The Silent Wife

Chapter 569

"I thought you left Riverdale." Seeing Sabrina, Julian glanced at her mildly.

Sabrina replied with a question, asking, “How can I leave before avenging my brother?"

"You're bold, Miss Sabrina. Aren't you afraid you won't be able to leave if you don't leave now?"

"You don't need to worry about this. I naturally have a legitimate reason to stay here."

"Since you can do that, why do you still look for me?"

"For cooperation, of course."

Julian put down his cup heavily with a darkened face. "Miss Sabrina, why do you think that I'll cooperate with you after you went behind my back and started a fire that nearly killed Rachel? I'm already being lenient toward you by not reporting your matter."

Without a change in expression, Sabrina replied, "She didn't die, right? She's a lucky woman."

Julian clenched his fists hard at that.

He had never thought of taking Rachel's life. However, it was hard to control what was happening once he made a deal with the devil. Sabrina was a lunatic who killed without flinching, and she could start a fire to burn down the entire mountain when it came to it.

"Our cooperation is over. I won't help you anymore. This is Riverdale, so you can't threaten me here."

"Those who work with me have never yet ended the cooperation by themselves." Sabrina's voice was not loud, but it was firm. She glanced behind her, and her subordinate quickly brought over a safety box. Opening it, everyone saw the gold bars lying inside. "That is the balance of payment for the previous goods, while this is what I need this time."

Sabrina handed some papers to Julian and continued, "I wish for us to continue working together happily like before."

However, Julian didn't take the papers. To him, Sabrina was the one who didn't keep her word. She had injured Rachel and crossed his line, so they could no longer work together. "You may take some time to consider. There's no rush."

Sabrina placed the papers on top of the box of gold bars and stood up. "I'll be in Riverdale for a long time. If all goes well, we can meet up openly soon."

Julian's eyes constricted at that.

After Sabrina left, his subordinate closed the door.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"President Peters, do we still continue working with her?"

"Keep this away." Julian only ordered the subordinate to take the box away while he held the papers and pondered over what she had said.

Sabrina was cautious and would never dare to come to Riverdale if she weren't confident. What is her background like?

Three days later, Justin's health recovered more, so he was allowed to return home to recuperate.

Gloria brought over Rachel's old wheelchair, but Justin rejected it vehemently.

"You're overreacting. Justin's lungs are damaged, not his legs. Why does he need a wheelchair?"

"What do you know? This is the highest form of treatment."

"Ask your brother if he wants to be treated like this." Jolly wrapped her arms around herself and leaned against the door, shaking her head. She's worrying too much.

As expected, Gloria looked over at Justin expectantly. Justin had just changed his clothes and was coming out of the sick room. Hesitating, he said gently to Gloria, "Glo, I think we can donate this wheelchair to the hospital."

Jolly laughed aloud. "Hahaha! What did I say?"

Gloria was annoyed and glared at her. "Stop laughing!"

As they bickered, Rachel had finished tidying up things, and she said to them, "Okay, stop arguing. All of you come and help me take these back home."

Soon, they left, chatting happily on the way to the summer villa.

They had just arrived when they saw two rows of neatly dressed people standing in front from a distance. There were old and young people, and while it looked strange, the entire scene was very heartwarming to see.

With a bang, colorful confetti was released into the air, which rained down on them.

Charlotte failed to release her confetti and stomped her feet in anxiety. "I can't release this!"

Lionel, who was at the side, immediately knelt down and held her hands. "Twist it like this."

As expected, the confetti was released with a bang.

The car drove past the gates before stopping. Then, everyone got off.

Leroy was also in charge of the kids at the summer villa. He began patting down Rachel and Justin with some strange leaves, saying that it was to ward off bad luck.

Rachel was surprised. "When have you started believing in such things?"

Leroy smiled. "Just in case."

Lionel also spoke up. "People don't believe in things for nothing. Maybe there really is some truth to it."

"Dad, why are you joining in too?" Rachel was helpless.

On the other hand, Richard and Marilyn also came over from the summer villa.

"Why are you guys still outside? Food is ready, so come in and eat."

"Sure!" Jolly was hungry and rushed ahead. "There's a lot of good food that my mom cooked today! First come, first serve!"

"Oh, I must have some!" Leroy quickly hurried along. He also called Carmen, who was squatting by the side. "Carmen, stop playing and come! If you don't hurry, Jolly will finish everything." Hearing this, Carmen dropped the confetti and ran too.

Gloria, Victor, and Samuel joined in the chase as well.

Charlotte could not run fast, so she opened her arms and begged Lionel to carry her. "Grandpa, carry me!"

During this time, Rachel and Justin were at the hospital and did not have time to take care of the kids. So, the kids were taken care of by the elders, and Charlotte was especially close to Lionel. For the good food, everyone ran off into the house, leaving the two patients at the door.

Rachel and Justin glanced at each other, feeling helpless at the same time.

She spoke first. "It seems that we can't get any good food today."

He stretched out his hand and said, "Since that's the case, then we don't need to hurry. Let's walk over slowly."

Rachel smiled gently and put her hand on Justin. As their fingers interlocked, they walked toward the house slowly together.

It was already spring, and the cold was slowly diminishing. Grass and flowers grew rapidly at an alarming pace.

The two of them held hands while chatting as they walked.

"Why is the grass so tall now? How long has it been since a gardener has tended to it?"

"It's been a while. After the New Year, I went to the northern division of Riverdale, so I had Frankie fire all the gardeners."

"Why did you do that? Did you think you wouldn't come back anymore?"

"I was thinking that it would be fine to stay at a hotel for the few times I would be here."

"What about now?"

"Even though a hotel is convenient, it's not as good as home."

"Good that you realize that. Hurry up and have Frankie hire a few gardeners. It's a shame to let such a big garden go to waste like this. Spring is coming too."

"Okay, we'll have your favorite flowers here too."

"White roses?" Rachel raised her head, sunlight glittering in her eyes.

They were indeed taking their sweet time, talking and strolling. Losing her patience, Jolly yelled from the door while holding a bowl, "Hey, what are you guys doing? Hurry up, or you'll be left with scraps!" "Coming."

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