The Raven and The Snake

Book 5: Part 5

Ariadne slipped into her silk night dress in Professor Snape's private bathroom that she was now sharing. She'd expected him to make some sorts of adjustments to his room for a second person to be living there. Instead, he hadn't changed anything at all. She slid underneath the covers of his bed. He wasn't back yet. A flick of her wand and the candles were extinguished.

The whole room smelled like him. She pressed her face into the pillows. Antigone had slithered up to the canopy of the four-poster bed where she made a low dip over Ariadne's head.noveldrama

Snape didn't come to his room until around three in the morning. He was almost entirely silent, clearly trying not to disturb Ariadne's sleep. She was awake though and on guard. After throwing on a nightshirt and brushing his teeth, he climbed into bed as far from her as he could manage.

She turned over very slowly and peered into the darkness. His breathing wasn't evening out just yet so he was still awake. Carefully, she slid closer to him. She could feel his shudder when she made contact with his back.

Her body automatically curved to his form, her face pressing into the back of his neck. She could hear his breathing and feel the warmth of him against her. He smelled vaguely of mint from his toothpaste and like the potions lab. Ariadne didn't try to hug him. She just remained close, breathing in his delicious fragrance. Her lips parted slightly against his skin. His shiver made her burn with desire, but she did nothing more. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift off.

She awoke when he began to stir. It was still too dark, the heavy curtains offering no sign of sunlight though she was certain there wouldn't be any even if they were thrown open. He got up, got dressed, and departed from the room quickly. This became a habit of his. He would come to bed several hours after she did and would leave just a couple of hours later. It didn't seem comfortable for him and the shadows under his eyes deepened every day, but he didn't say anything. She didn't try to ask.

Harry Potter had been in detention when Ron Weasley joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team so he hadn't been able to see the tryouts. The new team captain, Angelina Johnson was in a towering temper. Enough to even make the twins


During the team's first practice, Katie Bell got a nasty nosebleed which was exacerbated when the twins offered her a candy from their skiving snack boxes which turned out to be the wrong one. Ariadne caught them dragging the ashen- colored girl through the grounds and helped them treat her before she died on the way to the hospital wing.

It was only the second week of school when the Daily Prophet came bearing the news that Delores Umbridge had accepted the position of High Inquisitor in the school. She was going to be doing inspections in the school. Ariadne's first inspected class was with Professor Burbage in Muggle Studies. It started out simple enough with Umbridge just listening in, but the more classes she attended, the more involved she got. She was in at least three classes with each teacher before she wrote up an official report.

Professor Burbage handled it with particular grace, though her subject was clearly looked down on by Umbridge who was evidentially of the mind that muggles were lesser creatures. Since Ariadne was one of the few Slytherins in this class, Umbridge turned to her for her opinion.

"Now you were raised by muggles, weren't you?" She asked in her high, girlish voice. Ariadne nodded, trying not to show irritation at having the lesson interrupted. "I was."

Umbridge made a little note on her clipboard. "And why did you sign up for this class?"

Ariadne looked Umbridge in the eye. "I think it's important for us to know who we share this world with. The pureblood wizards are dying out. We are becoming a minority."

Umbridge's pink lips pursed, her already bulging eyes getting even larger. "Is that what Professor Burbage is teaching you?"

"Partly." Ariadne gripped her locket, running her thumb over the Black family crest. "I've tracked my own bloodline as far as I am able. I am the last member of my own family branch with my closest cousins being female and marrying into different households. Once I myself marry and my criminal uncle is disposed of, the Black family in England will end."

Umbridge's eyes fell to the locket, a slight greed showing. She wasn't a pureblood, but she would surely never admit to such a thing. She tutted in a way that was clearly meant to be sympathetic. Ariadne was surprised at how proficient Umbridge was at occlumency, she couldn't get a read off of her other than the minor changes in her facial expressions.

"So what do you feel is gained by this class?"

Ariadne smiled. "I am learning about the divergences of our races. Many aspects of this class involve muggle biology. I'm hoping to find a common ancestor as well as ways to resurrect and strengthen our magical bloodlines. It is a waste to have them end."

Umbridge seemed to recognize Ariadne's intelligence. She sought out her opinion in all of her classes, but she didn't let Ariadne get away with thinking she had full approval. Umbridge had a very obvious sense of inferiority when it came to Ariadne's pedigree.

On her first inspection of Professor Snape, she rounded on Ariadne. "A little birdie has told me that you like Professor Snape."

It was followed with a girlish giggle as though she were sharing in a teenager's gossip, but her bulging eyes flashed menacingly. Ariadne had to force a giggle to match Umbridge, giving a dismissive little wave.

"He is an excellent teacher. He knows his subject extremely well." Ariadne smiled toward Snape who was extremely stiff while pretending he wasn't listening in. "It's true that I had a childish crush. I expect many students develop those on the teachers that most impress them, but that doesn't have any impact on how he teaches. He has always been professional."

Umbridge's lip twitched. She was looking for fault. "I do hope that you will be able to tell me if there is any improper behavior between yourself and any staff. I don't want you to be afraid to come to me for anything."

Antigone made a soft hissing against her throat. Ariadne stroked the smooth black scales soothingly. "Thank you so much, Professor Umbridge. I will absolutely let you know if I ever feel any discomfort."

Umbridge, mercifully, moved on. Ariadne looked toward Snape, her eyes widening apologetically. It seemed that it was time for her to get a new boyfriend. After class, she went to Birdie who enthusiastically agreed to a double date on the first Hogsmeade visit.

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