The Raven and The Snake

Book 5: Part 8

Ariadne didn't sign her name on the parchment, she put her initials. Fred and George leaned over her shoulders, watching her. "ARB?" "What does 'R' stand for?"

Ariadne gritted her teeth a little. "Rose."

"Ariadne Rose Black?"

She rolled her eyes. "I know, it's a little precious. Just drop it."

No shock, Ariadne was the only Slytherin. She didn't tell anyone she was coming, she just showed up outside of the room of requirement. She was afraid that Birdie would blab so she hadn't invited her though Birdie was probably the only other Slytherin she knew for certain would take part if asked.

The other DA members included the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team, all the Weasleys, both Creevey boys, Chyou Chang and her friends, Ginny's boyfriend and his friends, and the Hufflepuff prefect. Anyone that liked and trusted Harry when he said the Dark Lord was back.

Harry looked at her in blank surprise. She'd known him since his first day, but they'd never had a real conversation. His gaze normally seemed to just skate right over her whenever they were around each other. If it wasn't for her closeness with Snape, he might not have even realized she was a Slytherin.

Ariadne was far more advanced than any of the others, making it hard for her to honestly duel with them. Only the twins seemed comfortable with her, but they couldn't take out her shield charm. Her legilimency made her aware of most attacks before they happened and it was second nature to protect herself. It turned out that Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom were the ones easiest for her to be paired with.

Luna was in the same year as Ginny and usually seemed sort of spaced out. Her mind wandered during practice making her motions a little unpredictable. Neville was overly anxious which made him also very unpredictable because he would sometimes think of one spell he wanted to do, but slip up and do a completely different one out loud.

Neville was a little afraid of Ariadne, but Luna was completely unfazed when put up against the only Slytherin who was several years older.

"Expelliarmus!" Luna cried, a red jet shooting from her wand.

"Protego." Ariadne deflected aloud. "You'll want to learn how to do spells silently as quickly as possible. Enemies will be able to deflect faster if they know what's coming."

Luna's reaction was a little slow, but she smiled. "You shield quite fast. Do Slytherins duel often?"

Ariadne smiled back, petting Antigone's head at her throat. "I don't know about most Slytherins, but I was part of the dueling club back in your first year with Lockheart and I helped Fleur practice before the tasks last year."

Luna made a little humming noise that sounded like the chords to 'Weasely is Our King' and nodded. "Yes, I heard that you were related. The Beauxbaton students mainly preferred the Ravenclaw table during meals. She said you were also part veela."noveldrama

Despite her dreamy quality, Luna was surprisingly attentive. She remembered a little detail like that. Ariadne almost wanted to laugh.

"I don't look it, do I?"

"I don't know about that..." Luna mused for a long moment then shouted. "Everte Statum!" Ariadne's shield was fast, but Luna's spell managed to send her back a couple of steps. "Nice."

"Colin Creevey said you glow around Professor Snape." Luna hummed.

Ariadne glanced around to see if anyone was listening. It was hard to tell, but Harry might have as he passed close by. "Seems I'll need to tie Colin's tongue in a knot... Relashio!" Luna dropped her wand with a tiny "whoops" and stooped to pick it up. Once it was back in her hand she shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Ariadne didn't have time to block that one. Her wand went flying behind her.

"Well done, Luna!" Harry called.

Ariadne stretched out her hand. "Accio wand!"

Her wand zoomed back to her.

"I didn't know you could perform that spell without a wand." Neville noted, losing his own when Hermione knocked it from his hand in their own duel.

Ariadne grinned at him. "It's not easy. I only figured it out since I started disapparating. I don't like keeping all my magic in my wand."

Hermione glanced over at that. "You do a lot of enchantment work then?"

"Yeah, I do."

It became a little easier to talk to the others from there. Hermione couldn't contain her inquisitive nature so she peppered Ariadne with questions about her study focuses. "Do you ever enchant clothing?"

Ariadne's eyes narrowed slightly. She had a suspicion about why Hermione would ask such a thing. Hermione's latest stance on elf rights had her attempting to free the cleaning staff by leaving out articles of clothing for them to pick up. It had made Merry and several other elves nervous to the point that only Dobby and Winky, the two free elves, were willing to clean the Gryffindor common room.

"I do... though this better not be about spew."

Hermione yelled. "It's S.P.E.W! Not spew!"

Ron's red eyebrows shot into his hairline. "Did Fred and George tell you about that?"

"No, the kitchen elves did." Ariadne sat down on one of the plush cushions now that it seemed her duels had ended.

Hermione was scowling. "You spend time with the house elves, do you?"

The attitude didn't really bother Ariadne. She was used to dealing with Snape on a regular basis. A petulant teen was nothing. "I do, actually, and not to just boss them around. They're good people."

That seemed to surprise everyone. Talking about house elves as "people" wasn't a popular opinion with wizards. It was especially unheard of by Slytherins.

"They're brainwashed." Hermione crossed her arms and plopped down on a cushion next to Ariadne.

"It's a culture." Ariadne sighed softly. "Yes, it's a ridiculous one imposed by wizards onto a subservient race, but it has become their own form of culture."

"A culture of slaves!" Hermione argued.

"A culture of perpetual service over hundreds of generations." Ariadne frowned. "I'm not saying it isn't messed up. Anyone with half a brain and any conscience knows it's weird, but they've lived with this culture for a very long time. Most of them fear freedom."

"Dobby doesn't."

That made Ariadne chuckle dryly. "Dobby is considered abnormal for an elf. It's wonderful that he got freedom for himself, he seems to really enjoy it. Winky, on the other hand, is more the basic architype of what house elves are like. She still hasn't recovered from what happened with her wizard family."

Hermione opened her mouth to argue, but Ariadne stuck up her hand.

"I'm not saying that she won't improve with time, but that sort of suffering is indictive of what the other elves might feel if freedom is forced on them. I won't tell you to just stop what you're doing, Hermione. I think the concept of S.P.E.W is great. I just think you need to look at it from their point of view. Nobody wants their culture to be shat on by some outsider that doesn't understand them."

"I'm not-"

Ariadne smirked. "You are. You can't change them overnight. If you're serious about elf rights, it's going to be a long haul. You need to seriously look at things from their point of view. Understand the culture before you try to free them all against their wills. Talk to Merry in the kitchens if you'd like. She likes pretty things, really easy to butter up and loves her job. If you ask her to braid your hair or something, you'll have a lot of time to get to know her."

Ariadne hopped back up, gesturing to Luna to begin dueling again. There wasn't much time left, they would have to leave for bed soon so as not to get caught.

Harry pulled out his map that he'd gotten back from Lupin. He let the others know when to leave and which hallways were being monitored. Ariadne pressed kisses to the twins cheeks and flitted down toward the dungeons with the few Hufflepuffs who were also going in that direction for their own dorms.

She skipped toward her shared dorm with Professor Snape by going through his office. He looked up from his desk when she entered.

"Where have you been?" He asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

The entire Order knew that Potter and his gang had started a defense group. Mrs. Weasley had made it clear she was very much against it while Sirius was supportive. Snape thought it was foolish, but he was in no hurry to catch their unauthorized club. The students needed all the help they could get with war on the horizon.

Ariadne smiled and pressed a little kiss to his temple. "Just hanging out with some people."

Snape's hand caught her by the wrist. He pulled her against his desk, pushing one of his knees between her legs to keep her trapped. "What people? Would it be that Moffat boy again?"

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