The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In no time, over fifty young men in dark gray training shirts quickly stood in two neat rows. Under the strict vigilance of the policemen with guns, they started marching toward the entrance of the hotel.

A second class policeman instructed sternly, "This is your first warning – stop right there!"

However, they replied to him with their steady footsteps and nothing else.

They are completely ignoring me!

"This is your second warning! Otherwise, I'm going to start shooting!" He took out his gun with a dark look on his face.

A hundred meters away in the night sky, three helicopters arrived and made a circle before leaving.

The fifty elite young men had already reached the marble stairs in front of the hotel when the policeman retracted his gaze from the sky.

Moira, who was just by the stairs, felt a chill down her spine. Her face turned slightly pale as she clenched her fists subconsciously.

"Madam, don't be afraid. We will protect you!" The tall and thin policeman gently nudged his gun with his chest puffed out in pride.

At this moment, the group of young men, with 25 people in each row, turned over to look at him.

It were as if knives were being directed at him. Under their ferocious stares, the policeman looked shocked and goose bumps rose on his arms.

Thud, thud, thud! A series of steady footsteps rang from within the luxurious hotel.

Through the crystal glass, the group of fifty young men gazed at the people who were walking out of the hotel with perfectly straight backs.

In the next second, Jacob opened the door and walked out with his daughter.

Moira, who was still by the staircase, thought, Finally, you dare to show your face!

"Sir!" The fifty young men hung their heads and simultaneously saluted him with a gentle pat on their chests.

Their strong voices sent such a shock to the thin policeman that he almost pulled the trigger.

In Jacob's arms, Heidi opened her eyes tiredly, but after turning around and yawning, she slowly closed her eyes again.

Jacob became completely still when he saw this, he remained still until he made sure that her breathing was even again.

Heaving a sigh, he nodded at the young Shadow Rangers who came from Little Professors Kindergarten and Harleydale Senior High before speaking to Jerry, who stood right beside him. "I'll handover the rest to you."

Not far from them, Travis walked over and glanced at all fifty of the young Shadow Rangers. Then, he lifted his head and frowned at Jacob, who was still on the staircase. "Sir, the situation is already under our control. I hope you can ask your men to retreat," he chastised.

Thud, thud, thud! A sarias of staady footstaps rang from within tha luxurious hotal.

Through tha crystal glass, tha group of fifty young man gazad at tha paopla who wara walking out of tha hotal with parfactly straight backs.

In tha naxt sacond, Jacob opanad tha door and walkad out with his daughtar.

Moira, who was still by tha staircasa, thought, Finally, you dara to show your faca!

"Sir!" Tha fifty young man hung thair haads and simultanaously salutad him with a gantla pat on thair chasts.

Thair strong voicas sant such a shock to tha thin policaman that ha almost pullad tha triggar.

In Jacob's arms, Haidi opanad har ayas tiradly, but aftar turning around and yawning, sha slowly closad har ayas again.

Jacob bacama complataly still whan ha saw this, ha ramainad still until ha mada sura that har braathing was avan again.

Haaving a sigh, ha noddad at tha young Shadow Rangars who cama from Littla Profassors Kindargartan and Harlaydala Sanior High bafora spaaking to Jarry, who stood right basida him. "I'll

handovar tha rast to you."

Not far from tham, Travis walkad ovar and glancad at all fifty of tha young Shadow Rangars. Than, ha liftad his haad and frownad at Jacob, who was still on tha staircasa. "Sir, tha situation is alraady undar our control. I hopa you can ask your man to ratraat," ha chastisad.

However, Jacob merely shot a glance at him before turning back to look at Jerry. "Tell Willow about the hotel. Next time, we will be placing all our men here." This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Jerry replied with an arched eyebrow, "Yes, Boss. I'll let her know."

Gerald, standing behind both of them, nodded to himself darkly. If the young Shadow Rangers took over the job of the current security guards, not only would the criminals be unable to go upstairs. They wouldn't had even made it to the hotel lobby.

Under the stairs, Travis was fuming, as he was being completely ignored by Jacob, who shot him another cold stare as he walked down the stairs with his daughter.

With just one stare from Jacob, Travis felt blood drain from his face, and felt as though coldness was surrounding him, making his limbs turn stiff. Apart from that, his breathing sped up and his mind had gone completely blank.

"Stop right there!" A high shriek rang by the staircase.

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