You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 241: Finding Adam

Chapter 241: Finding Adam

"I'm here." Adam lifted his head slowly to face the man who was now wearing his coat and tie.

Adam's round eyes were misty like he was holding back not to cry.

"Still angry?" Bill Sky sounded cold.

He was like talking to an adult rather than a kid.

Adam just nodded.

There's no point in hiding his true feelings from his dad.

His eyes still carried hatred towards Bill Sky.

"Adam..." Bill called as he calmly fixed his tie. "Men should not be weak. That's the reason why kings

are men. Do you understand?" His sharp eyes looked at Adam who was obviously contemplating his


His thoughts were with his mom.

Earlier, Bill called Adam.

He was hesitant to answer his father but deep inside him, he wanted to hear his father's voice.

So, he answered.

"Adam, I'm in the hospital. Would you care to pay me a visit?" Bill's voice was plain.

There's no trace of emotion in his tone.

"Dad???.. what... what happened?" Hearing about his father, Adam felt a fright.

He could feel his heart accelerate.

"I was shot." Bill simply answered.

Adam got panicked.

The hate he felt for his father was instantly covered with nervousness and worries.

When he was young, his mother's love was all he got.

He appreciated it and was satisfied with it until he started going to school.

Every day, he started to wonder about his father seeing his classmates accompanied by their fathers in


Whenever they have family school affairs, he was not envious yet he could not control to feel

something was missing in him.

That kind of feeling became stronger as time passed by.

It slowly grew inside him until it became longingness.

When he finally knew his dad, the feeling was his happiest.

Finally, he had someone to call dad.

At first, it was a bitter pill for him to swallow since he knew his parents were not in a good term.

Then he felt the urge to fix his family.

He was hoping that someday everything would change.

A child that wanted to see his family complete and happy just like the other kids but Adam saw the

reality was difficult.

He could afford to see his mom's tears and he could not just turn his back on his father.

He waited for him for a long time even if he didn't know if his father wanted or loved him.

He's just a kid who just wanted his parents to be together.

"Will you come and see me?" Bill sounded on the other line.

For a while, Adam was contemplating.

It was against her mom again but his heart was urging him to see his dad.

How could he leave his dad with that condition?

"Yes. I will, dad." Adam answered with his mind still weighing all the possibilities and consequences in


After the call ended, Bill smirked grimly.

Even he had been with his son for just a little while, he knew Adam was kind-hearted.

Though he was tough sometimes, he knew Adam was a good and reasonable boy.

He's naturally sweet and he was always considerate towards others. Adam had all traits to be the heir

of the Sky Corporation.

Bill had anticipated Arabella and Eric would bring Adam abroad.

No matter what happened, he would not lose his son.

Adam Sky is the only heir of his company.

He would not let anyone take him away.

He would not let anyone father his child.

Especially, not Eric Grant.

Now that he found him, Bill swore that only death could tear them apart.

Arabella hid his son for too long.

She took his rights for his son away.

They missed long years because of his mother.

Arabella Jones was cunning and a slayer.

She wore innocence but she had wicked tricks up her sleeves.

Arabella Jones seemed to underestimate him.

It was time for him to show her who was she messing with.

It was time for him to show her the real Bill Sky.

What she did to him, he would pay it back to her every single thing.

The tricks she did, he would make her feel all of it.

It's time for him to give her, her own dose of medicine.

'Arabella Jones... you should be scared... really scared.'

Bill grinned while his eyes darkened.

It showed catastrophe was about to happen.

Meanwhile, Arabella felt she was going insane.

For a while, she felt empty and she felt her world went instantly black.

'Wake up Arabella! Adam... Your son needs you. You have to find him! Stand up and find him! You have

to get him back! Do not let that monster get Adam! Move now!' Arabella's inner thoughts were

screaming inside her.

She had to move before it was too late.

Trying hard to gather all her strength left, she stood up and stormed out.

"Brother! Brother!" She was screaming for help.

Hearing Arabella, Eric quickly ran to her location.

He was busy packing his important stuff when he heard her and that instant, he knew something bad

had happened.

"Tell me," Eric's tone was full of worries.

Arabella couldn't answer.

She felt her words would be replaced with her cries so she didn't dare to speak to avoid delays.

They had to find Adam before it was too late.

Her shaky hand quickly handed Adam's letter to Eric.

Eric immediately understood the situation without her telling anything to him.

"Let's go back to the hospital." Eric sounded in a hurry.

Arabella followed Eric.

Her heart was racing so fast.

If it continued, she's afraid her heart would explode.

Eric gathered all his men.

He ordered 10 men to guard his mansion and Ivan while 20 men were accompanying them to the


Eric drove his car with Arabella while they were being followed by his men.

When they arrived, Eric's men secured the hospital clearing their way to Bill's room.

Bill's 6 men were still guarding outside his room.

Eric's 15 men settled them making Eric and Bill strode inside freely. Without knocking, Arabella quickly

opened the door.

She had no time of giving him courtesy and kindness.

Her plan was to get Adam and leave.

They would go abroad and forget all about Bill Sky.

Knowing Bill Sky, they could not afford any delays.

Her plan should push through tonight.

If things would go messy, at this time, she was ready to kill for her son.

While they were entering Bill's room, she was just hoping that Bill would not make things difficult for her

and Adam so no one would get harmed.

Inside the room, they were surprised.

They immediately stopped.

The room was completely dark.

They could not see anything as the darkness was invading all around.

