The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 48


My stomach feels like it's falling out of my as.s with nerves!

Today has been amazing, and I couldn't have been more proud. Elena, Spencer, and Emily were looking down on Lyric today; I know they were. I could sense their presence and see them in my mind's eye, smiling down on their daughter.

The party was lovely, everyone dressed to impress. I wore my lavender cocktail dress with a crisscrossed back, showing a little cleavage. I had my hair in a chunky French braid that sat over my right shoulder.

When I walked down the stairs this morning, I wasn't expecting the reaction I got. Oh, it wasn't bad. In fact, it was everything.

Tyler was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, and he looked so handsome in an ivory suit with his hair tied at the base of his neck. I took a deep breath before attempting to descend the stairs, hoping I didn't trip on the heels I was wearing. I'd never worn such shoes before other than for practice, Moira insisted on. Thankfully, I stayed poised.

"Oh, my," Tyler's mouth dropped, and I couldn't help giggling. He reached his hand out to me, and I took it, allowing him to pull me into his arms gently. "I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you right now." Tyler's words touched my heart because he meant them.

Despite being the Prince's mate, I tried to keep my face hidden as much as possible. Astro's spy is still out there, and I didn't want to be seen. It's better if my brother believes I'm dead. I no longer have my Fairy glow, and it seemed I was safe from unwanted eyes. But I digress.

I'm now standing deep in the forest, hand in hand with Tyler. My feet are bare, and I'm worried about being naked in front of all these people. How stupid is that?

I'm about to transform for the first time, and I'm worried about being naked? Pathetic!

On the other hand, the party is still in full swing back at the castle. I'm worried people will notice that most of the Royal Family is missing. Thane and Lyric, Ronan and Moira, Willian and Lucy, Thorin, Tane, and Theo are all here with me. Theo left Harmony with Starr, Tristan, Esme, Isla, and her mate at the party. Harmony wanted to be here, but Theo was worried it wouldn't be safe with her being pregnant. I agreed; Harmony shouldn't be here.

'Try not to worry, Emori; we got this!

'I'm trying, but it's not easy, Cosima. For the first time in my two hundred years of life, I'm going to transform into something else.

'Yeah, into me.' I roll my eyes because I can hear Cosima sniggering inside my head. 'Just remember, this is really going to hurt!

'Oh, gee, thanks, Cosima! That makes me feel so much better! Not! I get that it's going to hurt, I'm ready for it, but I don't want to be naked in front of all these people.

'You're ridiculous, do you know that? It's natural, Emori. I know you weren't born a Lycan, but you are one now, and you need to get used to the way things are. No one will be looking at you in a se.xual way. They've seen dozens of people naked. It's normal to them! 'But my in-laws...

'Same applies. Besides, Tyler will be right in front of you, shielding your virtue.' I sense Cosima roll her eyes. 'Goddess, I might jump him.'

'You will do no such thing! Tyler is mine, Axel is yours, and you better not touch him either. You promised to wait!

'Whatever, bi.tch.'

"Baby?" I look at Tyler with scared eyes. "Everything will be okay. I am right here with you."

I am terrified right now. I've been building myself up for this since the night Tyler changed me. But now the time has come; I'm falling apart! I'm shaking with fear of the unknown. I've embraced Cosima; she's part of me. It's the transition I'm scared of. Every bone in my body is going to bend and break! I've suffered physical pain many times in my life, but this sounds excruciating!

'Don't think about it; it's not like you can wish the pain away. Though having Tyler close will help.

Tyler. My everything. We're finally together, and everything is perfect between us. We have yet to mark one another, but after tonight, we will. We've been staying at the castle in Tyler's old room. Thane said it would be safer for now. But soon, we'll move into our cabin when all threats are gone.

Tyler treats me well, we're equals in all things, and we love each other more than I could say. I need him right now; I cannot do this without him.

I lay my hand on Tyler's stubble-covered jaw. "Please don't leave me. I can't do this without you."

Tyler smiles while stroking my hair. "I will never leave you. You are my world, Emori."

I smile but scream when pain tears through my stomach. I hunch over, falling to my knees, and people all around me encourage me to let it happen.noveldrama

'This is it! Don't fight it, Emori; just breathe through the pain.

I don't answer Cosima because even my brain is filled with pain. I can't concentrate. I cannot think! I hear voices, but they sound far away. Nothing seems to be registering.

