The Million-Dollar Heart (Percival and Vivienne)

Chapter 951

Vivienne Hawthorn rolled her eyes in sheer disbelief.

Seriously? This intelligence level?

And he dreams of taking over the Linklater estate?

Forget it, engaging with such low IQ would only dumb her down!

She didn't bother with Dracon Linklater, instead, she turned to Yorick, "Grandpa! Given he hasn't committed any serious crime against the state, the higher-ups have decided it's your call!"

Yorick was momentarily taken aback, somewhat surprised.

Vivienne just smiled, saying nothing.

The reason Dracon was handed over to Yorick was all thanks to her and Percival Ellington's early discussions with the authorities. The Linklater family had produced a War Hero, former Vanguard Agency head Yorick, now head of the security bureau Vivienne, and diplomat Hector Linklater-each had made significant contributions.

Since Dracon hadn't caused any real harm, the authorities decided to grant the Linklater family this favor.

Of course!

This favor came at the price of a hundred life-saving pills from Vivienne.

She wasn't particularly fond of Dracon, nor did she genuinely respect Arthur Linklater. But what could she do when her mother was to become a Linklater? And she, a granddaughter of the Linklater family? Besides, Yorick had always been genuinely kind to her, and she had never really given her grandfather any gifts.

Let Dracon be a gift to the old man then!

Yorick caught Vivienne's gaze and immediately understood.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He nodded in gratitude towards Vivienne.

Though he had been harsh, Dracon was his son after all. His death would have brought him sorrow.

Indeed, granddaughters are such blessings!

Ultimately, Yorick decided to disinherit Dracon from the Linklater family. "After the family council's decision, throw him into that old mansion behind the hills. Let him fend for himself." Arthur was tasked with the grim duty of dragging away a terrified Dracon.

The hall was left with only Vivienne and Sasha Perez.

Sasha broke the silence, "Found anything yet?"

Vivienne frowned, "Not yet."

"Don't rush," Sasha advised. "The bait has been set. Just wait quietly, and they'll show themselves."

That evening, feeling tired, Yorick didn't join for dinner.

Arthur looked troubled, alternating between smiles and frowns. Sasha kept serving him food, and he ate absentmindedly, as if his mind was elsewhere.

"What's up with him?" Vivienne wondered if the day's events with Dracon had left Arthur traumatized.

Sasha glanced at Arthur and chuckled, "You called him 'dad' for the first time today. He's just savoring the moment. Let him be."

Vivienne was puzzled. "When did I call him 'dad'?"

"I didn't realize."

Sasha was speechless.

"You kept calling him 'father', what, was that just for fun?"

Vivienne: ...

I was just giving him face!

Sasha: Alright! Let's say it was about giving face!

After a while, Sasha suddenly remembered something. "When you were dealing with your uncle today, why did you bring up Diana Perez?" Vivienne's lips curled into a scornful smile, "Like attracts like, but fools deserve to be used by others."

Sasha fell silent, overwhelmed by speechlessness.

Diana was cunning, and Dracon was no match for her intellect.

To think that even after Diana's downfall, there was still a mindless follower lurking close by.

The world really is quite small.

The Wright family.

Robbie Wright brought good news to Alyssa Wright, "Grandpa's away for a while. You can relax and go out if you want, no one's going to mind." Alyssa straightened up, wide-eyed with confirmation, "Brother, is grandpa really not home?"

Robbie nodded, gently lifting Alyssa's sleeve to apply some scar-healing ointment, "I've checked. The old man won't be back for at least a week."

His voice was somber, causing Alyssa to feel uneasy.

Quietly, she withdrew her hand, "Brother, I'm alright."

Her wounds had almost healed, but she dared not step outside.

Firstly, the humiliation she faced at the Linklater estate lingered, with online vitriol having spilled into real life, even exposing whereabouts. Secondly, she feared Hunter Wright's unresolved anger might lead to another round of family discipline upon seeing the news.

Robbie's gaze darkened slightly, "The old man's absence is our last chance."

Alyssa's heart skipped a beat, finally

hearing the words she'd been

waiting for. She bit her lip, "Brother,

are you planning to take action

against the second branch?

Robbie didn't deny it, merely locking eyes with her, "After waiting for so long, it's time for a resolution."

"Brother, the second branch has only clueless Brianna Wright and that sickly recluse..."

Alyssa couldn't see how these two could cause any trouble together.

"Even combined, they're no match for you. The Wright family will inevitably fall into your hands as the eldest grandson. Why rush and risk grandpa's attention..."

After the punishments she had endured, Alyssa's fear of the old man ran deep, each mention of him causing her scars to throb painfully.

Robbie remained calm, "The old man's intentions are unfathomable. Who knows if he favors the second branch."

Finally, he reminded Alyssa, "Or have you forgotten about the woman in the castle?"

Alyssa's eyes briefly flashed with

venom, "I haven't forgotten, but that

woman is lang gone. Now, only Grandpa holds the reins at home What does it matter if she was his favorite? She's still buried six feet

under, didn't even get to rest beside Dad."

Robbie sensed there was more to it, "Have you forgotten what Grandpa always says?"

Alyssa paused, recalling Hunter's cold words as he raised his whip, declaring that the Wright family has no room for failures.

A frown of disbelief crept across her face, "You mean... the second branch is just putting on an act?"

Robbie's thin lips curved into a

smirk, though his eyes betrayed a

hint of sarcasm, "If he enjoys playing the part, let him. I'm just worried he's too stubborn for his own good knowing his time is short yet still dreaming of grabbing a piece of the pie in this power struggle

Alyssa was stunned, "How is that possible? You already control half of the company's power. Besides Grandpa's favor, who would back him?"

"In the face of absolute power, all the preparation in the world seems insignificant. We can only afford to win, not lose."

Alyssa fell silent for a moment, understanding that Robbie wouldn't alter his years of planning over a word or two from her. They were siblings, bound together in success and failure alike.

That much was clear to her.

What she needed to do now was to be Robbie's support, not a burden in this battle for power.

Realizing this, Alyssa spoke solemnly, "Brother, what do you need me to do?"

Robbie's gaze was as deep as the ocean, "I'll handle the second branch. You take care of Winston Wright."


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