The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage

Chapter 1394

"I made a mistake?! Impossible!" The elderly man with a steel mask covering half his face exclaimed in shock.

At the same time, a hint of impatience showed on Frank's face. "Sir, didn't I already give up on the spiritron vein a month ago? Was that the reason why you kidnapped my people to lure me here again?" "Your people?"

The elder snorted and snapped quietly, "They are members of Haply Hall. Whenever did they become your people?"

"That's bullshit, Great Gramps!"This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mona yelled despite being tied up, "I told you before I'm leaving Haply Hall! I'm no longer a part of your cabal!" "Hmph!" The elder snorted. "Did you think that Haply Hall is a place you can come and go as you please?"

"Yes! Bleh!" Mona retorted, even sticking her tongue out at him.

The air around the elder stirred restlessly, and Frank could actually see him blinking.

"Oh, Grand Elder, you shouldn't stoop to the brat's level."

Aion smiled awkwardly before turning toward Frank. "Uh... Long time no see, kid."

"What is this comedic routine for, really?" Frank sighed, rubbing his temples.

Aion promptly rambled, "Hehe... So you see, kid, we heard that a spiritron vein fell into your hands, and we at Haply Hall were the first to know. That's why, to protect you-" Frank frowned. "Stop being condescending. I'm not a child."


Aion glanced awkwardly at the elder, clearing his throat before saying shortly, "Yeah, Haply Hall wants the spiritron vein too. That's about it."

"That geezer is a real seer, Master Lawrence!"

Mona exclaimed right then, while wiggling all over the floor like a caterpillar. He foresaw when the spiritron vein would be uncovered and that it would fall into your hands

That's why he kidnapped

Madam Zims and Mr. Yego beforehand, so that he can take it from you!"


The steel-masked elder shot a vicious glare at Mona. "Just look at the child you raised, Aion!"

"Huh?" Aion did a double take-how did this end up his fault?!

"As for you, kid..."

The steel-masked elder eventually turned to Frank. "You may not have a spiritron vein, but its fortunes revolve around you. And though can't put a finger on it, I can see that

there's something different about you."

Then, pointing at Mona, he added, "That brat is really unseemly, but she will become the next chief of Haply Hall. If you want to live, you must think about multiplying in the name of our fraternity. Do you understand?"

Frank was left utterly flabbergasted by the elder's words.

He turned toward Mona and then Aion, both of whom were equally dumbstruck.


Mona snapped as soon as she came to her senses. "As the next chief of Haply Hall, I refuse to have my marriage arranged!"

"I second that!" Frank joined in, frowning-the brat was just some freeloader, and he had no other thoughts about him!


The steel-masked elder laughed coolly. "You have a year. If you two don't produce a progeny by then... Hah!"

With that, the steel-masked elder turned to leave, leaving Frank standing there, speechless.

He could hear the threat in the man's tone and could see that he clearly had no choice in the matter which pained him greatly.

"Get back here, geezer! Geezer!!!"

On the other hand, Mona was yelling at the top of her lungs, "I'm ordering you to get back here, or I will pry open your casket even after you croak, you hear me?!"

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