You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 326: The Girl Who Could Lose His Temper

Chapter 326: The Girl Who Could Lose His Temper

Inside the car, the atmosphere was still the same.

Arabella could not help but wish that they would arrive early at his mansion as possible.

She missed Adam already.

She could not wait to see Adam’s smiling face approaching her later.

After a while, the car stopped somewhere.

She was stunned and looked at the man who was sitting beside her in the backseat with a questioning


“We are having lunch here.” Without asking Bill, he answered her blankly.

“Hmmm…” Arabella didn’t want to go out. If they would eat outside, she preferred to have Adam with

them. “Can we eat at the house instead with Adam?” Arabella sounded a little nervous as she didn’t

want to offend him but she just didn’t want to go.

Aside from Adam, she also didn’t want to go with him in public.

Surely, there were many eyes who would welcome them and in just a minute she would go viral.

It was not good for her as she was still married to Eric Grant.

She just wanted to keep her identity low and be spared from any gossip from the people in Capital Z

and worldwide.

With Bill Sky, that would be very impossible.

“Why?” Bill frowned. His gaze was keenly examining her which made her feel more nervous.

“Hmmm… Bill, I want to eat with Adam if you don’t mind.” Mustering her courage, she straightened

herself up and met his eyes to show her sincerity.

Bill smirked handsomely as he did understand her. He spoke still meeting her eyes, “I have a meeting

in this restaurant. It’s just a quick one. Dinner, we can do that. So… can we go out now?” Bill said. His

eyes were gentle and so was his tone which made her feel no excuse for insisting on her reasons.

It was unusual for her to see Bill like this.

She saw him smile before but it was mockery or a teasing one.

The gentleness of his expression somehow made her like him.

A gentle Bill is much better than the one who was always cold and strict.

Arabella nodded at him to agree.

Bill strode inside and Arabella followed timidly.

She deliberately lowered her head and maintained an ample distance from Bill so she could not get

anyone’s attention not until Bill suddenly stopped and Arabella immediately bumped his back. She felt

embarrassed as she quickly took a few steps back to maintain her distance.

She hoped that no one saw that incident but before she could take another step, Bill grabbed her wrist

and pulled her towards him.

He didn't care about the people in the surrounding who were mostly included in the elite society.

She looked at Bill in great shock as she tried to get her hand out of his grip.

Bill looked at her frowning.

It seemed he didn’t like what Arabella was acting.

He felt insulted that a woman didn’t want to be with him when all the women that he knew were dying to

be with him.

Arabella was getting to his nerves and he had some difficulty controlling his annoyance.

Bill heaved a sigh trying to control his temper.

Of all the women in the world, only Arabella could shatter his calm.

“Relax… I’m not gonna eat you,” Bill whispered at her with a teasing tone as he dragged her to his


With the scene, one could easily tell that the two were intimate and Bill had no care at all.

“I’m relaxed, Mr. Sky. I’m not just comfortable being with you.” Arabella directly answered.

She could not believe that she had said those words to him.

What if Bill Sky was offended by her in this restaurant, what’s gonna happen to her?

Probably, he would just leave her there and she would not see Adam again.

Or he would buy the restaurant and lock her up inside forever.

Just the thought of it, she wanted to take back her words but it was too late.

Bill was already pissed.

He frowned deeply and his eyes were sharp.

They were unreadable.

Seeing Bill’s expression, Arabella’s heart skipped a beat but she managed not to stumble even though

she was already trembling inside.

“Why are you so stubborn?” Bill asked with a controlled temper.

He was almost losing it. His eyes deep eyes darkened like they were going to swallow her in whole.

Arabella’s hand was shaking and cold under his tight grip.

She wanted to take it away but it was just too absurd to create a scene in a formal dining restaurant.

Hence, she stood still showing her confidence to him.

“I am not stubborn but you are.” She mumbled.

Arabella would not accept defeat, especially coming from Bill Sky.

After her words, Bill’s grip on her arm tightened even more.

It already gave her pain.

Her face turned instantly pale seeing Bill’s fuming expression.

Obviously, he had gone mad and lost his temper again.

“Oh, there you are Bill!” Suddenly, a melodious voice behind them broke their bickering but Bill didn’t

release her that easily. “I will deal with you later.” He whispered at her with an unpleasant tone mixed

with a dangerous warning before he strode towards the owner of the voice.

Ginger Heather.

Arabella rolled her eyes in annoyance after seeing Ginger Heather hugging and kissing Bill on his

cheek displaying a sweet greeting.

Bill left her behind as he settled Ginger to sit on her chair.

He then sat on the chair on the opposite side and they were facing each other.

‘What is this meeting? A date?’ Her thoughts ran wild again.

‘But why he had to bring me with him?’

‘This man… Argggg!’ Arabella was oozing anger inside.

She didn’t know what was Bill’s plan of bringing her to this meeting.

For her, it was obvious that Ginger likes him and her presence was just a great distraction.

“Arabella, why are you still standing there? Please join us.” Ginger’s voice was heard again.

Arabella was quickly snapped back to her senses.

She looked at the two and their eyes were watching her.

She felt intimidated especially under Bill’s watch but she managed to release a smile.

Since they were three people dining in, she had no worries anymore about getting viral.

With Ginger, people would not think that it was a romantic date or something to do with romance.

There’s nothing there worth gossiping about.

When Arabella arrived, she quickly sat on her seat without waiting for someone to help her.

As expected, Bill would not move an inch for her but he was gentlemanly enough to help Ginger.

She secretly cursed him.

Since he brought her there, she was not obliged to talk.

She was going to enjoy the meal on the table.

The timing was right because she was really hungry.

