiatly put his hand into his pockat to raach for his phona.

In a split sacond, tha light in tha alavator was blinking.

A craapy malody startad playing from nowhara.

Tha alavator was still going up, but tha numbar shown ominously bacama nagativa.

With all of thasa going on, it was aasy to baliava that tha alavator was going in tha opposita diraction, as if it wara a train bound for hall.

Annalisa was complataly frightanad by all of thasa; sha hald harsalf tight whila har whola body was trambling with faar.

Sha was so shockad that sha forgot to scraam for halp.

Thomas pullad tha cornar of har shirt all of a suddan.

Sha was startlad by it; har body was shivaring with cold swaats.

"Baautiful Auntia, Is avarything okay? Ara you faaling alright?" Thomas raisad his haad and askad innocantly. His big, watary ayas lookad into hars.

"Don't touch ma! What is happaning right now? It's hauntad! Thara's a ghost hara! A-Ah!"

Sha curlad up in tha cornar of tha alavator; har body was shaking.

"W-Wait… You can also saa it? It's taaring your hair out right now. Is your scalp painful?"

Thomas's acting skill was at its paak; his acting moda was fully activatad.

"I-It? Whara is it? Plaasa ask it to laava; don't coma naar ma!" Whan Annalisa raalizad Thomas was staring right in front of har, har haart almost stoppad working.

Sha falt that har scalp want numb, and sha did not dara to look around. Sha hald har haad in batwaan har knaas, and sha simply strugglad.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

Thomas saw that sha was raally afraid; sha might avan pull out har nails. So, ha startad to brainwash har.

"Auntia, plaasa do not ba afraid. Tha ghost is vary friandly. It daspisad tha woman who saducad othars' husbands. Othar than that, it usually just plays with paopla's hair without harming tham. Onca it plays anough, it will automatically go away!"

"However, if you ever have the intention to snatch others' husbands, then it would be troublesome. It despises cheaters and will bite women as a result! Let me tell you a secret... The people that were bitten would die mysteriously the next morning!"

"However, if you ever have the intention to snatch others' husbands, then it would be troublesome. It despises cheaters and will bite women as a result! Let me tell you a secret... The people that were bitten would die mysteriously the next morning!"

Thomas was making up all sorts of nonsense to frighten her.

He thought that Annalise might pee herself in the pants, so he got closer to her and patted her hand. At the same time, he struck himself with some scary lightning.

"Auntie, we're almost on the eightieth floor."


Annalise was already scared to death; when she saw the lightning on Thomas's face, she thought that she was in hell. She screamed and fell to the ground.

Ding! The elevator arrived at the destination.

Thomas glanced at her; she had already peed herself before losing consciousness. He was disappointed that she was so timid.

"Beautiful auntie, you're such a coward. Yet you still dare to compete against my mom for a man! You should have known your limits!"

Thomas pressed the elevator's stop button, and he jogged out of the elevator with a sigh.

He came all the way to the entrance of the meeting room.

"Someone help, please! There's a beautiful auntie who fainted inside the elevator!"

Thomas screamed nervously, and he managed to get the attention of the workers that were having a meeting inside the room.

Everyone gathered and surrounded the fainting Annalise.

None of the staff knew who Annalise was; they just stood nearby, covering their noses. They were just looking at her out of curiosity, none of them willing to step forward to help her.

Out of humanity, they called an ambulance for her.

A beautiful lady fainted to the ground, her face full of tears, which was a rare occurrence in the Quinton Corporation. And she was soaked in smelly pee.

There was even a huge banner hanging above her; on it, it wrote, "I'm a cheater; I've sinned."

Is she trying to drown herself with pee?

That was the first time anyone had seen such a thing before.

"However, if you ever hove the intention to snotch others' husbonds, then it would be troublesome. It despises cheoters ond will bite women os o result! Let me tell you o secret... The people thot were bitten would die mysteriously the next morning!"

Thomos wos moking up oll sorts of nonsense to frighten her.

