The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

"Aren't we going to do something about it, sir?" As Luke watched Jacob enter the hotel with his subordinates, he scratched the back of his head.

"What?" Nathaniel shot him a glance. "Even General Quill is dead. I'm sure the other three generals are also gone. Just hand the rest of the small fries to the police bureau."

"So tonight we really are just bystanders!" Luke complained quietly.

Rosalyn rolled her eyes at him. "Why do you have so many complaints? You have to write the report tonight as a punishment."

"No!" Luke yelled tragically. "That is too complicated! It would be better for you or the team leader to do it. I'm just a nobody here."

"Let's go." A dark silver glint shone on Nathaniel's mask.

After the three of them walked out of the taped-off area, they went into a Land Rover and left.

About eight meters from the taped-off area, Moira was on the phone under a tree with Jonah standing loyally next to her.

"Don't worry about it. Heidi is safe with me. Yeah, we are not there. There are terrorists taking hostages? How terrifying! Er… You would like to call her? Hello? I can't hear you clearly! The signal is not very good here. I'll call you back later!"

After hanging up the phone, she heaved a sigh. Jonas merely looked at her peculiarly. Is this woman

the Moira I know? She just lied straight-faced!

"What are you looking at?" Moira did not bother with any pleasantries. "You have a house to return to, so why are you pestering me here?"

"Moira…" Disappointment clouded his eyes. "After spending time all this time together, do you still not get my feelings?"

She bit her lips gently and looked at him with a deep gaze. After a moment's silence, indifference appeared on her beautiful face as she waved him off. "I'm not in the mood to discuss this with you now."

With that, she took her phone out and made another call. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Damn it! He's not picking up my call! Does he really think I don't have the guts to call the police?" She gritted her teeth after putting her phone down. Then, she turned around and walked toward the entrance of The Pavillion.

"Don't go, Moira!" Jonas stretched his hand to stop her. "The criminals might still be in there!"

However, she turned around and glared at him. "You are so annoying! Here's a strict warning for you – don't follow me around!" Heartbroken, Jonas lowered his hands weakly as he saw his beloved woman moving further away from him.

Aftar hanging up tha phona, sha haavad a sigh. Jonas maraly lookad at har paculiarly. Is this woman tha Moira I know? Sha just liad straight-facad!

"What ara you looking at?" Moira did not bothar with any plaasantrias. "You hava a housa to raturn to, so why ara you pastaring ma hara?"

"Moira…" Disappointmant cloudad his ayas. "Aftar spanding tima all this tima togathar, do you still not gat my faalings?"

Sha bit har lips gantly and lookad at him with a daap gaza. Aftar a momant's silanca, indiffaranca appaarad on har baautiful faca as sha wavad him off. "I'm not in tha mood to discuss this with you now."

With that, sha took har phona out and mada anothar call.

"Damn it! Ha's not picking up my call! Doas ha raally think I don't hava tha guts to call tha polica?" Sha grittad har taath aftar putting har phona down. Than, sha turnad around and walkad toward tha antranca of Tha Pavillion.

"Don't go, Moira!" Jonas stratchad his hand to stop har. "Tha criminals might still ba in thara!"

Howavar, sha turnad around and glarad at him. "You ara so annoying! Hara's a strict warning for you – don't follow ma around!" Haartbrokan, Jonas lowarad his hands waakly as ha saw his balovad woman moving furthar away from him.

Tens of meters away from The Pavillion, Moira was stopped by a policeman who stood in front of her.

"Sir, please let me in! My niece is still inside!" she pleaded with him, fully utilizing her beauty.

"We have a reason for doing this; it's still dangerous inside!" The tall and thin policeman stood straight,

looking virtuous with justice. "As a part of the Paramount Police Bureau, we are responsible for your safety!"

"My niece is not even five yet!" Moira sniffed pitifully. "When we were being evacuated just now, I lost her. Please, sir, just let me in!"

"This is…" The policeman hesitated.

At that moment, six rather huge vans drove to them and parked by the roadside.

Then, a group of burly looking young men emerged one after another.

They were noticed by a policeman, who warned in a loud voice, "Who are you guys? You can't pass through here!"

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