
Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 — The Investigation

“Promises are only as strong as the person who gives them.” -Stephen Richards Neron

“If my mate dies on your fucking watch, | will tear you apart! Save her!”




Dr. Jackson's amber eyes stared in mine with sheer terror, stuttering his promise to save Kiya. Nurses and doctors rush past me towards my beloved, hooking her to IVs as they work quickly. Running my hand through my hair, | roar in frustration.

| don’t know how this happened! In the blink of an eye, everything changed for the worst. One moment | almost kissed Kiya for the first time, and the next, she was fighting for her life. The screams from my pack alerted me to the commotion, and there | saw Kiya convulsing in Galen’s arms.

I've never acted so quickly in my life in a sea of chaos. Her wellbeing became my priority as | rushed her to the emergency room. Nothing else mattered to me. The pool party was shut down at once to preserve the crime scene. This wasn’t an accident. Someone did something to Kiya.

Someone harmed my mate. When | find the bastard, they will pay with their life. | swear on my honor!

“Neron, the investigation is underway,” Kwame told me through the mind—link. “Valerian and | are speaking to witnesses and they say before Kiya collapsed, she was at the bar.”

“Tear it apart. Investigate every nook and cranny and report back to me as soon as you find something. Don’t stop questioning, press if you must!”

Astampede of footsteps echoed behind me, belonging to Kiya’s friends, Raina, and oddly enough, her parents. “How is she?” Raina asked, throwing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

“| don’t know. The doctors are working on her right now.” | answered, trying my best to suppress my anger. Onyx was beyond pissed. He was enraged and out for blood. Our mate being hurt was equivalent to stabbing silver in my chest, it fucking hurt! Through the bond, her pain became my pain. It was burning as if someone

lit her on fire. The culprit is dead man. Point blank. They signed their death certificate the moment they hurt my beloved! Kiya must pull through. She is too strong to go out like this.

My lips still tingled from our almost-kiss. | felt nothing like that before. It was like being bathed in the purest, cleanest of enchanted waters. Her body fit perfectly in mine and her scent held me prisoner. It felt right. | wanted to feel that again. | wanted her in my arms again, to touch her, to feel her, to breathe her into me.

Goddess, if | lose her again, I'll lose my mind!

“| need to see her! Raina, let me go!” Ashley shouted, trying to push through the crowd but was held back by her daughter. “Mom, please. Let the doctors do their job! There is not much we could do without getting in their way.”


Chapter 6-The Investigation

Raina soothed, pulling her mother to an empty chair.

“Who would do this to her?” The older woman whimpered. “Why? Why did this have to happen to her?”

“Alpha.” Steven walked up to me, his neck vein throbbing with anger, “I won't hesitate to tear their throats out for harming my baby girl. That evil being is still out there! Please find them or | will.”

“That is if you get your hands on them first, Jacqueline growled before looking at me. “Remember the promise you made to our Alpha. If it was one of your wolves that harmed Kiya on your territory, Alpha Anthony will hold you responsible for your failure in the agreement.”

+10 Bonu 00:3

She's right. Per our agreement for allowing his soldiers to remain on my territory, | must ensure their safety. And | already fucking failed, and with my mate, nonetheless. This realization only enrages me even more. | ball up my fists and bite my lower lip.

“| realize this, Beta Jacqueline. | will find the person responsible and their punishment will be swift.” “Alpha.” | jerk around to see Dr. Jackson standing with his clipboard. “I have news on Delta Kiya’s condition.” That was fast! | kept my mind-link open so Valerian and Kwame could listen in. “Spit it out.”

“She was poisoned. Her blood analysis results detected high amounts of potassium cyanide. She ingested the poison through an alcoholic drink because her Blood Alcohol Content is elevated. If you acted a couple of minutes later, she would have died. We've supplied the applicable antidotes intravenously and oxygen therapy. Unfortunately, to flush the poison from her system, she must remain here for a few days.”

The bartenders,” | revealed to Valerian and Kwame. “Every single one of them. Bring them to my office and bag

all the glasses and send them to the lab. | want to know which glass Kiya drank out of. It should have traces of cyanide.” Valerian exclaimed. “Someone wanted her dead quickly.” Valerian concluded with a low growl “That shit kills

humans within minutes.”

“We're on it, Alpha, Kwame reassured me. “We'll alert you when ready.”

“Couldn’t she have detected the cyanide in her drink?” Abigail asked curiously.

“Unfortunately, not everyone can detect cyanide. This goes for both humans and werewolves. She wouldn’t have known until it was too late. Not all types of cyanide carry a scent or a taste. Potassium cyanide carries a bitter taste, but most likely the alcohol disguised it.”

“Can we see her?” Sapphire asked, clutching Isaiah’s hand. “Is she awake?”

Dr. Jackson shook his head. “No. She’s unconscious now, but her room is open for visitors. | recommend one person at a time! Ignoring the complaints and protests behind me, | rushed past everyone, barging into.

Kiya’s room. My heart never broke so fast.

Kiya laid in her bed, unmoving, with arms hooked to several IVs. Her coily hair splayed on her white pillow, oxygen tubes inserted in her nose. Splotches of bright red and dark blue covered her russet skin because cyanide blocks her cells from receiving oxygen. Her lips were parted, taking on a faint, sickly blue. Onyx howled in pain because he was unable to connect to Artemis.