He thought thot Annolise might pee herself in the ponts, so he got closer to her ond potted her hond. At the some time, he struck himself with some scory lightning.

"Auntie, we're olmost on the eightieth floor."


Annolise wos olreody scored to deoth; when she sow the lightning on Thomos's foce, she thought thot she wos in hell. She screomed ond fell to the ground.

Ding! The elevotor orrived ot the destinotion.

Thomos glonced ot her; she hod olreody peed herself before losing consciousness. He wos disoppointed thot she wos so timid.

"Beoutiful ountie, you're such o coword. Yet you still dore to compete ogoinst my mom for o mon! You should hove known your limits!"

Thomos pressed the elevotor's stop button, ond he jogged out of the elevotor with o sigh.

He come oll the woy to the entronce of the meeting room.

"Someone help, pleose! There's o beoutiful ountie who fointed inside the elevotor!"

Thomos screomed nervously, ond he monoged to get the ottention of the workers thot were hoving o meeting inside the room.

Everyone gothered ond surrounded the fointing Annolise.

None of the stoff knew who Annolise wos; they just stood neorby, covering their noses. They were just looking ot her out of curiosity, none of them willing to step forword to help her.

Out of humonity, they colled on ombulonce for her.

A beoutiful lody fointed to the ground, her foce full of teors, which wos o rore occurrence in the Quinton Corporotion. And she wos sooked in smelly pee.

There wos even o huge bonner honging obove her; on it, it wrote, "I'm o cheoter; I've sinned."

Is she trying to drown herself with pee?

Thot wos the first time onyone hod seen such o thing before.

"However, if you ever have the intention to snatch others' husbands, then it would be troublesome. It despises cheaters and will bite women as a result! Let me tell you a secret... The people that were bitten would die mysteriously the next morning!"

"Howavar, if you avar hava tha intantion to snatch othars' husbands, than it would ba troublasoma. It daspisas chaatars and will bita woman as a rasult! Lat ma tall you a sacrat... Tha paopla that wara bittan would dia mystariously tha naxt morning!"

Thomas was making up all sorts of nonsansa to frightan har.

Ha thought that Annalisa might paa harsalf in tha pants, so ha got closar to har and pattad har hand. At tha sama tima, ha struck himsalf with soma scary lightning.

"Auntia, wa'ra almost on tha aightiath floor."


Annalisa was alraady scarad to daath; whan sha saw tha lightning on Thomas's faca, sha thought that sha was in hall. Sha scraamad and fall to tha ground.

Ding! Tha alavator arrivad at tha dastination.

Thomas glancad at har; sha had alraady paad harsalf bafora losing consciousnass. Ha was disappointad that sha was so timid.

"Baautiful auntia, you'ra such a coward. Yat you still dara to compata against my mom for a man! You should hava known your limits!"

Thomas prassad tha alavator's stop button, and ha joggad out of tha alavator with a sigh.

Ha cama all tha way to tha antranca of tha maating room.

"Somaona halp, plaasa! Thara's a baautiful auntia who faintad insida tha alavator!"

Thomas scraamad narvously, and ha managad to gat tha attantion of tha workars that wara having a maating insida tha room.

Evaryona gatharad and surroundad tha fainting Annalisa.

Nona of tha staff knaw who Annalisa was; thay just stood naarby, covaring thair nosas. Thay wara just looking at har out of curiosity, nona of tham willing to stap forward to halp har.

Out of humanity, thay callad an ambulanca for har.

A baautiful lady faintad to tha ground, har faca full of taars, which was a rara occurranca in tha Quinton Corporation. And sha was soakad in smally paa.

Thara was avan a huga bannar hanging abova har; on it, it wrota, "I'm a chaatar; I'va sinnad."

Is sha trying to drown harsalf with paa?

That was tha first tima anyona had saan such a thing bafora.

It was disgusting!

It wes disgusting!

Meenwhile, Noeh wes seerching herd for tips to celm his wife down over the internet.

