The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

As Gavin returned to Brookspring in the Frostpeak, he was surrounded by a desolate, frozen landscape. Its reputation for harshness was earned through endless winters, where snow and ice held dominion

without respite.

The howling winds and relentless blizzards were constant companions, showing no mercy to those who dared to tread its frozen trails.

Once, this land had been alive with a thriving ecosystem, but fate had dealt it a cruel blow,

Overnight, unforeseen events had transtormed into a desolate wasteland devoid of any signs of life Even the tracks of animals had disappeared under layers of snow and ice.

Amidst this icy wilderness, there stood a remarkable oasis of life-the stronghold of the Frostpeak General

It resembled a grand medieval castle, radiating an aura of strength and authority that contrasted starkly with the desolation outside.

Despite its location in the harshest climates, this fortress remained untouched by the unforgiving weather.

Curiously, the conditions within and outside the fortress were worlds apart.

Inside the fortress, the scene was dramatically different. It was a lush oasis, impervious to the biting cold


No matter how fierce the storms raged beyond its walls, the fortress’s interior remained a serene paradise.

At a glance, it appeared as if it were plucked from the realms of fairy tales.

However, this sanctuary was inhabited exclusively by the personal guards of Frostpeak General, Jacket. There were no ordinary residents within its walls.

As the personal guards went about their duties, they exchanged hushed words:

“Hurry, we mustn’t be late in welcoming Riverrun General.

“We can’t afford any negligence!”

Among the guards, a man who ambled lazily at the rear of the group spoke with an air of indifference:

“I wonder what brings Riverrun General here this time,

At this moment, another man sporting round glasses shot a glance at the lagging fellow and chimed in: “Let’s refrain from gossiping about the war general’s affairs, shall we?

“After all, he’s none other than Riverrun General!

“We’re just ordinary people. It’s not our place to indulge in idle talk about him.

“Let’s stay focused on our tasks!”

At that moment, within the War General’s stronghold, a group of War General’s personal guards stood in perfect formation on a massive platform.

They stood in a stern formation as if preparing for a momentous event.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed from the sky, and a specially designed helicopter emerged from the swirling snowstorm.

The personal guards of the war general watched as the colossal helicopter descended toward their location.

A man donning sunglasses stepped out from the helicopter and issued a command:

“Everyone, gather!

“Line up from left to right to give our respects to Riverrun General.”

Upon the helicopter’s arrival, the personal guards below followed the man’s directives with sunglasses, forming an orderly formation.

The helicopter descended to the ground with a powerful gust of wind

The behcopters door swung open at this moment, and a tall, rugged man with commanding features stepped out Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Standing at a towering six feet, he was striking and authoritative as he walked to the front of the helicopter

The man who emerged from the helicopter was Matthew, the Riverrun General.

Yet, the questions lingered. Why had Matthew the Riverrun General, entered the Frostpeak General’s stronghold?

And why hadn’t Frostpeak General personally extended his welcome?

As Matthew, the Riverrun General, disembarked from the helicopter, he appeared remarkably at ease, as if he were stepping into his own home.

Following the lead of the sunglass-wearing figure, the entire Frostpeak’s personal guard formation stood at attention and delivered a formal salute:

With the utmost respect, we welcome Riverrun General!”

With these formalities observed, Matthew was ushered into the Frostpeak General’s stronghold by the Frostpeak General’s personal guards.

Meanwhile, miles away from the Frostpeak General’s stronghold, a colossal stone structure that appeared frozen in time for centuries experienced a slight shift.

Then, a deep and resonant voice resounded:

Dispatch a message to Brookspring immediately. Inform them that we have witnessed the arrival of Matthew within the Frostpeak General’s stronghold.”

Gavin quietly entered Clifford Ancestral Home in Brookspring, greeted by the tranquil silence of the late hour.

All the lights had been extinguished, and it was evident that everyone within the house had long since retired to their beds.

Gavin glanced at his wristwatch, noting that the time had passed well beyond 1 a.m., signaling that the household was undoubtedly sound asleep.

With a cautious push, Gavin ventured further into the house, his keen eyes catching a faint glow from c of the rooms. There, he discovered a petite figure nestled on the sofa, breathing rhythmically, lost in the depths of slumber.

As Gavin entered the room, he identified the figure as Layla.

She had dozed off on the couch, her breath steady and peaceful.

Gavin couldn’t help but be overcome by a swell of tenderness as he looked at her.

A single strand of her hair had escaped its confines and caressed her cheek. Gavin extended his hand to tuck it behind her ear gently.

At that moment, Layla stirred, her eyelashes fluttering lightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

In the dimly lit room, she recognized the silhouette of a figure that bore an uncanny resemblance to Gavin.

Could it indeed be Gavin who had returned at this late hour?

Groggily, she whispered, “Gavin, you’re back. Are you hungry?”

Before Gavin could respond, Layla’s head tilted slightly, and she returned to her peaceful slumber. Gavin gazed upon the sleeping beauty before him, her vulnerability and weariness apparent.

It was evident that Layla had been weary of late, with her fair share of events weighing her down. He knew that Layla had eagerly awaited his return, much like a newlywed bride anticipating her husband’s arrival.

Observing Layla’s peaceful slumber, and a sense of warmth enveloped Gavin’s heart. He gently lifted her delicate form into his arms and carried her to her bedroom.

In that instant, he felt like a soft, vulnerable soul had nestled into his embrace, seeking warmth and

Gavia gazed tenderly at Layla in his embrace, offered a resigned smile, and headed toward Layla’s bedroom.

Atter reaching Layla’s bedside, Gavin gently lowered her onto the bed, tucking her in carefully just as Gavin was about to depart, he noticed that Layla had tightly grasped his hand and refused to let go. Lying on the bed, Layla appeared anxious as she softly pleaded, “Gavin, please don’t go

Her voice was soft and childlike, filled with a hint of dependency.

Who could resist such a soft-spoken appeal?

But no, this couldn’t be

It was a tempting proposition, but Gavin couldn’t ignore the implications of spending the night in Layla’s room in the Clifford family, especially given their circumstances.

After contemplating his decision momentarily, Gavin once again tried to disentangle Layla’s hand from his gently.

However, Layla’s grip only tightened, and she softly pleaded, “Gavin, I’m scared. Please don’t leave.” Hearing Layla’s words, Gavin checked his watch and realized it was late. Ultimately, he decided to stay the night.

Gavin tenderly stroked Layla’s head and whispered soothingly, “I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay right here with you.”

As Gavin held the delicate figure in his arms, he realized that leaving now was no longer an option.

After a moment’s contemplation, he reminded himself that Layla was his fiancée, after all. Sleeping in the same room shouldn’t be a cause for concern, he reasoned.

With that decision made, Gavin rolled over and climbed onto the bed, cradling Layla’s petite form in his embrace.

And so, Gavin and Layla drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

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