The Windfalls of Love (Roxanne and Harrison)

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Harrison, who hadn't shaved in five or six days, suddenly looked a decade older.

When the consulate called, Harrison was leaning against the car window with his hand propped on his

forehead, his eyes briefly shut.

Even when asleep, his eyebrows were tightly knitted.

So as not to wake him, Alexander promptly rejected the call.

Then he sent a message to the person in charge at the consulate.

Alexander hoped Harrison could rest a bit, so he wanted the consulate to relay the latest news through

WhatsApp because Harrison hadn't slept in days and now had finally dozed off in the car. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

However, Harrison shot his eyes open almost instantly.

His eyes portrayed his extreme fatigue. "Who was that on the phone? Any news about Anne?"

He snatched the phone.

It was a call from Mr. Robert.

He called back immediately.

"What did you say?" Harrison's lips quivered violently.

His voice was filled with choking sobs and pain. "You're saying it's… confirmed?"

He was trying to keep himself together.

His red, swollen eyes were brimming with suppressed tears.

He sought more information from the call, hoarsely asking, "What was she wearing?"

Mr. Robert spoke in a grave tone. "I'm sorry, the body has decomposed. There are no clothes, only

parts of the body. The head is still missing. Additionally, we found a notebook with writing on her."

The phone dropped straight onto the car's carpet.

Harrison uncontrollably shed tears.

It was the first time Alexander saw Harrison cry.

Even when Harrison's mother died seven and a half years ago, Alexander hadn't seen him cry.

His robust figure suddenly weakened.

It was as if his emotional pillar had suddenly collapsed.

Alexander, having heard the content of the call, was in shock.

If Roxanne was really dismembered, he couldn't even begin to imagine what she went through.

Alexander's shoulders sagged. "How could this happen? How could someone be dismembered?"

They all knew that Novaria was unsafe.

But how could something like this happen to Roxanne?

"It can't be Roxanne; it absolutely can't be." Harrison's voice was hoarse but filled with determination.

He couldn't accept something like this happening to Roxanne.

She didn't even know she was Mrs. Rodriguez yet; she hadn't enjoyed the world's wealth and riches;

there was still so much happiness she hadn't experienced.

Harrison rushed to the local police station almost immediately.

The dismembered body was indeed a girl's.

Mr. Robert handed Harrison a blood-stained notebook. "This is the victim's belongings, Mr. Rodriguez;

take a look."

The term "victim" felt like a cold knife plunging straight into Harrison's heart.

He felt a wave of confusion. Just a few days ago, they were still together, enjoying the bliss of


So how did she suddenly run into trouble?

His heart was trembling.

Harrison took the blood-stained notebook, hoping it wasn't Roxanne's.

He desperately wanted to confirm this.

But he was too afraid to open it.

Finally, he decided to flip open the notebook.

Not it! This wasn't Roxanne's handwriting!

Roxanne's handwriting was always bold. She was always writing about plans to expand the company,

lease new factories, hire workers, etc.

But what was recorded in this notebook was some legal knowledge.

It likely belonged to a female student studying abroad in Novaria.

The moment he breathed a sigh of relief, Harrison felt a bit dizzy and almost fainted.

Luckily, Alexander supported him in time.

After days and nights without sleep, Harrison's body was on the verge of collapse.

He wasn't superhuman; his body was about to give out, but he was still persisting, using his last bit of

strength to keep searching for Roxanne.

Alexander grabbed his shoulder, trying to hold him back.

Usually, Harrison walked like the wind, standing tall and steadfast, reassuring people around him.

But today, Alexander just tugged slightly at his shirt, and he started to wobble.

He looked as if his backbone had been stripped away and was very unstable on his feet.

Alexander hurriedly supported him. "Harrison, you really need to rest. If you keep going like this, your

body might give out before you find Roxanne."

"I can't rest." He signaled to his bodyguard, Jackson. "Jackson, get me two more drinks."

Jackson hesitated and looked at Alexander.

Alexander's voice suddenly became sharp, trying to warn him against his behavior. "Harrison! If you

keep downing caffeine drinks like this, forcing yourself to stay awake, you might drop dead!"

