The Raven and The Snake

The 4th Book: Part 22

Mr. Cornelius Fudge was absolutely livid. The confusion of the final task and disappearance of Karkaroff had him in a dither. Ariadne was like Snape's shadow. Her friends tried to catch her attention, but she ignored them.

When Snape had explained the situation, Fudge sent for a dementor to be his guard while he spoke to Barty Crouch Jr. He absolutely refused to listen to Snape's arguments. Ariadne cringed into Snape's shadow when the dementor arrived. She did what she could to summon her patronus. The silver raven perched on her shoulder, illuminating the side of her face and the sleek black scales of Antigone around her neck. Antigone hadn't tried to say anything to Ariadne, accustomed to being silent when people were around. Her cricket chirp scales showed that she didn't like the dementor either.

Fudge didn't even seem aware of her presence. She just moved along so closely to Snape that she was nearly under his cloak. If Snape was annoyed with her, he didn't say anything. He just looked worried.

Professor McGonagall screamed when the dementor entered the room with Fudge. Ariadne still refused to enter the room, but she heard the horrible noises that followed the dementor's entry. The sucking sound that dementors made while breathing got much louder, McGonagall's voice reached hysteria and became incoherent. They exited a couple of minutes later. Barty Crouch Jr was sitting quietly in the room now, his eyes glazed. He was still breathing, but he showed no other signs of life. Winky was sobbing and clinging to his ill-fitting robes. Ariadne understood. He had been kissed.

McGonagall's tirade followed Fudge all the way to the hospital wing. Ariadne slipped inside and leaned against the wall. Mrs. Weasley, her son Bill, Ron, and Hermione were all sitting around Harry. A large black dog laid at the foot of his bed. Snape leaned against the same wall as Ariadne, his jaw tight. They watched together while McGonagall screeched at Fudge who was demanding to see Dumbledore and talk to the boy. Dumbledore arrived and Snape had to explain what had happened around McGonagall's fussing. Harry had sat up when they all entered and was looking glassy-eyed over at them.

Fudge sneered when Dumbledore tried to tell him that the Dark Lord was back. He was in denial, looking for loopholes. He asked Dumbledore if the boy could truly be believed. He was a parselmouth and no one had ever heard of a curse scar hurting.

Ariadne wanted to roll her eyes. She was also a parselmouth, but she didn't use snakes for evil purposes and of course no one had heard of a curse scar hurting. No one had ever survived a killing curse before Harry. It was honestly ridiculous to think there wouldn't be anything special about the scar.

"You've been reading Rita Skeeter." Harry observed in a dull, dead tone. He didn't seem upset. Exhaustion seemed to be the dominant expression on his drawn face. The boy looked older.

The dog that had been lying at the foot of Potter's bed like a rug began to snarl as Fudge's accusations became directed at Harry. The corner of Ariadne's mouth twitched. She always wanted to reach out toward her uncle, but she kept her arms crossed, leaning against the wall.

Professor Snape, however, was becoming more and more agitated with Fudge. The harder Fudge tried to deny that Voldemort had returned, the more Snape seethed. Finally, as Fudge rocked back on his heels, twirling his hat and said, "he just can't be back", Snape moved.

Ariadne was in his shadow still, though no one seemed to notice. He wrenched up his sleeve and showed Fudge his forearm.

"There, the dark mark. It's not as clear as it was an hour or so ago when it burnt black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burnt into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing each other and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the mark of any Death Eater, we were to disapparate and apparate instantly at his side. This mark has been growing clearer all year. Karkaroff's too. Why you think Karkaroff fled tonight? We both felt the mark burn. We both knew he had returned. Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord's vengeance. He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eaters to be sure of a welcome back into the fold."

Fudge backed off, just staring at the mark. He was still denying. He decided he had to go to the ministry. He dropped Harry's triwizard winnings on the bedside table and left.

Once he was gone, Dumbledore jumped into action. He turned to Molly Weasley first, looking to see where she and her family stood on this. Bill left to send a message to his father. He sent Professor McGonagall to get Hagrid and Madam Maxim, wanting them to go to his office and he sent Madam Pomfrey to help Winky who was no doubt still inconsolable with the now soulless Crouch.

When the two women were definitely gone, he turned back to the bed and called for Sirius to reveal himself.

The dog hopped up and transformed back into a man. He was still gaunt and his skin had an odd gray quality. He was shabby and looked utterly exhausted, but his eyes sparked with light under the dark circles. Mrs. Weasley gave a shriek and had to be calmed by her children.

"Him!" Snape snapped, glaring at Sirius. "What is he doing here?"

"He is here at my invitation," Dumbledore replied coolly. "As are you, Severus. I trust you both."noveldrama

The two old schoolmates were glaring at each other. Ariadne carefully reached out to touch Snape's arm. His head jerked to look down at her. She gave the barest of nods. Professor Dumbledore was explaining the necessity for civility. Looking as though they would rather be anywhere else, the former schoolmates reached toward each other and shook hands. Ariadne tilted her head slightly. She was still holding Snape's arm, but she gave Sirius a timid smile. "Hello, Snuffles."

Sirius looked down into her face. He didn't seem to know what to say to her. He still had his service dog harness and he looked a little silly. He put a hand to the tag, almost like he wanted to say 'thank you'.

But Dumbledore had work for him to do. A moment later, he was back to being a dog and he'd left. Harry looking a little sad at the parting.

"Severus," Dumbledore turned to them. Ariadne's grip tightened convulsively on Snape's arm. This was it. "If you are ready."

"I am." Professor Snape answered, his face a shade paler than normal, but his eyes shining with determination.

"Ariadne," Dumbledore looked at her. It looked as though it was causing him pain to do this.

She raised her chin, looking him right in the eye. "I'm ready, Professor."

Snape looked as though he might argue, but her nails dug into his bicep and he kept his mouth shut. Together, they swept out of the hospital wing.

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