His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 88

I manage to nod a yes and then immediately wish I hadn’t when everything starts to spin.

I hear Brody let out a groan. “Shit, you know her?” He takes a step back when Aiden approaches him. “Did you lace her drink with anything besides alcohol?”

“What? No!” Brody is shaking his head so fast it makes me dizzy to watch him.

“Give me your ID.”

Brody hands over his wallet.

Aiden scans the license before handing it back. “Okay, Brody

Thompson who is only 18 years old, your ass is in a lot of trouble.”

Aiden’s police radio squawks something, and he uses his shoulder mic to respond. As drunk as I am, I gotta say, watching Aiden do his cop thing is sexy as fuck. I wish I was sober enough to enjoy it. I notice that he’s constantly looking over at me, making sure I’m okay as he continues to question Brody. I’m still planted firmly on my ass and don’t have any plans to move anytime soon.

Another cop comes over, and Aiden steps aside with him to talk. He nods in my direction and then glares in Brody’s. The other cop says something, and Aiden claps him on the back and starts walking back to me.

The other cop heads toward Brody, and before he’s taken away, Aiden says, “I better not find out you drugged her, you little shit.”

Brody starts to say something, but Aiden waves his hand as if he’s dismissing him and doesn’t even bother to spare him a look when he says,

“Get the fuck out of my sight.”

In a much softer voice, he says, “Can you walk, Hannah?”

My face must be answered enough because he reaches down and gently picks me up.

“Like the tree,” I say, resting my face against his chest.

He gives a soft laugh. “That’s right. Just like when I caught you from the tree.”

When we’re at his car, he opens the passenger door and lowers me in. He squats down to buckle me up, and I suddenly find that I have the giggles.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Aiden,” I manage to say.

He doesn’t say anything, just smiles and shuts the door, walking to the driver’s side.

When he’s in the car, he turns to me. “Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?”

“Most definitely,” I say with another giggle.

He scrubs a hand over his face. “Do you think you can make it to my house?”


“Okay, just let me know if you need me to stop.” “Will do, buckaroo,” I say, giving him a thumbs up.

It’s not a long drive to his house, and I’m still giggling when we pull into the drive. I look over at my house and put my finger to my lips, giving a dramatic shhh.

“Yes,” he agrees. “I need you to stay quiet. Where do your parents think you are?”

“Staying the night with a friend.”

“Okay, good. Plenty of time to sober your ass up.”

He comes back around to the passenger side and picks me up again, carrying me to his house. When we’re safely inside, he sets me down at the kitchen table and gets me a drink of water.

“Drink this. I’ll be right back.”

He heads down the hall and comes back a few minutes later wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.

I’ve only managed to take a few sips of the water. He eyes the glass and puts it in my hand again.

“You need to drink some water.”

“I don’t wanna.”

“How much did you have to drink tonight? And who the fuck was that guy?”

I’m so mad at myself for being so stupid and for our night being ruined that I start to cry again and can’t seem to stop.

“Hey,” Aiden says, brushing back my hair and wiping away my tears. “Please don’t cry. Do you like him, Hannah? Is that who you want to be with? You know I wouldn’t be mad, right? I mean the kid’s an absolute dick, and you can definitely do better, but would you rather be with someone who’s the same age as you?’

He’s looking at me so intently, and it takes a second for everything he’s said to register, but when it does, I practically yell the word, “No!”

I throw myself in his arms and hug him tightly. The tears won’t stop, so I just try and talk around them.

“I told them I didn’t want to drink, and they said they were giving me just regular punch. I smelled it and tasted it and it seemed fine, so I drank it.

A bunch of it. By the time I realized something was wrong, it was too late.”

He’s rubbing my back as I sob onto his shoulder, and I never want to leave his arms again.

“And Brody is an idiot. He tried to get me to go out with him all through high school.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because I love you, Aiden. I always have.”

