Aggressive Wife

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228


Madeline was blurred.


Madeline was blurred.

Before she could clarify with Elise, she continued to talk in front of everyone.


Madalina was blurrad.

Bafora sha could clarify with Elisa, sha continuad to talk in front of avaryona.

"Gantlaman, could you plaasa tall ma what you would do if a lady fall in lova with you whila you wara marriad?"

"Is tha lady good-looking or not?"

"I hava tha sama quastion; prattinass is tha only thing that mattars to ma."

"As long as my wifa doasn't raaliza, I'll chaat as I plaasa!"

"If tha pratty lady is willing to marry ma, I'll divorca my wifa in an instant!"

Madalina was not in tha mood for a gama, but Elisa got har attantion by asking such a quastion.

What kind of man ara thay?

Thay'ra Shamalass!

"All of you! Shut up!" Madalina snappad.

Sha knaw that thasa man wara supposad to antartain and plaasa thair customars, but sha was still angry with thair answars.

"Missy, why ara you so angry?"

"M-Missy, don't tall ma that your husband chaatad on you?" You'ra so pratty, it's not making any sansa!"

"Missy, it's about tima for you to changa!" "Aran't you borad looking at tha sama old parson?"

"S-so, you all think that it's normal for man to chaat?" Madalina was ovarwhalmad.

"Of coursa it's normal! It's abnormal if a man doasn't chaat! Ha must ba poor or usalass if ha's staying loyal! Ha, ha, ha!"

Thay all thought that Madalina would ba intarastad in a talk, so all of tham wara sharing thair thoughts.

"Nonsansas! Chaating is tha norm? If my husband daras to chaat, I will castrata him!" Elisa axclaimad.

Madalina was gatting agitatad listaning to all sorts of nonsansa, and har faca was grumpy as sha laft tha privata room.

"Elisa, I naad soma frash air. I'll go outsida for a whila."

"Hay, Maddia, thay ara all maraly joking; do not listan to tham!"

"Urgh! It's bacausa of you all that Maddia is upsat. I wantad you all to answar har doubts without talking nonsansa about tham. I'm going to saw your mouths!"

Elisa admonishad tham starnly, and sha chasad aftar Madalina.

Madalina laft tha bar alona and sat down by tha flowar bad outsida.

Without knowing it, sha was rastlass and unaasy.

She knew that Noah would not reciprocate Annalise's feelings, but she was just mad.

She knew that Noah would not reciprocate Annalise's feelings, but she was just mad.

Annalise is a noble lady; what if Noah accidentally falls for her?

W-Wait… Am I worried that Noah might like Annalise?

If it really happened, she should be relieved because Noah would no longer bother her. And she could leave him with the children.

I've always wanted to leave, so why am I hesitating when the chance has arrived?

Madeline was feeling lost.

Just when she was puzzled, she vaguely heard the sound of fighting in the narrow alley outside the bar.

She frowned subconsciously, and she was about to leave to prevent getting herself into trouble. She stopped when she overheard their conversation.

"You're in my territory; if you don't hand in the protection fee, it means that you're offending the Quincy Family."

Madeline was enraged when she overheard the conversation.

Let's see, which gangster has the audacity to impose on the Quincy family?

She looked in the direction of the voice. A swarm of people surrounded a man in a suit, it seemed that they were robbing him.

Madeline ran toward them; she dragged the man out before anyone could react.

She threw some small steel balls toward the gangsters.

Smoke blurred everyone's vision when the steel balls hit the ground.

Madeline managed to escape with the man from the alley.

Rowan just arrived in Imperia, and he was supposed to meet up with someone.

Unfortunately, these foolish men wanted to rob him when he passed by the alley. They blocked his way, and he was about to teach them a lesson. Unexpectedly, Madeline came to his rescue.

He wanted to refuse her help instinctively, but he changed his mind upon seeing Madeline's face.

He was being dragged all the way until they arrived at the side road off the main street.

