His Nasty Little Pussy

Chapter 87


I hate seeing Aiden leave, but I’m also really excited about getting this day over with so he can come back to me. Hopping down from the counter, I look around his house. I’ve been in here before when he and my parents have had barbecues, and once I’d even snuck into his bedroom and snagged one of his dirty t-shirts. I’ll probably keep that little tidbit to myself, but, man, I love that shirt. I’ve slept with it for months and fucked myself while holding it more times than I can count, surrounding myself with his smell.

I can’t believe I’m getting the real thing now. Memories from last night wash over me as I walk down the hall to his bedroom. God, he drives me crazy. I let myself worry for just a second that maybe he doesn’t feel the same thing for me that I feel for him, but then I shove that thought aside and remind myself of how he’d looked at me. I need to trust that and not some insecure babble floating through my brain.

When I walk into his bedroom, I’m immediately surrounded by Aiden. His house is clean and pretty much clear of clutter, but his king-size bed is unmade. The dark gray bedding flung about as if he didn’t sleep very well last night. I’m not about to snoop through his things, but how can I possibly resist crawling into his bed when his body is the last one to lay here and it’s covered in his scent?

I kick off my sandals and crawl in, sighing at how good it feels. Grabbing onto his pillow, I hug it to me and breathe in the scent of his amazing cologne and underneath it the intoxicating scent of Aiden. Just the smell of him makes me wet, and there’s no way I can resist sliding a hand into my panties when I’m this close to him.

Lying on my stomach, I bury my face in his pillow and start to rub my sopping wet clit. Sliding a finger in, I move my hips so I can work myself faster. I’m so fucking wet, and with the scent of Aiden all around me, I can already feel the beginnings of an orgasm. Rubbing my clit in tight, fast circles, I let his pillow muffle my screams as I grind against my hand, wishing it was his cock instead.

When my body tense and I start to come down, I lazily work my hand, reveling in the aftershocks of pleasure as I take in a deep breath of Aiden. With a contented sigh, I roll onto my back and slide my hand out of my pants. I stare at the ceiling and imagine him sleeping here every night. I wonder what position he sleeps in and what he sleeps in. I want to know everything about him, every single detail.

My phone buzzes, and I quickly grab it hoping it’s Aiden, but it’s only my friend Kelly.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Guess what!!! Steve’s having a party tonight! We have to go!!

I groan and try to think of an excuse. Kelly has had a major crush on Steve since like the first grade, and I don’t want to let her down, but I also don’t want to go to a party filled with all the idiots we went to high school with.

I’m not sure I can. I have something planned tonight and have to be back at 10.

No worries, H! I’ll make sure you’re back in time. I just don’t want to go alone.

Well, shit. I was hoping my ten o’clock curfew would dissuade her. I guess I could go for a little bit. It would help pass the time until Aiden got off work. At least I’d get to hang out with Kelly.

Okay. Pick me up?

Sure thing! See you at 8!

I force myself out of Aiden’s comfy bed and head toward the front door, hoping like hell when I open it that I won’t see my mom looking over from her garden. I take a deep breath and open the door, letting it out in a relieved sigh when I see that our yard is empty. Looking up at his house, I slip his key into my pocket, and I can’t help but smile like an idiot when I think about how happy it makes me that he gave me a key to his house.

The day passes slowly and over supper, I tell my parents that I’m going over to Kelly’s for the night. I’ll have to make sure she drops me off far enough away so my parents don’t see me sneaking into Aiden’s house.

After supper, while I’m waiting for Kelly, I finally get a text from Aiden.

Sorry, I didn’t text earlier, babe. It’s been a crazy busy day. How are you?

My heart does a flipflop when I read the word babe.

That’s okay. I’m fine. One of my friends talked me into going to a party for a few hours, but I told her I had to be back by 10. We’re still on for later, right?

Of course. What party?

Just some stupid party that I have no desire to go to, but she doesn’t want to go alone. She has a crush on the guy throwing it.

Be careful, Hannah. Don’t drink any alcohol, okay?

I smile when I read it, loving that he feels a bit protective of me.

I won’t. I never do. Don’t worry! I’ll be fine and back by ten.

Can’t wait to see you.

Me too. I miss you.

I miss you too, Hannah. Gotta go, babe! 😉

I smile and stare at my screen, rereading our messages. I can’t wait for tonight!

It’s not long before Kelly is picking me up and we’re headed to the party. Steve’s house is on the outskirts of town, and I can hear the vibrations from the music that’s blaring before we even step out of the car.

I recognize a lot of the people milling about, all of them with red cups in their hands. Some are a little steadier on their feet than others. Kelly grabs my arm and pulls me toward the house, laughing as we weave our way through the crowd.