I claw at the ground, screaming in agony. Tyler uses his claws to rip my clothes from my body, the only way he can when I'm like this. I know it's him because his touch is soothing for a moment. For over an hour, my body twists and bends unnaturally. 'What's taking so long?' I scream at Cosima, but she doesn't answer.

Where is she?

How could she abandon me?!

"Breathe, baby. Push through the pain and let it happen."

"I'm trying!"

What the does it look like I'm doing!?

'Shh. It's going to be okay! I hear Lyric in my head.

Then I scream when my leg breaks. I can't stop screaming because my back, wrists, and hips break. The pain is all-consuming, and I feel like I'm dying!

Suddenly, everything is dark, and no sound can be heard. There is no pain anymore, only peace.

Cosima yes!

I'm free!

Damn, it's been so long since I saw the world through these eyes. Too long.

What's it been, two-three hundred years?

I lost count years ago because I hid from the pain. The last human I was attached to, Merida, was gorgeous with her long blonde hair and big blue eyes. But she was weak-spirited, too kind for her own good. She went against my advice and trusted someone she shouldn't have.

A shady Alpha by the name of Joe tricked Merida into believing he was her mate. At sixteen, Merida wasn't old enough to feel the mate bond, so she believed Joe blindly. Once the bas.tard got what he wanted, her body, he slit her throat where she lay. The cowardly bas.tard killed my Merida. I couldn't help her because Joe was part warlock and used his magic to bind me.

I ended up back with the Moon Goddess, mourning Merida for many years. The Goddess promised me a second chance, but only when the right person came along. It was a long wait, but finally, Emori emerged.

Emori may look similar to Merida, but they are very different. Emroi is strong-willed, not afraid to stand up for herself, and she's smart.

We've been building up to today, practicing for when the time comes. I warned Emori that it would be challenging, but she did better than I thought she would. I've got to admit; I love Emori. I didn't think I could put my heart on the line again after Merida. I didn't want to get hurt again. But Selene was right; Emori is my perfect other half.


Damn, he's fine!

'Tyler Knight. It's nice to meet you officially. I want to thank you for caring for Emori. But that will have to wait; I want to meet my mate."

I've been dying to meet Axel in the flesh. We've spoken before now, but this will be the first time we've come face to face. "That can wait."

I turn my white head to face the King and his Queen. Everyone seems so tiny when I'm this tall, not that I know how tall, but I assume over nine feet. Bigger than I was last time. The people around them are staring at me in awe. I can't say, as I blame them, I am magnificent.

I bow. 'My King. My Queen.'

"Auntie." I smile at Lyric. "You're so beautiful."

'I know. I chuckle.

"Cosima," I look at Thane once more. "Do you swear your allegiance to me? Do you promise to be loyal to the crown, your King and Queen, and the people of Lykos?"

'I do'

"Do you swear to stand beside your mate as his equal?"

'Always. There is no doubt in my mind.

"I hereby officially welcome you into the Royal Pack. I also dub you Princess Cosima, Princess Emori."

Power, as I've never known, surges through me, binding me to these people as they welcome me as one of them.

'Cosima,' Emori gasps inside my mind. 'We have a home, finally with people who care about us!

'Was there ever any doubt? Now, close off your subconscious mind while I finally run with my mate.'

'How do we change back, Cosima?'

'I'll let you know when the time comes. I cut off my human and look at Tyler. 'It's time, Tyler Knight. Bring forth my mate!'

In less than a second, a twelve-foot black Lycan stands before me.


'My love,' He reaches for me, and I go willingly. Axel sniffs my neck, and I purr against him. This is all I ever wanted - a mate who will be true to me and love me as a mate should.

Playfully, I nip at Axel's front paw and then take off running. Axel chases after me, and we run for hours. We play and frolic through the forest, and I have never felt so exhilarated! The wind through my white fur, my mate at my heel, nothing could compare to this.

Well, mating would make this perfect, but I promised Emori I would only do that once she completed the bond with Tyler. But, is she slow! I would have jumped his bones and screwed his brains out a hundred times over by now.

I stop at the lake's edge, Axel coming up beside me.

'It's so beautiful here, Axel.'

'Not as beautiful as you. I love you, Cosima. By the Goddess and Fenrir, I love you.

I let his words sink into my very soul, and I smile. I nudge my head into his neck with my eyes closed. 'I love you, Axel. I will always love you!

We snuggle for a moment before Axel growls threateningly. 'Who the hell is that?'

Axel takes off before I can stop him. My eyes lock on the girl he's now chasing, and Emori screams in my mind to stop him.

'Save her, Cosima! Please!'!

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