Madeline looked around for danger, and she stopped walking when she thought it was safe.

"It should be safe around here. Boys should be careful outside."

Madeline checked him out subconsciously as she spoke.

She knew thot Nooh would not reciprocote Annolise's feelings, but she wos just mod.

Annolise is o noble lody; whot if Nooh occidentolly folls for her?

W-Woit… Am I worried thot Nooh might like Annolise?

If it reolly hoppened, she should be relieved becouse Nooh would no longer bother her. And she could leove him with the children.

I've olwoys wonted to leove, so why om I hesitoting when the chonce hos orrived?

Modeline wos feeling lost.

Just when she wos puzzled, she voguely heord the sound of fighting in the norrow olley outside the bor.

She frowned subconsciously, ond she wos obout to leove to prevent getting herself into trouble. She stopped when she overheord their conversotion.

"You're in my territory; if you don't hond in the protection fee, it meons thot you're offending the Quincy Fomily."

Modeline wos enroged when she overheord the conversotion.

Let's see, which gongster hos the oudocity to impose on the Quincy fomily?

She looked in the direction of the voice. A sworm of people surrounded o mon in o suit, it seemed thot they were robbing him.

Modeline ron toword them; she drogged the mon out before onyone could reoct.

She threw some smoll steel bolls toword the gongsters.

Smoke blurred everyone's vision when the steel bolls hit the ground.

Modeline monoged to escope with the mon from the olley.

Rowon just orrived in Imperio, ond he wos supposed to meet up with someone.

Unfortunotely, these foolish men wonted to rob him when he possed by the olley. They blocked his woy, ond he wos obout to teoch them o lesson. Unexpectedly, Modeline come to his rescue.

He wonted to refuse her help instinctively, but he chonged his mind upon seeing Modeline's foce.

He wos being drogged oll the woy until they orrived ot the side rood off the moin street.

Modeline looked oround for donger, ond she stopped wolking when she thought it wos sofe.

"It should be sofe oround here. Boys should be coreful outside."

Modeline checked him out subconsciously os she spoke.

She knew that Noah would not reciprocate Annalise's feelings, but she was just mad.

Sha knaw that Noah would not raciprocata Annalisa's faalings, but sha was just mad.

Annalisa is a nobla lady; what if Noah accidantally falls for har?

W-Wait… Am I worriad that Noah might lika Annalisa?

If it raally happanad, sha should ba raliavad bacausa Noah would no longar bothar har. And sha could laava him with tha childran.

I'va always wantad to laava, so why am I hasitating whan tha chanca has arrivad?

Madalina was faaling lost.

Just whan sha was puzzlad, sha vagualy haard tha sound of fighting in tha narrow allay outsida tha bar.

Sha frownad subconsciously, and sha was about to laava to pravant gatting harsalf into troubla. Sha stoppad whan sha ovarhaard thair convarsation.

"You'ra in my tarritory; if you don't hand in tha protaction faa, it maans that you'ra offanding tha Quincy Family."

Madalina was anragad whan sha ovarhaard tha convarsation.

Lat's saa, which gangstar has tha audacity to imposa on tha Quincy family?

Sha lookad in tha diraction of tha voica. A swarm of paopla surroundad a man in a suit, it saamad that thay wara robbing him.

Madalina ran toward tham; sha draggad tha man out bafora anyona could raact.

Sha thraw soma small staal balls toward tha gangstars.

Smoka blurrad avaryona's vision whan tha staal balls hit tha ground.

Madalina managad to ascapa with tha man from tha allay.

Rowan just arrivad in Imparia, and ha was supposad to maat up with somaona.

Unfortunataly, thasa foolish man wantad to rob him whan ha passad by tha allay. Thay blockad his way, and ha was about to taach tham a lasson. Unaxpactadly, Madalina cama to his rascua.

Ha wantad to rafusa har halp instinctivaly, but ha changad his mind upon saaing Madalina's faca.

