The Hero + Vegas = No Regrets

: Chapter 34

I’m not sure how to land on someone’s doorstep on Christmas Eve and tell them you want to be their wife. Or girlfriend. Honestly, if Worth said he’d moved on or didn’t want to be with me in that way, I’d take his friendship instead. I just miss him.

I miss the way he loves me.

I miss the way I trust him.

I miss the way I love him.

I could have called Jules to see if he was busy or had moved on or hated me, but I didn’t want to put her in an awkward position. I’m an adult, ready to face the consequences of my decisions. It’s what I wanted from my dad, so how could I be a hypocrite when it comes to Worth? I want to put it all out there for him, even if it’s not enough. He deserves that from me.

My hands are shaking as I walk up the stoop to his front door. The last time I was here, I signed divorce papers. I’m not sure if he had them filed. Maybe we’re divorced already.

I answer the door, hoping he’s in. I’m sure I can hear movement and music inside. It’s nearly two in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.

I should have texted.

Before I can spiral further, the door yanks open and Worth appears.

My heart strains in my chest and I exhale. This is where I’m meant to be.

Seeing him here, his hair rumpled, glasses on, wearing a sweater with a hole in the elbow, makes everything slot into place. This man is my home.

After we exchange hellos, a beautiful woman appears from inside the house and looks me up and down. My entire body tightens

“Are you the snow graffiti artist?” she asks. “I was expecting a man.”

The bubble pops.

I look between them, unable to figure out who she is and whether there’s something between them. But if not, who is she and what’s she doing in his home?

He doesn’t offer an explanation.

“No, Eira,” he says, and she disappears.

Eira. Eira. That name is familiar, but I can’t place it.

“You’re busy,” I say, watching the woman run down the hall.

“We’re just having dinner and drinks…” His gaze shifts to the gift bag I’m carrying.

I hold it up. “I brought you a gift.”

“Do you want to come in?” he asks.

Yes, I think. Yes, I want to come in and take off my coat and drink tea and talk and sink into your body while we promise never to leave each other.

I want it all from him.

A burst of laughter echoes from inside the house. It’s not just Eira inside. All his friends are probably in there, too. Squealing brakes sound behind me and a white truck parks at the curb. Three people in smart gray uniforms carry covered platters up the steps.

He’s having a party. Or maybe he’s hosting Christmas lunch tomorrow. Whatever he’s doing, his plans don’t include me. “You’ve got a lot of people in there already. Another time, maybe,” I suggest. I want him to offer a specific date. Maybe the day after tomorrow. Or he could call me? But I don’t want to push, because I don’t need Worth to save me. I just want him to love me.

I hang the gift on the door handle and turn to leave. “Merry Christmas Eve, Worth.”

I practically run down the stairs.

I hadn’t dared to hope what might happen when I turned up on his doorstep, but I can’t help feeling the weight of disappointment in every atom of my body.

Being so close to him and not being able to touch him was like torture. It would have been better not to come, because watching the way he moves, seeing his face, almost being able to take in his scent—it’s just made me realize what a complete fool I was for ever thinking I wanted to walk away from him.

I pick up my speed, desperate to get to the corner of his street so I can let go and… miss him.

I scrub my hands over my face and start to run toward the park. I need space. The tears are threatening to fall, and I just need to be far enough away so I don’t crumble where he might see me.


I stop and swallow, not daring to turn around.

“Sophia,” Worth says, quieter now that he’s only a few feet away.noveldrama

I press my gloved hands over my face, willing myself not to cry. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I lower my arms and turn to face him. “Hi.” I’m trying to sound breezy, but I know my voice sounds like splintered glass. I’m about to fall apart and I don’t want him to witness it because I know he’ll feel bad. That’s the last thing I want.

He looks panicked. “Sophia,” he says again. His voice is ragged and desperate. “Why did you come?”

“I… I… I… To wish you merry Christmas Eve.”

He shakes his head. “No, you didn’t.” His gaze locks on to mine and I’m helpless. I can’t run from him anymore. I don’t want to.

“I wanted to see you,” I confess.

He nods, encouraging me to say more.

“Who was the woman at the door?” I ask. I have no right to expect Worth to be alone, but that doesn’t stop me hoping.

He frowns and I hold my breath, steeling myself for his reply. “Who? Eira?”

Something in my expression—maybe the jealousy oozing out of my pores—must give me away, because he continues, “The one asking whether you were a graffiti artist was Efa’s sister. She’s over for the holidays. With her husband, Dax. They’re both here. Efa wanted to throw a Christmas Eve dinner at the brownstone.” He takes a step toward me. “Of course there’s no other woman, Sophia.”

Relief washes over me.

