The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 27 - Meeting Rocky

Kamryn, Anna, Micah, and Jazlyn went outside on the porch and sat at a picnic table. They were calling the king and queen on video so they could give them all the good news. They turned the tablet to Anna and Kamryn, not wanting them to see Jaz sitting next to Micah. When they answered, Anna and Kamryn waved at them.

"Hey, mom and dad. We wanted to say hi." Kamryn said, and he saw his parents smile.

"How are you doing up there in the mountains?" Lynn asked. The palace was too quiet with her boys gone. She missed Anna too.

"We're doing great. It's beautiful up here. We've got some news for you." Kamryn looked at Anna, and she smiled at the screen.

"We are going to have a cub." She said excitedly. Lynn and Randal looked at each other and then at the young couple.

"We're going to be grandparents?" Randal asked quietly.

"Yes. Not only that, but our child will have special powers like we do that will be necessary for the upcoming battle." Kamryn said and saw the worry on his parent's faces.

"Are you sure? What can a child do?" Lynn asked, already fearing for the little cub.

"We're not sure. Anna and I received our unique power this morning. I can now fly and pick up boulders like they weigh nothing. Anna can throw fireballs and disappear. Legend is able to glide through the air and teleport." Kamryn smiled proudly at his parents.

"What? That's incredible and a little scary. How's Micah? Did he reject Elsie?" Randal asked and noticed the other two grinning. The tablet was turned to Micah, and Jaz scooted over so she wouldn't be on camera.

"Hi, mom and dad. Yes, I rejected her. Anna sent her to the cabin where she had sent her. She also took away her memory, so she won't know who or what she was. She also stripped her of her witch abilities. So she's basically a human now." Lynn saw that Micah was smiling, and she frowned. This was not his attitude when they'd left the other day.

"Are you okay?" She asked and saw his smile get bigger.

"I'm great because I've found my second chance mate. Her name is Jazlyn." They watched as Micah pulled a beautiful blonde girl to his side. She blushed as she smiled at them.

"It's nice to meet you, king and queen. I can't wait to see you in person." Micah saw his parents staring at Jaz in shock. They both beamed at the couple.

"That's fantastic news, son. We can't wait to meet you, too, Jazlyn." Randal said happily.

"We're going to mark each other tomorrow. Stanley thinks there may be a reason we were both given second-chance mates so quickly. He believes we may get some new abilities as well. I would be happy if I could fly. It feels funny being the only one here that can't fly." Micah pouted, making his parents laugh.

"Congratulations, both of you. All of you are full of news. We don't have much to share. We've been interrogating Melita non-stop, but she refuses to tell us who she's working for. She still believes she will be queen even though we told her that Kamryn and Anna had marked each other. We aren't giving up, though. We would like to know who or what we're dealing with." Randal wished they were there with their sons, but leaving the palace right now was too risky. "Keep us posted. We're training in preparation for the fight. We'll let you know of any new developments," Kamryn said. It had been a tiring day, and he wanted to have some alone time with his mate. "Okay. You all take care." They waved and disconnected the call.

"We're going upstairs. Let us know if you need anything." Kamryn said as he picked Anna up in her arms, carrying her into the house. Micah and Jaz chuckled.

"Are you sure you're okay being mated to me? I'm not a reminder of Elsie being from the same coven?" Jaz asked as they sat straddling the picnic table bench seat so they could face each other.

"I only knew Elsie as an entitled brat that was after my brother so she could be queen. You represent everything good about Spirit Energy. I'm glad you're from this coven, and I'm happy you're my mate." Micah leaned over and kissed her. She scooted forward, so she was closer. She opened her mouth and felt his tongue slide inside. As their kiss got deeper, Jaz felt an ache that she'd never felt before. She pulled away but still held on to him. "Micah, we better slow down before I jump you on Anna's porch. That might be a little embarrassing." She kissed his cheek and then gave him a light kiss on the lips. Her body felt so alive, being so close to him.

"I'm assuming you're a virgin like I am since you never kissed anyone. Do you want to make love before we mark each other or wait until after?" Micah ran kisses over her face, and she felt like a fire started inside with each one.

"Yes, I'm a virgin. Let's make love tonight when we go to bed, so we have at least one experience of what it was like before we were mated. You are planning on staying with me tonight, right?" She asked, rubbing her hand on his cheek.

"I can't be away from you now that I have you. Will you're parents be okay with me sleeping with you?" He asked, already anticipating what it would feel like holding her all night long.

"They won't care. They're happy that I'm mated and happy. When will we go to your home?" Jaz asked, a little nervous about leaving the only home she'd ever known.

"I'm not certain. We don't know where we're going to be attacked, so I'm sure we'll be here a little longer to do some training. Are you okay going to the palace with me?" He asked, looking into her dark blue eyes.

"I want to be wherever you are. So Kamryn is the crowned prince, which means he will be king, and Anna will be queen when your parents step down. What does that mean for you? I know you're a prince, but what duties do you have?" This was all new to Jazlyn. She never imagined mating with a prince and living in a palace. It seemed like something out of a fairytale.

"Yes, I'm a prince, and you, my mate, will be a princess." She stopped him before he could say anything else.

"What? I'll be a princess?" Micah chuckled as she looked up at him with wide eyes.noveldrama

"Yes. We don't have nearly as many duties as Kamryn and Anna will have, but we'll be expected to show up at functions. Help with some altercations between shifters. As well as some other minor responsibilities." Jaz thought about that and smiled.

"It sounds exciting. Here all we do is practice spells. It will be nice being around others outside of the coven. What about your tiger? Can I see him?" She asked excitedly. She hadn't been around many shifters and never a tiger. "Would you like to meet him now?" Rocky purred his approval.

"Can you really show him to me now?" Micah nodded and stood up, pulling her with him. He led her over to the trees. He stopped when they were far enough so no one could see him remove his clothes.

"I have to take my clothes off so they don't shred." Jaz blushed as she nodded. She'd never seen a naked man before. As Micah slipped off his shirt, Jaz stared at him. She now knew what women meant when they said a man's body could be a work of art. She licked her lips while looking over his bumpy abs. She tentatively reached out her hand and touched him.

"You're incredibly muscular," Jazlyn said while tracing around each muscle with her finger. Micah didn't want her to stop, but if she didn't, he wouldn't be able to control himself until tonight. He took her hand and kissed it.

"If you keep doing that, I'm not going to be able to wait for later." Jaz blushed and then smirked.

"I can't help it if I like what I see." Micah chuckled at what she said as she stepped back.

"Just don't do that when I take my pants off, or we may be having sex out here in the snow." Jaz blushed deep red, thinking that making love in the snow didn't sound like a bad idea.

"I'll keep my hands to myself." She said. Micah pulled off his pants and boxers, hanging them on a branch of a tree with his shirt. Jazlyn stared at his naked body and felt hot all over. He was so huge, and she was so tiny she wondered if he would even fit inside her.

"Alright, I'm shifting now so you can stop drooling." Micah tried not to laugh when Jaz got even redder. He quickly shifted into Rocky.

Jazlyn stared at the massive orange tiger in front of her. She walked up to him and put her hands on either side of his head, looking into the familiar blue eyes.

"Hi Rocky, it's nice to meet you. I hope I'll be a good mate to you and Micah." He responded by licking her face. She squealed with laughter and hugged him around his thick neck. "Thank you for healing my heart."

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