The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 208 Time For Playing Is Over

I am staring absolute evil in the eyes.

Do I feel fear?

For some reason, I seem to have grown far more stronger than I could possibly be. If there is something that I should fear, then it is the knowledge of that. The knowledge that my body is changing, and I would love to say that it is beyond my control, but much rather beyond my knowledge.

And it is with this knowledge that I can confidently glance over my shoulder and call after Dean, “Give me that enchanted weapon of yours.”

Well, I do not know if he is laughing at me or trying to talk me down, but with mere hesitant steps, he comes towards me. The beast is standing his ground firm with horrific sounds coming from his chest. With each hiss he makes, the poor teenagers break lose in their own fit of screams.

Now, I have had about had enough of this battle. This should not be nearly so impossible to catch a thing that was once a man.

So, as Dean comes to a stand next to me, Damien and Breyden help the teenagers to leave the room. With only two of us remaining, the plan shall be…

“You grab him,” Dean confidently smiles, “I will slice the fucker up.”

“I believe the fucker is called a Rugaru, and I hope that after tonight that I never have to see another one again.”

All that comes from Dean is a rather annoying smirk; I do recall that there is another problem waiting for us at home. And as this very thought grips that my beloved is in danger, I expose every each elegant finger with razor-sharp nails; in less than a wink, I rise from where I find myself standing through the air at a speed faster than one single breath.

With one loud thud, I drop to my feet in front of the creature; I can say for almost a moment I can see the surprise on his face. In one flick of my of the hand, I slit at his throat, knocking him off balance with just enough time for Dean to sweep in and drive the enchanted knife right through his heart.

But this does not satisfy my sense of security; I grab the weapon from Dean just as the creature takes another strained breath. With ease and a flip the wrist, I whisk the knife against the side of his rather broad neck, but with great force, I completely rip his head off. The blackened blood comes squirting down my very much ruined Armani.

Dean looks at me in complete shock, “He was going to die, you know?”

“My friend, I was not going to take the chance. Now, you owe me a new suit.” I rise to my feet, and as I am about to walk away, Dean sets the creature’s body alight. Then I turn to him, “Please do not tell me we have a creature problem at home?”

He only but nod his head, “I am afraid that is what your beloved said.”

With a newfound haste, we set our way down the tunnel back to the platform. Well, if I thought that nobody would turn a head, there are some rather worried citizens that see me walk past them covered in blood.

“Best we get out of here before Law Enforcement decides to come to deal with us.”

With that, we join up with Damien and Breyden that have made sure the teenagers get back onto a bus home. As we pile back into the Impala, Dean looks at me, “You are going to owe me a detail on my car.”

“Well, consider us as equal then. Now can we please hurry this thing up?”

I watch as Dean, with the greatest smile upon his face, slams the pedal to the ground. In less than two seconds, he has us racing from zero to sixty down the streets of London. From the east, I can see the sun starting to flicker over the horizon. It is such a beautiful sight to behold, but the only sight I wish to see now is the sight of the Mansion that should in…one…two…three…it comes into view.

Now from where we are exiting the Impala, I can hear the voices of Cassidy and Roberto. They are calling after Lilith. Between all the chaos, I hear Sam telling them to stand back. The first thought that comes to mind is that Lilith must find herself in trouble.

Not caring much for Dean and the rest to catch up, I rush to the front door, and as I enter the foyer, I can see Cassidy and Roberto stand at the top of the stairs.

The minute that Cassidy sees me enter, she comes rushing down, “Please help Lilith. He has got her. He has taken her.”

It feels as if every inch of my body freezes over, and I shatter into a million pieces, “What do you mean that he has taken her?”

“That thing, the thing that followed us from the Hospital…”

And that is where I stop her immediately. That freeze melts over into rage as I raise my voice a few fractions higher than what is truly required at the present moment, “You were where?”

“I.. I..” she hesitates to say the very words.

“Cassidy, I told you that you are forbidden to go out and most of all to go there.” In pure instinct, I wrap my claw around her throat and start pushing her towards the wall, but the moment I am about to lift her from the floor, I have Dean pulling me back, “There is no time for that. Your sister is about to become breakfast.”

With a dissatisfied growl, I let go of her and walk away, but first, “Please go find yourself in your room.”

“Lucas, but…”

“Cassidy, do not test my patience. I have ordered you to go to your quarters. Now!”NôvelDrama.Org content.

Very reluctantly, she swings around her heels and stomps off in the direction of our room. Well, perhaps this is not the time to be so harsh, for we could use the extra pair of hands, but it is high time that she starts to listen when she obeys my orders. I think it is time that she shall learn to serve a greater punishment for her actions.

But that is beside the point; we are all approaching where Sam is standing to make entry to Lilith’s room, but from behind, a rather rushed Breyden comes through. Though he is not as fast as what I can carry myself, so in only but an arm’s reach, I pull him back. “Do you have a death wish?”

“That thing has got Lilith, so yes, I have a death wish to save the woman that I love.”

But as he wants to push forward, Dean and Sam, which make for a rather intimidating wall, steps in front of him. Then Sam speaks, “Do you also want to be sent to your room.”

Breyden gives him a stupid wink, “That is my room.”

For a brief moment, we all see the hilarity between ourselves, but that is only short-lived, for Lilith has heard Breyden’s voice, and she is calling after him. I can see the agony in this Angel’s eyes as the woman he loves is in danger.

So not having to hesitate, I call for Sam, “Please tell me that it is not a Rugaru in there?”

He cannot help but burst out in a rather unsettling rumble of nervous laughter, “You wish. You think you have blood on you now; try getting hold of that thing that is inside there.”

Yes, I just had to ask, and as Sam whispers into his brother’s ear, Dean looks at me, “Ya, that Armani is definitely going to be ruined. Now I am sad to say that this little creature is nearly indestructible.”

“Please do define what you mean by indestructible.”

He only but shakes his head as he slaps me from aside, “It means you cannot…well…you will be lucky if you can kill it.”

Then next, I hear Breyden clear his throat rather annoyed while Sam is still holding him back with one hand, “Do you always talk so goddamn much? Can you get your damn ass in that room and save Lilith.”

“Oh,” Sam says nonchalantly, “The creature will take his time with her.”

Yes, let us go back to the time that Lilith nearly killed Sam, so to say that there is no love lost there would be a complete understatement. But it takes the irritation that we have to confront two monsters in one night that has Dean hushing us all to silence.

“Come, let us get this over.” Then he pauses for a brief moment, “And you are going to need all the luck you can get.”

With that, we each grab a weapon in hand and sneak around the corner into Lilith’s room. But what we see will haunt me…

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