“There’ll never be anyone but you for me.”

My eyes flutter shut as I take in his words.

“You never have to concern yourself with that. I’m yours. Forever.”

I swallow past the lump of hope and exhaustion gathered in my throat. “Worth,” I say. I try and blink away the tears in my eyes. “I know you’re not my father. I know I can trust you.”

He groans out a sigh. “Yes,” he says. “Always.”

I nod and take a step toward him. “I shouldn’t have walked out on you.”

“I understand why you did. I get it, Sophia.”

I shake my head. “You can understand—because that’s the man you are—but it’s still not okay. I can’t run when things get scary. That’s not what trust is. That’s not what love is.”

“Love?” he asks.

“I love you,” I whisper. He closes his eyes for one second, then two, like he’s feeling the words trail over his body. “I won’t do it again.”

He fixes me with his gaze. “I won’t survive if you do.”

My chest tightens. I can see the hurt in his eyes, the pain in his expression.

“I’m sorry.” I step forward and press my palm to his chest. He feels solid, like one of the trees standing tall and steady in the Catskills. He feels like shelter. Like home. “I’m truly sorry.”

He circles me with his strong arms and pulls me closer. I sink into his warm body and let myself go. Being here with him, anywhere with him, feels like exactly where I should be. Cincinnati isn’t home—not anymore. It’s only a place I used to live. It’s my history. My present and future are with Worth, wherever that might be.

“So you’re back for good,” he says, like he’s turning the words over on his tongue to see how they taste.

I tilt my chin up to look at him. “If you’ll have me,” I say. “For as long as you’ll be my husband and my hero.”

“That’s forever, then.” A smile curls at the edge of his mouth.

“I want it to be forever with you, Worth. You’re an incredible man and I’m lucky just to know you. I’m the luckiest person alive to be married to you.” I gasp. “I signed those papers.” I look up, searching his face.

“I sent them to my lawyer,” he says. “We’ll figure it out.”

“But what if we’re not married?” I ask.

“Then we’ll do it all over again. I’d marry you every day for the rest of my life if I could.”

I pull off my gloves, lift up on tiptoes and cup his face in my hands, pulling him down to meet me in a kiss. It’s like the Fourth of July inside my body as his touch lights up every part of me.

His hands hold the back of my neck and he deepens the kiss. My knees weaken and my heart lifts in my chest like it might float away at any moment. It feels as if we’re in a bubble, just the two of us. It doesn’t matter where we are; if I’m with Worth, I’m where I’m meant to be.

His cheek scrapes mine, and goose bumps scatter across my skin. He’s cold.

“Shit.” I pull away. “You’re out here without a coat. It’s twenty degrees.” I take his hand in mine and kiss it. “You need to get inside.”

He doesn’t say anything, he just smiles at me. “I haven’t noticed the cold.”

“I mean it, Worth. You’ll get sick. Let’s get you inside.”

He sighs. “The house is full of people. I just want to have you to myself for a little while.”

I can’t help but smile at his wish. “They’re holding it at your house to make you feel better,” I say.

He nods. “I know. They’ve been amazing. I was… in a bad place there for a bit.”

I tilt my head. “If I could take it back, I would.”

“Don’t,” he says. “Don’t say that. We’ve been tested and survived. You left and you came back. We’re stronger because of that. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard, but look—it’s all worked out in the end.”

I tug on his hand a little, leading us back to the brownstone. “Let’s go see your friends.”

“They’re your friends too.”

“Maybe not anymore.”

He stops, turns to face me, and holds my shoulders. “Yes. They’re your friends too. They want us both to be happy.”

I nod. That’s true. Worth’s friends adore him. They would only want what’s good for him. I just might have to convince them that’s me. But I’ll prove myself. I know where my heart is. With time, they’ll see it too.

“I’m not going back without you,” he says. “You want to celebrate Christmas Eve at the brownstone or do you want to go somewhere else?”

There he goes again, ignoring his own wants for mine.

“Before you ask,” he says, before I can push the decision back on him, “I’d like us to spend the rest of the day with our friends, and then I want to take you to bed and keep you awake all night.” Worth’s always been able to read my mind. I shouldn’t be surprised he’s doing it now. “It doesn’t come naturally to me, but I’ve been working on figuring out what I want. So… that’s what I want.”

“I see that,” I say. “And I love that.” I reach up and press my fingers along his jaw. “And your suggestion sounds better than perfect.”

“You’re better than perfect,” he says. “Because you’re you.”

I have a feeling this man is going to continue to make me melt every day for the rest of my life. But first, I have to make sure he doesn’t freeze to death. “Let’s go home,” I say, and slide my hand into his.

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