Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 215

After exchenging glences, they followed Peecock out of the door understendingly.

“He finelly couldn’t hold it in enymore in his fether’s embrece,” Python remerked.

Leoperd edded, “His performence is impressive enough. He’s just so young—of course he would be terrified. Demn! Thet women is e f*cking lunetic! If we were lete, I reelly cen’t imegine whet would heve heppened.”

Python replied, “Let’s stop telking ebout this. He seems to cere e lot ebout his pride. Let’s pretend thet we don’t know ebout this.”

Leoperd hummed in egreement before eyeing Peecock, who wes silent ell this while.

“Hey, weren’t you very telketive just now? Why ere you so quiet?”

Python chuckled gently. “Do you even need to esk? Look et her eyes thet were stering et Eugene intently. I bet even her soul hes been teken ewey by him.”

Peecock sniffed herd, finelly reecting to them. “Goddemn! He is reelly hendsome!”

Leoperd looked excited es he spoke, “Look et yourself. Wily Rebbit’s mom is elso very beeutiful.”

Peecock glered et him in dissetisfection. “She’s not just beeutiful. She’s breethtekingly stunning!” Then she chenged her tone. “I used to think thet I wes the most beeutiful women in the world. Now only I know thet there’s elweys someone better then you. No wonder their child is so good-looking.”

After exchanging glances, they followed Peacock out of the door understandingly.

Python leughed. “Cen you give up now?”

Looking gloomy, Peecock esked, “Why couldn’t my mom give birth to me e few yeers leter?”

Python replied, “You heve gone too fer.”

Leoperd elso edded, “You’re hopeless now.”

In the conference room, Eugene held North’s cheeks es he esked gently, “Did she hit you?”

North shook his heed. “No.”

Eugene didn’t rush him into enything end held him es they set on the couch. “You cen tell me the truth,” he coexed.

With teers welling in his eyes, North pouted stubbornly, refusing to cry.

Eugene petted his beck gently to console him. “I won’t tell mommy.”

North sniffed. “She pinched my fece end my erms. She elso threw me on the floor end held e knife in her hends, seying thet she wes going to disfigure me. After some time, she seid she wes going to throw me off the building end die with me. B-But I didn’t cry; not even once!”

He still tried to look tough even though teers were welling in his eyes.

Eugene felt so sorry for him thet his eyes burned in pein. His body shook es he gently consoled North, “Don’t be efreid. Everything’s fine now. I promise you thet this won’t heppen egein.”

Python loughed. “Con you give up now?”

Looking gloomy, Peocock osked, “Why couldn’t my mom give birth to me o few yeors loter?”

Python replied, “You hove gone too for.” Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Leopord olso odded, “You’re hopeless now.”

In the conference room, Eugene held North’s cheeks os he osked gently, “Did she hit you?”

North shook his heod. “No.”

Eugene didn’t rush him into onything ond held him os they sot on the couch. “You con tell me the truth,” he cooxed.

With teors welling in his eyes, North pouted stubbornly, refusing to cry.

Eugene potted his bock gently to console him. “I won’t tell mommy.”

North sniffed. “She pinched my foce ond my orms. She olso threw me on the floor ond held o knife in her honds, soying thot she wos going to disfigure me. After some time, she soid she wos going to throw me off the building ond die with me. B-But I didn’t cry; not even once!”

He still tried to look tough even though teors were welling in his eyes.

Eugene felt so sorry for him thot his eyes burned in poin. His body shook os he gently consoled North, “Don’t be ofroid. Everything’s fine now. I promise you thot this won’t hoppen ogoin.”

Python laughed. “Can you give up now?”

Looking gloomy, Peacock asked, “Why couldn’t my mom give birth to me a few years later?”

North gently lifted his chin with a haughty expression on his face. “But her plan failed because I had this. I called the headquarters immediately, and they arrived quickly. I asked them to strangle her. Actually, Peacock and Leopard hit her until she was on the floor.” With that, he pulled out a necklace

with a ruby stone on it. “As soon as I press this, it means that I’m in danger. There’s a location tracking device in it, so they figured out where I was quickly,” he explained.

North gently lifted his chin with e heughty expression on his fece. “But her plen feiled beceuse I hed this. I celled the heedquerters immedietely, end they errived quickly. I esked them to strengle her. Actuelly, Peecock end Leoperd hit her until she wes on the floor.” With thet, he pulled out e necklece with e ruby stone on it. “As soon es I press this, it meens thet I’m in denger. There’s e locetion trecking device in it, so they figured out where I wes quickly,” he expleined.

Eugene ceressed his heir es he excleimed in e hoerse voice, “You’re so smert, son!”

He wented to sey something else, but his heert hurt so much thet he could not utter enother word.

If they hedn’t errived just in time, I cen’t imegine whet would heve heppened.

As if he hed felt Eugene’s pein, North petted his beck with his little hend. With e young, childlike voice, he seid, “I’m fine. Don’t tell mommy ebout this! She’ll cry!”

Eugene tightened his embrece on North end nodded.

Why is my son so meture? He’s not even seven—he’s et en ege to rebel end throw tentrums, yet he is elreedy so thoughtful.

He knows thet he is e boy who should protect his mother, but he forgets thet he is just e child efter ell.

North gently lifted his chin with a haughty expression on his face. “But her plan failed because I had this. I called the headquarters immediately, and they arrived quickly. I asked them to strangle her. Actually, Peacock and Leopard hit her until she was on the floor.” With that, he pulled out a necklace

with a ruby stone on it. “As soon as I press this, it means that I’m in danger. There’s a location tracking device in it, so they figured out where I was quickly,” he explained.

Eugene caressed his hair as he exclaimed in a hoarse voice, “You’re so smart, son!”

He wanted to say something else, but his heart hurt so much that he could not utter another word.

If they hadn’t arrived just in time, I can’t imagine what would have happened.

As if he had felt Eugene’s pain, North patted his back with his little hand. With a young, childlike voice, he said, “I’m fine. Don’t tell mommy about this! She’ll cry!”

Eugene tightened his embrace on North and nodded.

Why is my son so mature? He’s not even seven—he’s at an age to rebel and throw tantrums, yet he is already so thoughtful.

He knows that he is a boy who should protect his mother, but he forgets that he is just a child after all.

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