2/5 Chapter 64-The Investigation +109 Ronus

| walked to her bedside, gently taking her small hand into mine. Leaning down, | kissed her forehead, growling! at the very faint almond scent wafting from her mouth. “Kiya, on my honor, I'll find whoever did this to yo00:27 They marked themselves for death, for hurting you. | don’t know if you can hear me, but | promise you, they will suffer. | love you. Get well.”

| squeezed her hand and left her room, marching towards my office to interrogate the bartenders. One of them did this. And I'll fuck them up for almost killing my mate!

Witness accounts confirmed what my Beta and Gamma told me. Someone had laced Kiya’s drink with potassium cyanide. I’ve interrogated all the bartenders working the bar at the time. All five of them reeked with fear. If someone were to step inside my office, they'll smell the volcanic rage erupting from my pores. All knew to not waste my time with useless details, | demanded straightforward answers. Using my Alpha command was something | didn’t like to do, but it was needed.

One of them almost became a murderer.

One bartender, Emily, displayed more signs of guilt than the others. After many grueling questions, she admitted to serving Kiya the poisoned drink. As much as | wanted to rip the bitch apart, | withheld my claws and threw her in the prisons. There was much more to be done with her before | decide her fate, such as how the fuck she could smuggle potassium cyanide into pack grounds without my knowledge.

There was something deeper in play, and that’s a terrible feeling to have.

As | made my way back to my mate’s hospital room, | was met with a surprise. My father stood over Kiya, watching her like a hawk. He turned his head towards me, holding a serious expression on his aging face..

“Son.” “Dad. What are you doing here?”

“Il came to see Kiya. She'll be alright, thank the Moon Goddess.” He cleared his throat. “But my question is, when will you make her your Luna?”

| blinked, astounded at the sudden bluntness. I've never given much thought about Kiya becoming my Luna, although it crossed my mind many times. However, Kiya’s made it clear she doesn’t want to become Luna and | cannot force her. “I don’t know if | can, Dad.”

“Hmm.” He grunted. “Yet, you wouldn’t make Odessa your Luna when needed.”

“She has found her mate, but even that has its complications because she’s still coming for me. Regardless, 1 won’t mark Odessa and I, certainly, won't mark Kiya as mine until | get her full consent, if a time like that

would ever come.”

“Want my opinion?” He asked. Not really, but | nodded. “It’s a good thing your true mate has returned. Odessa would have led this pack to ruin. However, with Kiya at your side, you'd be a powerful Alpha. Zircon Moon has gone long without a proper Luna, and its prime time you make your move and claim what’s yours. Alphas don’t wait, they take.”

“Dad. Kiya hates this pack and her home is Garnet Moon. | won't force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.” | sighed. “I understand the importance of having a Luna, | want Kiya to rule at my side more than.

Chapter 64-The Investigation

anything, but | will not rush because of my impatience.” +10



“You don’t know what you’re wasting here, Neron.” My dad growled. “Kiya is.. Incredibly special. A rare diamond in the rough. Do you know what she’s capable of? She has more power than you think. More than any high-ranking Alpha in the world.”

| didn’t like the sound of this. The ominousness in my father’s voice didn’t leave me with any positive feelings. It was as if he was asking me to force the mating process on Kiya. To take away her ability to choose. He turns to me, his blue eyes on mine.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You need to think about the future of your pack, son. Your pack needs a strong Alpha and Luna, and with Kiya, you'd be the eeene outlof t math{Tine’ bless gs from the

oon Goddess would be plentiful and you'd go down in history. | know l've urged you to mark Odessa in the past, but that means nothing now that Kiya is alive. I’m urging you to put her in her rightful place, regardless of what she believes.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“No!” | retorted, furious. “Dad, | can’t believe you’re asking me to do this. What is it about Kiya that you're not telling me?”

“If you paid attention to your history lessons about our kind more, you'd know.” My dad replied voice etched in contempt. "She's @ WHite wolf? white woHSur Moon Goddess blessed you with. She holds power unmatched to anything or anyone on this planet, and you're going to waste this opportunity to become stronger because she’s a little angry?” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“She has every right to be angry after the shit we put her through!” | roared. Snarling at my father was something

| never thought I'd dg, byt at Kivald

defensen bot y would break all the rules he has instilled in me since childhood. “I’m not losing her again by forcibly marking her! | refuse to put my desires above her own. | lost her once, but never again. | won't repeat my mistakes of the past.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

My father glared at me. Long and hard. My eyes

ent to Kiya resting peacefully in her bed, her chest rising and falling with the rhythmic beats of her heart monitor. There was a power within her that | detected when she arrived on this land. It was immense, intimidating, and lethal. Was that what Dad was talking about?

What secrets are you hiding from me, Kiya? “Fine. Continue to play the waiting game. But, if others come to steal away what’s yours, you have only yourself to blame.”

An unbearable chill trundled into the room upon his departure. | looked at Kiya one more time, worry scrunching the muscles in my face. What is going on here? My father knows something but refuses to say it.

But one thing’s for sure, | won't rush Kiva into the Luna position. | promised to take things slow, and | would. Above all, no one will take her away from me again.

| love her so much. Her well-being is too important to me.

Damn all the expectations! The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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