The Woman From Hell

Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084

The day of the temple fair soon arrived, and I was awakened by the sound of firecrackers early in the morning.

Recently, my sleeping time had become shorter and shorter due to my growing belly. I often struggled to fall asleep until midnight. The feeling of being woken up by this racket was much too unbearable.

I sighed before struggling to get up from the bed. I went to the living room and saw that Matthew had already woken up. He looked at me. "They've been setting off firecrackers at the temple fair. I see they woke you up."

"It's fine."

"Why don't you wash up and have breakfast, and then we'll go look around?"

I was stunned for a moment. My mind was still in a little daze. "Aren't you going to work today?"

He shook his head. There was a smile on the corners of his lips. "I'm not going to work. I'm just going to accompany you."

"Alright, then I'm going to wash up."

To put it nicely, he was accompanying me, but in other words, he was monitoring me.

After breakfast, Matthew took me out.

The moment we reached the streets, we could smell the bursts of firecrackers. It was intense. The road ahead was still shrouded in smoke from the firecrackers that had just been set off.

"It's really lively."

"Yeah, many of the adults will carry statues of gods while the children will raise flags and follow them. They'll then go to the house that had been drawn. It's like inviting the gods into one's house. They'll bless that family with good weather and safety." Although Matthew never really celebrated these events back home, he still knew a lot about them.

I was also very interested in hearing about them. "Does it work?"

He put his hands in his pockets and smiled softly. "If you're sincere, you'll succeed."

Matthew had become more and more expressive in recent days, which also made me feel more relaxed.

"Do you want to go up and have a look?" He probably noted my expression of interest and asked.


We followed the people in front of us to a house, and there were rows of people already standing outside. "So this is how it is."Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.


I had been paying attention to both sides when we were on the road just now. It was daytime now. It would be too eye-catching if I were to try to make contact now. I had better wait until nighttime. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

I glanced at Matthew. "I heard from Aunt Nessa that the temple fair is more beautiful at night and that there'll be lanterns. Let's come out again tonight." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Okay, whatever you say," Matthew responded simply.

"There's a band there. Let's go see."

There were a bunch of children clamoring and heading in one direction.

I looked in their direction. Things looked quite lively.

"Let's go. I'll take you to see it." Matthew looked at me tenderly and then helped me forward.

It was really lively.

It felt like everyone in the village was out of their houses. There were many instruments where the band was. I was worried that the baby in my stomach would be frightened, so I kept comforting the baby, hoping that the child would not be frightened. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The performers were very professional. They played all kinds of music which amazed everyone watching, and I was one of them.

It was rare for things to be so lively early in the morning.

I was also a little tired, however. Matthew also noticed it. "Let's go back first and come out again at night, okay?"

"That's fine too."

With Matthew's support, we returned home.

I had to admit he was really good at reading people.

"What do you want for lunch?" Matthew opened the refrigerator and asked me.

"Anything works. You don't need to make too much. I don't have a big appetite now."

Recently, my appetite plummeted, and I did not feel very interested in food.

Especially right now. I just want to wait for the night to come.

I hoped everything would go well tonight and that I would be able to contact Theo successfully. God, dear God, you must bless me......

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