Eric quickly opened the door wide so the light could enter the room and grasped the wall for the


"Adam? Adam! Son? Son!" In the dark, she sounded while taking steps forward.

Before, though the room was dim, she had memorized the bed's location.

She just followed her instinct and continued walking forward.

"Adam, son, mommy's here." A drop of tear escaped from the corner of her eye while she called her

son's name.

Her heart instantly became dispirited when there was no reply.

Then, light filled the room.

Arabella instantly froze.

The bed was already in front of her but it was empty. Bill Sky was not lying there anymore.

Arabella quickly stormed to other areas inside the room hoping Adam was there but ended up more


There's no Adam.

There's no Bill Sky.

The room was empty.

The men outside were just a show.

They had been tricked.

Eric was worried.

He stepped forward to comfort the girl who was obviously not herself.

One could easily tell that she lost someone.

The sparks in her eyes were nowhere to be found.

"I think Bill knew your plan," Eric said with a comforting tone.

Arabella heard him but her reaction was still at a loss.

'Pull yourself together Arabella! You need to find Adam!" Her inner self struck again.

In her absent-minded condition, she needed to be reminded by herself repeatedly.

She had to regain her senses before her fear took over her.

"Brother! I know where to go." Trying all her best to think clearly and recover her senses, Arabella

sounded hurriedly.

"Let's go." Eric could only support Arabella.

He wanted to give her all the help she needed.

This time, she would not be alone.

He would do everything to keep her safe from Bill Sky.

Arabella could only think of one place Adam would go.

Bill's residence. They quickly drove to the compound but the guard at the entrance gate blocked their


Arabella was happy to see the assigned guard as she was familiar with him.

He was the most friendly among all the guards.

"Good morning, Mrs. Sky." Dexter, who just shifted his co-employee sounded cheerful seeing a familiar


"Dexter, please open the barrier, I am in a hurry." Arabella had no time for a long chat so she quickly

ordered but her tone carried politeness.

"Where are you going, Mrs. Sky?" Dexter asked with a frown.

He seemed so puzzled.

"Bill Sky's residence." She answered quickly.

Dexter's expression turned more puzzled.

Arabella was taken aback.

She felt something bad circulating the air before Dexter could utter his words.

"Mrs. Sky, I'm sorry if I will be the one to inform you this but Mr. Bill Sky had sold his house and was

taken by the Laffet family just this morning." Dexter's expression was like weighing his information. He

seemed to feel wronged that the information was coming from him. He was also puzzled that Mrs. Sky

didn't know that their house was already bought by another family. An elite french family.

Arabella froze again. She felt her nervousness and sadness were hovering over her heart.

Arabella could feel her mind and body were so tired as they were driving around non-stop finding


Her emotion and fear of losing Adam were the biggest power drainers. She had no sleep the entire


She could feel her body was getting weaker but she refused to surrender Adam just like that.

The sun was already shining when they arrived at Kelly Sky's villa.

There's no other one she could think of.

She had to settle the score with Kelly.

She promised her that she would take care of her son, Bill Sky in exchange for her promise that she

would leave him.

"So, what brings you here?" Kelly sounded arrogant.

"Give me back, Adam," Arabella answered her directly.

"Oh! I don't know what you're saying, darling." Kelly sipped her morning tea.

"Where's your son?" Arabella was already pissed off with Kelly's arrogance.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell it to someone who is nobody in this family." Kelly was really good at striking

Arabella's temper.

Arabella laughed hearing Kelly.

"You really think I want to be part of your boring family?" Arabella chuckled to give her back Kelly's

insult. " I never want to be with your boring son!" It was her proud ego answered Kelly.

" You promised me to take care of Bill as long as I leave him. Now, what happened?" Arabella added

with fury.

"I did. Yes darling I did say that to you but I never mentioned Adam." Kelly chuckled along with her


It was a clear insult.

Provoked by Kelly's attitude, she grinned. "Then you mean to say our deal is off. Get ready to see me

every day again. This time your son will die for me. " Arabella could not hold the urging irk she had with

Kelly's arrogance.

That was the time Eric went inside in a hurry.

“Let’s go.” Eric sounded.

“Oh, so look what we got here?” Kelly sounded more sarcastic seeing Arabella with another man. “Why Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

are you sticking yourself to my son when you have another man? How pathetic of you to play with all

men in the world.” Kelly roared insulting Arabella.

Eric held her hand in front of Kelly.

“Let’s go.” He winked at Arabella.

Kelly’s eyes grew wider seeing Eric holding her hand.

“You! You better watch your woman....” Kelly shouted but the two had turned their backs to leave.

“Hurry! Bill is in the airport.” Eric said while they were running back inside the car.

Hearing Eric, Arabella’s hope came to life again.

“Adam... please wait for me,” Arabella muttered in the air with her eyes slowly filled with tears.

With Eric’s connection, they directly went inside where Bill’s private plane was located.

“Adam! Adam!” Arabella was shouting hysterically.

The plane was already in a position to go.

“Adam!” She felt her throat was swollen due to her excessive shouting but she didn’t stop.

“Adam! Mommy is here!” She shouted again while running fast in the plane's direction but Bill's men

blocked their way.

Bill’s men were on the ground guarding the plane’s departure.

Eric's men were also there guarding their boss.

The commotion in the area was palpable as it was filled with men in black suits.

Intense tension was circulating around like in just a blink of an eye something terrible would happen in

the area.

Just when Eric lifted his hand signaling his men to attack, Bill Sky showed up.

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