“Kelly, don’t forget I have to be back by ten,” I shout at her over the music.

“Totally,” she says, giving me a thumbs up, but she’s not looking at me. Her eyes are scanning the crowd for Steve. I know the moment she sees him because her whole face lights up, and she pulls me along at a faster pace.

The house is filled with people, and the music is unbearably loud now that we’re inside. Every piece of furniture has at least one person lounging on it, and I’m pretty sure the couple in the corner are having sex. Awesome.

I let Kelly pull me into the kitchen where Steve is leaning against the counter, surrounded by his minions. When I see Brody, I inwardly groan. He’d tried to date me all through high school. I wasn’t interested then, and I’m sure as hell not interested now. As soon as he sees me, he smiles and walks over.

“Hey, Hannah,” he says, and I can tell by his voice that he’s well on his way to being fully drunk.

“Hey,” I say, avoiding his gaze.

Kelly walks over to Steve, and I skirt around Brody to catch up to her.

“Hey, Steve,” she says in a voice that I easily recognize as her you could fuck me if you wanted to voice.

Steve seems to understand this because his face lights up in a big grin as he takes a step closer and wraps his arm securely around her shoulder. She looks at me like she’s died and gone to heaven. I roll my eyes at her but soften it with a grin so she knows I’m only halfway serious.

“You ladies want a drink?” Steve asks.

His eyes aren’t quite as glassy as Brody’s, but I’m guessing they will be soon.

“Sure,” Kelly says, already reaching for a red cup that’s being offered to her.

I shake my head. “No thanks, I don’t drink.”

Without missing a beat, Steve says, “No worries, we have just regular punch too.” He hollers at Brody and says, “One virgin punch!”

I feel like he says it way louder than necessary and the finger-pointing in my direction for the whole fucking house to see is also a bit much.

My face is heating up fast, and when Brody brings me my drink, I quickly take it and mutter a “Thanks.”

I give a good sniff, but I can’t smell any alcohol. Taking a small sip, I’m relieved that it doesn’t taste like it’s laced with anything, just like a sugary drink. It’s pretty tasty, and I hadn’t realized how damn thirsty I am. I quickly chug it, and Brody brings me another before I even have to ask.

I tune him out as he chatters away about something. All I care about is what time it is so I can make sure to be at Aiden’s by ten. At some point in the conversation, I finish my second drink, and he brings me a third. It’s so fucking hot in here with all these bodies crammed together. I think it’s making me dehydrated or something because that third drink goes down with quickness.

I drank the first three drinks so quickly that it wasn’t until Brody handed me the fourth that I started to notice something was off. There’s a looseness to my body that wasn’t there before and a slowness to my thinking. I look up at him, confused and more than a little worried.

“Did you give me alcohol?”

“Of course not. You said you didn’t drink. You’re probably just dizzy from being inside where it’s so cramped and hot. Let’s get you some fresh air,” he says, taking my arm and leading me outside.

Turning back, I try to find Kelly, but I don’t see her anywhere. I try to pull my hand free, but Brody’s grip is too tight and he’s too strong for me to fight against, especially with the ground feeling so fucking wobbly. I think about Aiden and want to cry.

Once we’re outside, Brody keeps pulling me further from the house.

“Stop!” I try to yell, but the music is too loud for anyone to hear me over it. I’m starting to feel increasingly worse, and it’s getting harder and harder for me to stay upright. I barely register the sound of police sirens because I’m so focused on not falling over and getting free of Brody’s grip.

I dig my feet in as best I can and holler at him to stop, but he only pulls harder.

“Hurry up, Hannah!” he screams at me. “The fucking police are here!”

Hearing him say that immediately makes me think of Aiden, and the image of him is so powerful that my eyes start to tear up. I’d give anything to have him here now.

When I hear a familiar deep, powerful voice holler, “Hey! Stop right there!” I convinced myself that it couldn’t possibly be him.

A flashlight is pointed at Brody who immediately stops, freezing like a frightened deer caught in the headlights. I manage to yank my arm free, but I stumble to the ground because I’m crying too hard to see anything properly, and the fucking ground won’t stay still!


I look up into Aiden’s face and start crying harder when I see how angry he looks. He squats down next to me, brushing the hair back from my face. Whatever he sees when he looks at me makes his eyes go dark with anger, and I see his body go completely rigid.

He looks back at Brody who’s still frozen in place.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” Aiden growls out.

Brody holds up his hands, looking like he’s going to piss himself.

“Nothing, sir, I swear. She just had too much to drink.”

“Hannah doesn’t drink,” Aiden says. His voice is low and dangerous, and even dumbass Brody is picking up on that.

His voice softens when he looks at me. “Are you okay?”

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