His hands squeeze me tighter, but before he can say anything, I make the horrible mistake of closing my eyes. The world suddenly lurches and spins, and I’m barely able to get out a quick, “I’m gonna be sick!” before I race down the hall to the bathroom.

I feel like I’m dying as I vomit what must be every single fucking thing I’ve eaten all week into Aiden’s toilet. I start crying again when I feel him gently pull back my hair and hold it for me as he presses a cool rag against my forehead.

“I don’t want you to see me like this,” I sob against my arms, trying to hide myself from him.

He rubs my back gently, and it’s so comforting and soothing that it only makes me cry harder.

“You think I’ve never been in the same position you’re in now? We’ve all been there, Hannah. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, especially in your case where you didn’t even realize you were drinking.”

He goes to the bathtub and starts to run me a bath before digging around in a drawer for a new toothbrush.

“I’ll spare you the lecture for now about accepting drinks from guys at a party, but prepare yourself because it’s coming.”

I flush the toilet and manage to pull myself up, gratefully accepting the toothbrush already loaded with toothpaste that Aiden is holding out to me. While I brush, he checks on the bath and grabs a towel for me. I look in the mirror above the sink and immediately wish I hadn’t. My makeup has run, my shirt is stained with god knows what, my hair is a mess, and I’m pretty sure there’s some puke in it. Good god.

Aiden leads me to the bath and helps me strip down and get in. He takes my clothes, and I wonder if he’s going to wash them or burn them. I dunk my head under the water and then use a washcloth to scrub my face and body clean. When he comes back in, I’m at least somewhat more presentable. Kind of. I hope.NôvelDrama.Org content.

He sits on the edge of the tub and grabs the shampoo. “Come here.”

I turn so I’m sitting sideways and let him lather me up. His hands feel so damn good, and when I remember what we should have been doing right now, I start to sniffle again.

“I’m sorry, Aiden.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” he says, massaging my scalp like he went to beauty school instead of the police academy.

“But we had plans for tonight. You were going to be my first, and now you’ll probably never want to fuck me.”

“That’s insane, of course I will. I do right now. There isn’t a moment when I don’t want to fuck you, Hannah. There’s just no way in hell

I’m going to do it after some bastard got you drunk.” “You deserve better, Aiden,” I insist.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

I can hear the amusement in his voice and choose to ignore it.

“Someone who doesn’t climb trees and spy on you like some weird-ass stalker lady.”

He reaches up to detach the shower head and turns the water on, adjusting it to the perfect temp before starting to rinse my hair.

“Well, that’s too bad because I kind of liked that you climbed that tree.”

I wrap my arms around my knees and mumble, “And someone who doesn’t steal your dirty t-shirts or fuck themselves in your bed when you’re not home.”

“Now this is new. You stole one of my dirty t-shirts?” he asks with a laugh.

“Last year when you had your barbecue I asked to use your bathroom. I snuck into your bedroom and saw it on the floor. It just smelled so good, so much like you. I couldn’t resist it.”

“Is that when you also fucked yourself in my bed?”

“No, that was this morning after you left for work. You have a nice bed, by the way.”

“Thank you,” he says, and I can still hear the laughter in his voice. “Do you hate me now?” I ask. “Do you want me to just go home?” I brace myself for the answer, hoping like hell it’s one I’ll like.

“Look at me,” he says, tilting my face up to his. I’m afraid I’ll see disgust or indifference in his eyes, but they’re the same beautiful, sweet eyes they always are when he looks at me. “I love you,” he says, rubbing his thumb along my cheek. “I don’t want anyone but you and I’m flattered that you went through so much trouble just to be near me and have something of mine. For future reference, you can have any piece of clothing you want, used or otherwise, and feel free to fuck yourself at any time, preferably where I can see you.”

I smile and lean into the palm of his hand. “I love you, too.” I look up at him and ask, “Can I at least sleep in your bed? I promise I’ll behave.”

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