Jackson also advised him. "Yes, Mr. Rodriguez, you really can't drink anymore."

Since Roxanne went missing, he had been carrying a bag with him.

The bag was filled with all sorts of caffeinated drinks.

Whenever Harrison felt sleepy, tired, or felt like he couldn't hold on, he'd immediately open a can or two

and gulp it down.

If he kept this up, he really might drop dead, as his body was already at its limit.

Harrison tried to snatch the drink, but Jackson quickly dodged and didn't let him take it.

"Damn it! Give it to me now!" Harrison's eyes turned red with urgency, like he was giving an order.

Although Jackson respected and feared Harrison, he knew he had to consider his safety at this

moment and gathered the courage to talk back. "Mr. Rodriguez, I'm sorry! I can't listen to you this time.

Even if you kill me, I can't let you drink anymore."

Alexander tried to reason with him. "Harrison, you're usually such a calm person; why are you suddenly

so irritable? What you need right now is rest."

"It's not your wife who's in trouble, so of course you're not worried!" Harrison yelled.

His voice turned shrill; it was filled with anger.

"Who are you yelling at?" Alexander got testy. "I hauled my ass all the way here to help you find your

wife. I've been worried sick; I can't eat or sleep, and this is how you treat me? You wanna throw down?"

Alexander rolled up his sleeves, ready to duke it out with Harrison.

Jackson, on the side, tried to play peacemaker.

Alexander's aggression ticked Harrison off, and they were soon tangled up in a fight.

After a few rounds, Harrison still had a lot of fight left in him.

Alexander had to give it to him; the guy had stamina. He hadn't slept for days and still had this much

fight left in him.

It took all Alexander had to find an opening and land a punch on Harrison's neck.

Knocking him out cold.

That's when it dawned on Jackson, who had been trying to break up the fight.

Alexander had just been looking for a way to knock Harrison out so he could get some shuteye. That's

why he pretended to pick a fight.

"Help him back inside."

Roxanne had completely stolen Harrison's heart.

If not, he wouldn't have lost his mind over her.

By the time Harrison was brought back to the mansion, it was already one in the morning.


The night was pitch black, enough to give you the creeps.

Roxanne was stuck in the middle of nowhere, 200 kilometers away.

Her kidnappers were all built like tanks. They were armed with guns, knives, and other dangerous


They looked mean as hell.

They seemed to be in cahoots with the thief, but they were also different somehow.

They all had mysterious symbols on them, like they were part of the same organization.

Roxanne was certain that their goal was not just a simple robbery.

They hadn't stolen her belongings or done anything inappropriate.

What the hell were they up to?

For six days and five nights, Roxanne had tried everything she could think of to escape.

But she never got the chance.

They spoke in a language she couldn't understand, leaving her in the dark about their plans.

Roxanne wanted to call Harrison to let him know what was going on, but she didn't have a phone.

She was freaking out.

If she were like Chloe, who was able to speak the local language, she would know what these people

were planning.

While listening closely to their conversation, Roxanne heard a name mentioned several times.

It sounded like Harrison's name?!

A man with a full beard looked at her and smirked.

In broken English, he asked her, "Mrs. Rodriguez, don't you know who your husband really is?"

What did he mean?

His sentence structure was all over the place, and his word choice was strange. Roxanne only

understood "your husband."

After piecing together their conversation, Roxanne was sure they were talking about her husband,


But the entire sentence didn't make sense to her. "What are you saying? I don't understand. Can you

even talk?"

"Identity… your husband's identity."

"What about my husband?"

"Identity. His real identity."

"Are you talking about his identity?"

"Yes, real identity."

"What real identity? I don't understand."

The man struggled to explain, finally managing to get the right phrase out.

Roxanne tried to interpret. "Are you trying to say my husband's real identity?"

"Yes, real identity." The man finally got his point across. He no longer needed to repeat his broken


"What other real identity could my husband have?" Roxanne didn't get what these intimidating men

were trying to say.

Was there some other identity her husband had that she didn’t know about?

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