The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 207 No Time For A Chat

Suppose I say that none of us are experiencing the greatest fear that we have ever felt, then that would be a lie. In front of us is what can only be described as terror in the making; not even one with a great imagination can realize such a thing to mind. Should I have never have met the Winchester boys, then I would have never seen such things as what I am now experiencing.

Yet, I cannot compare what we are feeling to the poor child that is being taken by this beast alive. As for the other two that are huddled in the corner, I think their hearts stopped beating a few moments ago, that is, if you could even die from terror to such an extreme.

So we find ourselves here with no idea what our plan is, for we have been unsuccessful in trying to catch the darn thing that is far faster than anyone of us.

And it is that darn thing that has now become aware of our presence as we step into the light created by a few candles that are bringing bright in the very same corner where the teenagers are hiding. And as the light falls upon this monster’s face, I am met once again with those deep, dark eyes. When last has this man seen life?

This must be such a tragic ending to his life.

How does fate decide for you that at the mere age of thirty that you shall become a creature that shall cause chaos and destruction in the most horrific way? My heart, if only for a brief moment, does feel his pain, but then I need to remind myself that the difference between him and me is that I chose this life.

So pushing my inner babble away, I look at Dean, who is looking at Sam in frustration. From underneath his breath, Dean speaks to his brother, “What on god’s name are you doing on your phone?”

Sam only but waves him off as he seems to be having a rather worried conversation with someone else on the other end. From what I can make out, the bits that my ear is keen to catch is that this person, whom I am now assuming must be another Hunter, is having a problem with his very own creature.

So not caring much for listening, I focus back on the problem at hand, but then just as this beast starts to rise to his feet, I hear only but one word. “Cassidy.”

And with that, Sam mumbles something to Dean and rushes off.

What just happened?

…Cassidy POV…

I am about to get ripped apart by some creature.

If I had a heart that was beating, then I would be dead by now, so thank the pope that I am not from the living no more. But what I can feel from the living is the very fear that is consuming every fiber in my body.

At first, for a brief moment, when he grabbed and pushed me onto the floor, the only thing I felt was paralyzed. I could not move, not even my screams to leave the depths of my chest. But as he pinned me harder into this icy floor, I gained all my strength but to my very shock…I am not strong enough to even move him.

So with all of him towering above me, he draws his mouth only closer and closer to my neck. With each inch he comes closer and closer to me, there is blood that is dripping from a mouth that smells as it has been rotten for years.

This is by far the most vile creature that I have ever seen in all my time that I have known the Winchester boys.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

And it is one of those very boys that are now standing in the entrance to the ballroom trying his loudest, “Get away from her.”

Well, if he is able to understand, that I am not truly sure off, but the moment that he sees Sam coming towards him with a weapon that I have not seen before, he rises from my body and moves over the left of the ballroom. It is very obvious by his constant gaze that he is aiming to head for the door.

But soon, Roberto, who has not been able to make any impact on the creature himself, joins Sam by his side. Under hushed breath, Roberto speaks to a Hunter that seems to have seen quite a bit tonight. “Please tell me you know what this thing is for we can’t even move the goddamn thing.” Then Roberto pauses as another thing comes to mind, “What does this thing do in any case?”

Sam turns to him with a half a smirk on his face, “You don’t want to know. Now, do you have any weapons?”

Just then, Lilith steps into the doorway; by the sudden stop in her tracks, I can see that she is nothing but terrified, but yet she raises her voice, much to the frustration of Sam for next the creature heads straight into Lilith’s direction.

“Lilith,” I hear Sam scream at the top of his pitch. “Run!”

…Lucas POV…

Did Sam just mention Cassidy?

I am almost certain that he has mentioned her name, or have I perhaps gone crazy from all the madness that has consumed our lives tonight.

So as I move with Dean to the corner to where the two teenagers are hiding, while Damien and Breyden will attempt the ward the creature of with the fire, from a distance, I yell over to him, “Did Sam say anything about Cassidy?”

“My god, is your hearing that damn good?”

“My friend, please just answer the question.”

Very reluctantly, he mumbles, “Yes. Now just concentrate on what we need to do; Sam will have everything under control.”

But that is not going to sit with me, “What does he have under control?”

He grunts at me, for I am distracting him while we are trying to sneak past the creature to get to the teenagers. But my constant nagging has attracted the attention of the beast, and it has now spun on his heels and is approaching us rather fast.

“Brace yourself.”

Dean need not even finish, for next, the creature crashes the full force of his weight into the wall that we are trying to create to protect the teenagers from impact.

As Dean stumbles back into the wall, the creature leaps towards where I have moved two steps back. With a deafening rumble coming from his chest, he charges with all that he has got in him. His arms are reached towards me as he moves at an incredible pace with the utmost determination to conquer his next victim.

The blood is still dripping from his mouth; I can smell the hints of iron in it as it lies on his lips. There are pieces of scattered flesh fixed between his teeth. My entire body trembles as I cringe…God, who wants to be eaten by such a vile thing.

Then in three…two…one…


He has crashed his chest into me.

For a brief moment, I am unsteady on my feet, but as I gain my ground, I expose my claws in absolute fury, for the goddamn thing has messed up my Armani. Then with a flinch of a second, I have my claws dug deep into his shoulder. Dean looks at me in horror.

I grab firmer onto the creature and fling his body away from me, slamming him into the far side wall, nothing but light as a feather. Then with determined steps, I speed towards where his body is crumpled on the floor, but the moment he sees me approach, he is on his feet again.

Then next…

…Cassidy POV…

The creature has gone towards Lilith. With the greatest speed that she is capable of, she has ascended the stairs to the first floor; I am guessing that she is headed for her room to where she has a weapon as she has dropped the others on the floor as the beast started approaching her.

Now we have set after her in the hopes that we can catch up to this creature before it can get near Lilith. In all fairness, no harmful words towards Lilith; she is not the strongest Vampire, thus the very reason why we do not ask her to accompany us on any of these Hunts.

Well, this one just sort of fallen into our laps.

So with haste, with weapons that Sam has now conveniently informed us will not be of any use against this beast, we are close on its heels.

And just as thought, Lilith is making rushing to the safety of her room, but she is not even halfway there yet, and this creature is gaining ground on her faster than she can possibly move.

Then as if in complete slow motion, just in front of our eyes…

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