She promised to enjoy her wasted time by eating a lot during this what they called meeting.

Arabella’s wicked mind lit up.

“So, Bill, I have good news for you.” Ginger started talking while her eyes were fixated on Bill’s

handsome face.

Ginger was cheerful and Arabella could clearly see it.

“Hmmm… Let’s eat first.” Bill answered her back.

His tone was plain very opposite to the other person’s excitement.

Arabella got her utensils and she started eating without any care for the two.

“Bill my father had approved it.” Ginger seemed couldn’t control her excitement.

On the other hand, Bill seemed not shocked by the news.

He continued eating elegantly and drank his wine.

“That’s good,” Bill said blankly.

He was acquiring Ginger’s family’s land in the west for the expansion of the Sky’s business.

Capital Z was next to full when talking about establishments but Ginger’s family got almost half the land

in the west.

The board targeted this land for their new expansion.

It was a huge and important project for Sky Corporation which was why Bill was handling it personally.

Aside, Ginger’s father had no plan of selling the lot.

Through Ginger, Bill got to work on it.

His personal assistant, George managed to find Ginger overseas.

She was the only daughter of the family and she was the only weakness of her father.

“But…” Ginger paused.

Bill looked at her with a questioning expression. “But what?” Bill asked a little impatient.

He already knew there was a bit off with her expression.

“My father wanted to see you. He wanted to talk to you personally.” Ginger spilled it out with a worried

expression as she knew her father could be a little rude if he didn’t like the person he was talking to.

Bill was also overbearing so Ginger was afraid that they would clash and the deal she managed to get

from her father would be cut.

“When? And where?” Bill asked calmly. His face showed no emotions.

Ginger heaved a heavy sigh secretly before she continued. “In the west. Anytime tomorrow. Can you

come?” Ginger’s tone was worried at the same time pleading. Her cuteness showed on her face.

Before Bill answered, he looked at Arabella first.

His eyes were serious staring at the girl who seemed to enjoy her eating a lot.

It was obvious that she was forced to join them.

“I will be there,” Bill answered plainly.

“Yes! Then I will see you tomorrow then.” Ginger was excited to spend time with Bill. Their place was 6

hour drive from the city. “My place is beautiful. You will surely love it.” Ginger’s tone came back alive.

Though Arabella was pretending not to hear them, it was too difficult for her not to absorb their words.

‘Ginger’s father had approved something. Is this something about their relationship?’

‘Ginger’s father was inviting him to their place. Is this something to do with their marriage?’

Bill had no hesitations.

He was determined to go and see Ginger’s father.

'Is he serious with his relationship with Ginger that he had to meet her father?' Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

'If that's the case, Ginger is the exception.'

'So Ginger Heather is the woman who would end up with him.'

Her thoughts earlier inside the elevator suddenly flashed.

'Poor Ginger, sooner you will become a wall.'

Arabella felt annoyed and also she felt pity for the woman who seemed to be in love with Bill Sky.

With her thoughts, she just hoped that if that happened, she could get Adam.

For her to do that, she had to plan it carefully.

The timing was also very important to her plan.

As for Bill, he could live with whomever woman he wanted.

It could be Trishia Meyer or Ginger Heather or any other woman.

She didn’t care at all as long as he would let her and Adam live happily.

At long last, the lunch was over.

Bill stood up and Arabella followed like his tail.

When they reached outside, Bill’s car was already in front of them.

The driver urgently opened the door for Arabella while Bill opened his door.

After the passengers settled inside, the driver drove the car away.

In the backseat, everything was backed to its usual dead atmosphere.

“Mr. Sky, where to?” The old driver sounded polite.

“Home,” Bill answered briefly.

Finally, Arabella heaved a sigh of relief.

She could finally see her son again.

Thinking about this, she felt good and excited.

“Hmmm…” Arabella sounded beside the man whose eyes were closed and his head was on the

headrest of the seat. “Bill…I want to cook for Adam.” She clenched her fist hard to stabilize her

nervousness. “Can we have a quick stop in the supermarket?” Since she failed to get a gift for her son,

Arabella wanted to cook his favorite meals for dinner instead but that would defend Bill.

Slowly, Bill’s eyes opened.

His head turned to her side.

His eyes were keenly examining her again.

She instantly blushed.

Trying to gather herself not to collapse under his stare because that could be too embarrassing.

“Okay,” Bill answered briefly then he closed his eyes again. He seemed to be tired today.

With her heart jumping for joy, Arabella quickly informed the driver.

She planned to buy the ingredients she needed.

She called it a mother’s love effort.

Even though she knew that other ingredients might be available in the mansion but she still wanted to

buy all.

That way, she could perfect everything without bothering anyone inside the mansion.

When they reached the nearest supermarket, Arabella hopped out without waiting for the driver to open

her door.

She was still considerate. She planned to do it very quickly because she didn’t want to offend the

person who was waiting inside the car.

Bill was impatient and she knew that very well so she could not afford to keep him waiting too long.

"Stop." Suddenly, Bill's voice sounded behind her. She halted quickly and turned around.

She was not mistaken. The owner of the voice was standing in front of her.

His tall sexy figure blocked the sunlight.

He got out of the car.

Bill was wearing black sunglasses and a white shirt with two buttons left unbuttoned on his chest.

He looked very hot. Hotter than the male models she saw on television.

Passersby looked at him like he was a famous celebrity.

Their amazement at him was shown through their giggles and stares.

"Bill, what are you doing?" Arabella quickly asked in disbelief and at the same time, she was worried

about his appearance in the public.

Bill Sky was spotted in the supermarket was not a good headline.

Instead of answering her, Bill strode closer to her and tapped her shoulder.

"I'm going with you." He answered.

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