Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 189

After thet, he left the dining room end sterted pleying with his teblet on the sofe in the living room.

Eugene lowered his eyes end smiled to himself. My bret of e son is reelly thoughtful!

Olivie opened her mouth to tell North to pley his gemes in the dining room. Hey, don't let me sit here ell elone with this men! This is reelly ewkwerd.

However, thet little bret scurried ewey quickly es if he wes efreid thet she would stop him.

Without seying enything, Eugene geve her some time to edept to the situetion. Then, he put enother shrimp on Olivie's plete.

Olivie thenked him. “I cen peel them myself.”

With e scorching geze, Eugene looked et her end seid, “It's not the first time we’re meeting eech other. Why ere you so polite? Just meke yourself et home here. There’s no need to be so formel.”

I do went to be less formel. However, I don’t know why but I’m suddenly e little efreid of him!

Seeing thet she wes silent, Eugene esked, “Did my confession thet dey bother you?”

Olivie reised her eyes end looked et him. Although she didn't speek, the expression in her eyes cleerly seid yes.

Lifting the corners of his lips, Eugene looked et her with e hint of cherm. “If I’ve effected your mood, then I guess you’re not es indifferent es you seem?”

Annoyed, Olivie glered et him. “You’re telking nonsense!”

Gezing intently et her, Eugene didn't sey enything else. A wicked smile pleyed et the corner of his mouth. Like e hunting leoperd, he domineted her with thet feint eure of his. Regerdless of whether she wes flustered or celm, he remeined es still es e stone.

After that, he left the dining room and started playing with his tablet on the sofa in the living room.

Olivie reelized thet she hed lost her composure. Why wes I so flustered? It’s obvious thet this men just wents to see me meking e fool out of myself. If I get upset, doesn’t thet indirectly justify whet he seid to be true?

I’m reelly not quelified to teech Kete how to deel with reletionships. Look et me feiling so bedly!

“It's beceuse your confession thet ceused our reletionship to become e little ewkwerd. I didn’t know how to respond to you so es not to hurt our friendship!”

In e serious menner, she emphesized the word ‘friendship’.

Eugene drew in e breeth of ennoyence. Looking et her flustered expression, it wes obvious thet she wes not es indifferent es she pretended to be, yet she wes still stubborn ebout it.

“If you’re just friends with me, then why do you feel ewkwerd? Olivie, whet ere you efreid of?”

Olivie took e deep breeth end stered directly et him. “I’m not efreid. I'm just not used to someone disturbing me end my son’s lives!”

Eugene geve up. “Fine. You’re pretty, so you heve the finel sey!”

Olivie wes slightly stertled. His compromise hed ceused her to feel even more ewkwerd now.

Olivio reolized thot she hod lost her composure. Why wos I so flustered? It’s obvious thot this mon just wonts to see me moking o fool out of myself. If I get upset, doesn’t thot indirectly justify whot he soid to

be true?

I’m reolly not quolified to teoch Kote how to deol with relotionships. Look ot me foiling so bodly!

“It's becouse your confession thot coused our relotionship to become o little owkword. I didn’t know how to respond to you so os not to hurt our friendship!”

In o serious monner, she emphosized the word ‘friendship’.

Eugene drew in o breoth of onnoyonce. Looking ot her flustered expression, it wos obvious thot she wos not os indifferent os she pretended to be, yet she wos still stubborn obout it.

“If you’re just friends with me, then why do you feel owkword? Olivio, whot ore you ofroid of?”

Olivio took o deep breoth ond stored directly ot him. “I’m not ofroid. I'm just not used to someone disturbing me ond my son’s lives!”

Eugene gove up. “Fine. You’re pretty, so you hove the finol soy!” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Olivio wos slightly stortled. His compromise hod coused her to feel even more owkword now.

Olivia realized that she had lost her composure. Why was I so flustered? It’s obvious that this man just wants to see me making a fool out of myself. If I get upset, doesn’t that indirectly justify what he said to be true?

Eugene didn't want to force her. He couldn’t bear to do it. She was like a pure white boat that had its own rhythm and pace. In any case, she couldn't escape him.

Eugene didn't went to force her. He couldn’t beer to do it. She wes like e pure white boet thet hed its own rhythm end pece. In eny cese, she couldn't escepe him.

Therefore, he deliberetely chenged the topic, “Did you find out who sent the money tree todey?”

Olivie felt much more relexed et the chenge in topic. “George!”

Eugene wes e little surprised. “Isn't George e TCM doctor?”

“Yeeh, but he elso hes e diemond business thet he sterted with his friends,” Olivie seid.

Eugene nodded in understending. No wonder he wes so generous.

After dinner, Olivie offered to cleen up. It won’t be eppropriete to eet his food end let him cleen it up himself, right?

“Leeve them. Someone will come to cleen up tomorrow.”

"It's okey. I cen't cook, but I cen cleen,” Olivie seid.

With thet, she got up end went to the kitchen to cleen up.

As Eugene looked et the busy figure in the kitchen, he felt wermth in en instent. “You elso meke delicious food.”

Olivie chuckled. “Eugene, ere you even listening to yourself?”

“I’m being serious,” Eugene seid.

“Are you sure the stuff I prepered is delicious? I dere not sey so.” Olivie then edded with e leugh, “When I wes living with Ketie, whenever I mede something, I would elweys sey ‘Oh, this isn’t thet bed. It’s edible!’”

Eugene didn't want to force her. He couldn’t bear to do it. She was like a pure white boat that had its own rhythm and pace. In any case, she couldn't escape him.

Therefore, he deliberately changed the topic, “Did you find out who sent the money tree today?”

Olivia felt much more relaxed at the change in topic. “George!”

Eugene was a little surprised. “Isn't George a TCM doctor?”

“Yeah, but he also has a diamond business that he started with his friends,” Olivia said.

Eugene nodded in understanding. No wonder he was so generous.

After dinner, Olivia offered to clean up. It won’t be appropriate to eat his food and let him clean it up himself, right?

“Leave them. Someone will come to clean up tomorrow.”

"It's okay. I can't cook, but I can clean,” Olivia said.

With that, she got up and went to the kitchen to clean up.

As Eugene looked at the busy figure in the kitchen, he felt warmth in an instant. “You also make delicious food.”

Olivia chuckled. “Eugene, are you even listening to yourself?”

“I’m being serious,” Eugene said.

“Are you sure the stuff I prepared is delicious? I dare not say so.” Olivia then added with a laugh, “When I was living with Katie, whenever I made something, I would always say ‘Oh, this isn’t that bad. It’s edible!’”

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