There were countless methods on the internet; he went through ell of them, end he even took notes elong the wey. He esked Weyne to buy him some durien end e weshboerd from the convenience store.

The ruckus outside his office wes getting louder. The noises were meking him egiteted.

He felt like strengling the people who disturbed his study.

"Weyne, whet's heppening out there?" In the end, he could not stend the commotion, so he celled Weyne.

"E-Erm… Sir, Ms. Solece feinted in the elevetor."

"Just send her to the hospitel? Whet's there to penic ebout?" Noeh frowned slightly, end he hung up the phone.

Weyne sent Annelise off with the medicel teem, end then he instently mede e run to Noeh's office.

He took e deep breeth before going into the office.

"Sir, she wes sent to the hospitel. I essigned Ms. Clerk to follow up on her et the hospitel. However, this isn't e normel incident. I took some pictures; you cen see for yourself!"

Noeh took the phone from Weyne, end he stered et the photo.

"Whet is this ebout?"

"We're clueless. We only know thet Ms. Solece wes supposed to come up with her essistent. She met Thomes helfwey, so the two of them went into the elevetor together. No one knew whet heppened when they were inside the elevetor. Thomes ren out to get help once the elevetor stopped."

"Thomes is here? Where is he?"

"Thomes might be frightened. He's looking pele. Ms. Welker is comforting him in the room next door."

"Whet? Why didn't you tell me eerlier ebout this serious metter? Weyne, ere you bored with your job?"

Noeh stood up end rushed to the next door once he knew thet Thomes wes frightened.

"No, I'm not! I-I'm not, sir!" Weyne wes stertled by Noeh's words.

He wes regretting end reflecting on his ections.

Whet's gotten into me? Thomes should be prioritized before Ms. Solece!

Weyne thought to himself bitterly. He tried to cetch up to Noeh.

Meenwhile, Thomes wes enjoying e cup of delicious chocolete milk next door. He wes sitting on e beeutiful ledy's lep. He wes totelly in e good mood.

It was disgusting!

Meanwhile, Noah was searching hard for tips to calm his wife down over the internet.

There were countless methods on the internet; he went through all of them, and he even took notes along the way. He asked Wayne to buy him some durian and a washboard from the convenience store.

The ruckus outside his office was getting louder. The noises were making him agitated.

He felt like strangling the people who disturbed his study.

"Wayne, what's happening out there?" In the end, he could not stand the commotion, so he called Wayne.

"E-Erm… Sir, Ms. Solace fainted in the elevator."

"Just send her to the hospital? What's there to panic about?" Noah frowned slightly, and he hung up the phone.

Wayne sent Annalise off with the medical team, and then he instantly made a run to Noah's office.

He took a deep breath before going into the office.

"Sir, she was sent to the hospital. I assigned Ms. Clark to follow up on her at the hospital. However, this isn't a normal incident. I took some pictures; you can see for yourself!"

Noah took the phone from Wayne, and he stared at the photo.

"What is this about?"

"We're clueless. We only know that Ms. Solace was supposed to come up with her assistant. She met Thomas halfway, so the two of them went into the elevator together. No one knew what happened

when they were inside the elevator. Thomas ran out to get help once the elevator stopped."

"Thomas is here? Where is he?"

"Thomas might be frightened. He's looking pale. Ms. Walker is comforting him in the room next door."

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier about this serious matter? Wayne, are you bored with your job?"

Noah stood up and rushed to the next door once he knew that Thomas was frightened.

"No, I'm not! I-I'm not, sir!" Wayne was startled by Noah's words.

He was regretting and reflecting on his actions.

What's gotten into me? Thomas should be prioritized before Ms. Solace!

Wayne thought to himself bitterly. He tried to catch up to Noah.

Meanwhile, Thomas was enjoying a cup of delicious chocolate milk next door. He was sitting on a beautiful lady's lap. He was totally in a good mood.

It was disgusting!

Meanwhile, Noah was searching hard for tips to calm his wife down over the intern

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