The Raven and The Snake

Book 5: Part 7 (mild sexual content)

They were going over a potion that Ariadne had made a thousand times before. She was so used to the material that the class was dull. Tony had his hands around her waist while her mind wandered.

Her eyes were focused on Snape today, watching the way his mouth moved, rather than really listening to his lecture. She rested her chin on her hand, her head tilted while Tony pressed kisses to the back of her neck. Antigone was curled on the table, she didn't like Tony's closeness.

Tony's fingers had found their way under Ariadne's robes, but she hadn't really noticed. He was sliding his fingers along the lace of her pants, feeling how they sat on her hips. He'd done it before without a reaction, but now she squirmed a little.

She wasn't taking her eyes off of Snape while he talked. She was at the back of the room, Tony preferring to keep her in the shadows somewhat so he could be handsy without the teachers getting worked up. Tony breathed against her ear, whispering something she wasn't paying attention to.

Snape's long fingers were waving his wand. Her eyes followed the swishing movements, briefly remembering how it had felt to have those hands on her. A tiny shiver ran up her spine.

Tony's fingers had snuck under the lace, tugging them a little so the strip of fabric pulled tight between her legs, his fingers edging closer to her fanny. Her hips wriggled a little against his hand. She moaned softly.

Tony was pressing himself against her backside and she remembered the one time she and Snape had been together, trembling. Tony's fingers found her sensitive spots, teasing her while she was showing a reaction for once. She covered her whimper with her hand..

It was incredibly weird to have someone else getting her off while she focused on the real object of her fascination. He nearly had her laying over the table while fingering her as she watched Snape. She nibbled her bottom lip hard. She was getting really close now, her face flushing a little, trying hard to keep herself steady.

If Snape knew what was going on, she couldn't imagine how bad the punishment would be. That thought seemed to do it. She gasped, her legs shaking. Antigone looked up at her suspiciously from the table while she dipped her head, trying not to make a noise.

Tony sat back looking a little too pleased with himself. It irked Ariadne little. He really wasn't the one that she'd been focused on or thinking about. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm down again. Snape's eyes roved her a moment later and she was back to normal.

Tony had attempted to get Ariadne to go further with him a few times. At first he thought that she liked the idea of almost being caught and took to touching her in more public places, being discreet at first. When that failed to get a reaction, he touched her in potions again.

Her response was immediate. She'd been watching Snape move about the room when Tony slid his hand between her legs. She moaned softly. Snape looked up curiously from the other end of the room and she blushed. Tony looked a little smug. After class, they had their first real fight.

Ariadne lit into him about how he was too sexually aggressive. She wasn't ready to take that step with him.

Tony scoffed. "Oh come, Aria, it's not like you're some innocent virgin."

Ariadne's face burst into flames. A couple of people in the common room looked up at that. "What I've done with other people shouldn't matter in our relationship. I'm not ready for that step."noveldrama

Birdie surfaced from a make out session with her latest fling. "Tony, what the hell? Are you seriously pressuring her? In public?"

Tony shook his head and stormed off. Ariadne buried her face in her hands. "So embarrassing."

Birdie abandoned her boy toy to have some serious girl talk with her. "You really need to dump that guy, Aria. He's a prat." Ariadne chewed her lip anxiously. "Yeah... you're right. This was a bad idea."

The twins offered her some mild sympathy, but they were really busy. Besides perfecting their products for their joke shop and Quidditch practice, they were also attending regular meetings with the new secret club that Harry and his friends had started.

They called the club the DA. They had to meet in secret because of Umbridge's newest decree about not allowing any preapproved clubs or teams to exist. Even the Quidditch teams had needed to ask special permission to reform. Ariadne wasn't entirely sure about joining the DA, she was trying to keep her head down in school. She attended the first Quidditch game of the year between Gryffindor and Slytherin, wearing the pin that Draco's cronies had passed out the night before. The pins weren't very special, Draco hadn't asked her to help him enchant these ones so all they said was "Weasley is our King."

She'd heard the chant in the common room, but hadn't given it much attention. The Weasley family wasn't well liked in Slytherin and this year, three Weasley boys were on the opposing team. Ariadne sat next to Birdie in the stands and hummed along to the little song Draco had made up to go along with his pins.

Ron had taken Wood's place as Keeper on the Gryffindor team. He wasn't great. He had a very bad case of nerves when people were watching him and today he was looking a little green on the pitch. It did not help when the Slytherin's chorus went up singing "Weasley cannot save a single thing, he cannot block a single ring, that's why Slytherins all sing, Weasley is our king."

Honestly, the worst part about the song was how catchy it was. Ariadne hummed along until the end of the game. Harry had managed to save it by catching the snitch quickly, but that wasn't the end of it.

Goyle had smacked Harry in the back with a bludger right after he'd caught the snitch so the game had officially ended. Madam Hooch was distracted, berating the Slytherin player while everyone else had landed to talk. Draco clearly said something pretty shitty because a moment later, Fred, George, and Harry were all trying to throw punches.

Harry had managed to take Draco down with one of the twins, the other was being held back the other players. Ariadne tried to get down to the field, but by the time she got there, they were already being led away.

She reached for Draco who was whimpering in pain. She murmured healing spells over him to stop the bleeding from his nose and mouth. They'd gotten him pretty good.

"What happened?" she sighed.

Draco glared at her, he didn't entirely trust her anymore. "Nothing."

It didn't really matter. She knew that he must have goaded them.

Umbridge put a life-long ban on Quidditch for Harry and both twins. After that, Ariadne attended her first DA meeting.

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