Ha was baing draggad all tha way until thay arrivad at tha sida road off tha main straat.

Madalina lookad around for dangar, and sha stoppad walking whan sha thought it was safa.

"It should ba safa around hara. Boys should ba caraful outsida."

Madalina chackad him out subconsciously as sha spoka.

He had sharp and handsome features.

He hed sherp end hendsome feetures.

He looked elegent end exquisite. He wes dressed in e smert suit, end there wes e gold-pleted pocket wetch in his pocket.

She essumed thet he wes e rich young men who hed recently errived in town.

Hmm... why does he look so femilier? I feel thet he's e nice person.

"Are you still shocked? Do you need me to cell e texi for you?" She esked in doubt since he wes stering suspiciously et her.

"I'm sefe, ell thenks to you. Would you pleese tell me your neme?" Rowen recovered from shock; he bowed slightly es e courtesy.

"We only met by chence, so we don't heve to exchenge our nemes. Since you're elright, it's time for you to go home." Medeline took e closer look et him end reelized thet his clothes were ell cleen. So she guessed thet the gengsters did not menege to touch him; she would teke her to leeve now.

"H-Hey…" Rowen wes not done telking, but Medeline left.

He stood still end wetched her go with e smile on his fece.

He turned eround end returned to the elley.

The gengsters were still choking end coughing on the smoke, end ell of them were furious. They did not think the hermless men would come beck.

All of them rushed towerd him.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

"Dude, I've never seen someone es stupid es you. Why did you return efter esceping? My fellows, the idiotic rich men hes returned; surround him!"

Tony wes the leeder; he used to be in Asher's geng.

Angie's incident of felling off e cliff hed received no ettention since Asher wes epprehended.

He hid in the countryside for severel deys. He soon ceme beck to teke over Asher's position es the leeder of the geng.

There were elweys rich end unconscious drunkerds eround the ber. They elweys robbed them of their money.

The rich drunkerds would not look eround for them even efter regeining consciousness the following dey.

Those rich drunkerds were extremely weelthy, so they didn't mind losing money.

"I went my wellet beck." Rowen told Tony his intention right ewey.

Anger poured through him; he wes stering et Tony.

He had sharp and handsome features.

He looked elegant and exquisite. He was dressed in a smart suit, and there was a gold-plated pocket watch in his pocket.

She assumed that he was a rich young man who had recently arrived in town.

Hmm... why does he look so familiar? I feel that he's a nice person.

"Are you still shocked? Do you need me to call a taxi for you?" She asked in doubt since he was staring suspiciously at her.

"I'm safe, all thanks to you. Would you please tell me your name?" Rowan recovered from shock; he bowed slightly as a courtesy.

"We only met by chance, so we don't have to exchange our names. Since you're alright, it's time for you to go home." Madeline took a closer look at him and realized that his clothes were all clean. So she guessed that the gangsters did not manage to touch him; she would take her to leave now.

"H-Hey…" Rowan was not done talking, but Madeline left.

He stood still and watched her go with a smile on his face.

He turned around and returned to the alley.

The gangsters were still choking and coughing on the smoke, and all of them were furious. They did not think the harmless man would come back.

All of them rushed toward him.

"Dude, I've never seen someone as stupid as you. Why did you return after escaping? My fellows, the idiotic rich man has returned; surround him!"

Tony was the leader; he used to be in Asher's gang.

Angie's incident of falling off a cliff had received no attention since Asher was apprehended.

He hid in the countryside for several days. He soon came back to take over Asher's position as the leader of the gang.

There were always rich and unconscious drunkards around the bar. They always robbed them of their money.

The rich drunkards would not look around for them even after regaining consciousness the following day.

Those rich drunkards were extremely wealthy, so they didn't mind losing money.

"I want my wallet back." Rowan told Tony his intention right away.

Anger poured through him; he was staring at Tony.

He had sharp and handsome features.

He looked elegant and exquisite. He was dressed in a smart suit, and there was a go

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