The Understated Dragon Lord

Chapter 866 The Appearance of the Evil Spirits

Chapter 866 The Appearance of the Evil Spirits

"Damn it!"

Seeing the horde of evil spirits rushing toward him, Daniel couldn't help but let out an exclamation.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

After that, he added with a chuckle, "Dog, you're treating me quite well by sending so many evil spirits to entertain me! But honestly, these spirits don't seem all that formidable they look pretty weak!"

"Hmph! You bastard, what did you just say? You dare to call my evil spirits weak?"

"Yep! Their combat strength is definitely weak! If they weren't weak, would I even be able to fight them? You think I could just snap my fingers and wipe out all these spirits you've summoned?" Daniel retorted, a playful grin on his face.

"What?! You think you can wipe them all out with a snap of your fingers? Fine then, show me! I want to see just how powerful your little snap really is against the evil spirits I've raised over decades!"

Daniel extended his right hand, still smiling as he said to Dog, "Dog, you better watch closely! I'm about to snap my fingers! Once I do, those spirits hanging from the ceiling will drop right down, and they'll scream when they hit the ground!"

With that, Daniel flicked his fingers.


Right after he snapped his fingers, the spirits hanging from the ceiling indeed fell to the ground, landing with loud thuds. They crashed down violently, wailing as they hit the floor.

Dog, looking incredulous, stared at Daniel. "You bastard! What did you do to my spirits?"

"I didn't do anything! I just snapped

my fingers! Maybe I snapped too


and it startled your spirits. They lost their grip and fell! That's

got nothing to do with me!" Content

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"You think that just because you made my spirits fall and scream, they won't come after you?"

Dog sneered coldly. "How naive!"

After uttering that, Dog began swinging the skeleton sword once again.

As he wielded it, he recited incantations from his lips, summoning the exclusive spell of the Evil Raiser-an evocation spell to awaken the spirits!

With his chanting, the spirits that had just fallen and were dizzy from the impact suddenly sprang back to life, as if they had been injected with adrenaline. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Their faces, once merely creepy and unsettling, now turned into menacing visages.

The spirits began to advance, baring

their claws and charging toward- Daniel, black smoke spewing from their mouths, quickly enveloping the cave in darkness. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"You bastard, you will all pay for this! I'll make sure my evil spirits take all your souls! I will make you all die! Die!"

This chilling proclamation was from Dog himself.

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