The Woman From Hell

Chapter 2100

Chapter 2100

My stomach was starting to hurt more and more. Soon, I was pushed into the operating room.

I mentioned to Theo before that I did not need him to enter the delivery room. I did not want him to see me looking so hideous, so I asked him to stay outside.

It hurt like I was being cut open with a knife. I was sweating profusely while the doctor instructed me to inhale and exhale vigorously. I chose to give birth naturally because when I did my research earlier, it was said that children who were born naturally would be healthier, but I was regretting it a little now.

I grabbed the bedsheet and tried my best with every push, but the child was so stubborn and refused to come out.

"No, I can't do it anymore..." It felt like I had exhausted my strength. I could not exert any more strength and shook my head with tears in my eyes. "Please cut the child out. I can't do it..."

"Keep going, the baby's almost out. Come on, you're the best. Your husband is still outside. Your husband is very handsome, and you'll have a handsome child like him."Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I knew the doctor was encouraging me. For the child's sake, I tried again. I clenched my teeth and pushed again and again. I really felt like I could not go on anymore.

All of a sudden, I could no longer gather up my energy anymore like a deflated balloon. "I've no more strength. I-I can't do it."

"Come on, Madam. I can see a bit of the child's head. Push harder. This is your child."

My child......

It was the child I had been looking forward to for a long time.

Thinking of the fact that I had failed to keep the child from my first birth, it was like my body was filled with electricity again. I must allow my child to see the world this time.

I took a deep breath and tried again.

Every time I inhaled and exhaled with force, the doctors and nurses cheered for me.

"The child's out! Keep going!"


I cried out, and I knew I must sound miserable.

"Uwaa." I heard the cry of a child. It was my child.

The pain continued, however. "There's one more, there's one more! Keep going. Don't be discouraged."

I clenched my teeth and let out all my resentment.


There was the cry of another baby.

"Congratulations, you got twins."

I heard the doctor's words before I passed out. The babies were safely delivered. That was good. Then, my vision went dark.

When I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw was Theo's worried face. "Wanda, are you okay? How do you feel?" "Theo... Where are the children?"

"Beside you."

Theo turned to the pair of babies in the crib. dare not touch them. Let's have the nurse show them to you when they come in later. Wanda, you're brilliant." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

I turned my head and saw that they were still sleeping with their eyes closed. Their little faces were so delicate. "They're as beautifubas you," I said to Theo. Content belongs

to NovelDrama.Org

"They look most like you." Theo smiled at me.

Shannon made a displeased voice from the side. "Did you forget that I exist again? Tell me if what I said is true or not."

"You're right. I humbly accept your blessings"

"I'm the godmother to this pair of babies. By the way, the baby girl will be my daughter-in-law in the future You can't go back on your word." Shannon was afraid that someone would snatch her pre-arranged

daughter-in-law. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Go back and teach your son well. If he isn't good enough in the future, he won't be good enough for my daughter." Theo raised his eyebrows jokingly. Shannon rolled her eyes and came over. "Don't worry, my son will be the best."

The babies were born safely, and that could be said to be the end of my worries. I felt relaxed physically and mentally...

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