The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Part 24

“I’m afraid that’s really out of the question.” Senchak bluntly stated. "Everyone we have is already

working night and day, either teaching if they had magic before, or learning if they didn’t. And we’re

desperately short of instructors, even with the elves helping. Our spellmasters are delivering lectures

and demonstrations before crowds of eighty thousand or more!

“If you really want to help us, give us more magic instructors! But I know there’s none to be had, unless

we want to learn from Sylvan. And most of them are still learning the spells that the rest of us used

against them in the last war!”

“Actually, I think we have a solution to that.” Mark chuckled, and looked to Val’s huge reclining form.

“How’s work coming on your magic education spell?”

“Good. With Mother’s help, another two and a half days.” Val replied, somewhat distracted by the

thoughts she was sharing with Six at the time.

“All right.” Mark nodded and grinned as he turned back to the rulers. “Val to the rescue again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, in about two and a half days, as she said, my daughter will present to the world

Valentia’s Magic Education, an absolutely state-of-the-art automated compound self-replicating and

self-powered spell that does just what it says it does, for everyone that can benefit from it. That’s

everyone who’s not up to Journeyman level yet. She figures it’ll have the average student up to

Journeyman Wizard status in about a year and two months, depending on their individual abilities. And

she hasn’t let us down yet.”

A few of the rulers exclaimed quietly, but Mark just continued talking and smiling.

“That being the case, you can afford to give your magic teachers and their students a day or two off

from lessons, so the teachers can prepare to take part in the joint exercises. I see no reason why every

magic user you have who’s Journeyman or better and battle-ready shouldn’t participate, since their

students will no longer need them.”

“Well.” said Prince Jaromer of Thon with raised eyebrows. “That is amazing. And convenient. Let’s

hope this one doesn’t have any unexpected side effects.”

“Side effects?” Talia pointedly inquired.

“Allow me to explain.” King Dren of Finitra said as he stepped to the fore. “I’ve been making some

study of this; in fact that’s what I was doing when you called.

“According to the new laws of The Just Alliance, that you proposed…

“And that all of you agreed with.” Alilia interjected.

“Yes. The new laws allow anyone to do anything so long as it doesn’t cause a crime or an

unacceptable safety risk, and they fulfill their responsibilities. Those laws, combined with the spells that

you and yours have introduced, have had an extreme effect on many of our peoples. Particularly the


“The improved spells you gave to the young Sylvan on Hiliani to control fertility and protect from sexual

diseases have spread everywhere, and now people everywhere are fornicating like…”

“Like elves?” Jaromer interjected.

“Yes, like elves.” King Dren nodded. “And you know that you elves are not free of these upheavals.

Almost every elven female of child-bearing age is pregnant, or will be pregnant soon. But since they no

longer need to bond with their husband for a decade or more in order to become pregnant, your

unmarried elven girls are getting pregnant without marriage, often by casual friends and acquaintances!

And a few of the married women have chosen to bear children by men other than their husbands. All

these are unheard of among the elves, which is causing friction among you.

“And we are facing far more disturbing behavior in the rest of our nations. Now that people have The

Healing of Valentia, along with the Healing that came with The Transformation of Hilsith, young or

stupid people are doing all sorts of foolishness! They are using huge amounts of all sorts of extreme

drugs and strong drinks, knowing that the spells protect them from overdose and addiction! They dare

each other to do the stupidest things, like jumping off of cliffs and just letting themselves fall to the

bottom, or running themselves or each other through with swords or spears, for nothing more than the

novelty and excitement of it! Hundreds of them, all together! More and more of them have begun

engaging in sex outside their race, often with the most extreme size disparities, knowing they are

protected from injury! Some are choosing to have children with those of other races! And under the

new laws, we can find no legal way to bar them from doing any of that!

“Perhaps there is no injustice in any of that, and perhaps they are all within their rights, but the changes

are too many and too soon for many of us, particularly the elders! We feel like the world has become a

madhouse, and that every aspect of common decency and respect is being lost! We fear that our entire

citizenries will become nothing more than hedonistic killers! I suppose that’s appropriate for fighting the

demons, but sometimes the cost seems more than it’s worth paying! And if we win the war, how will we

be able to put healthy societies back together from all these broken and twisted pieces?!

“You’re The Key to The Just Alliance! Before you went in the time-bubble, you spent most of your days

talking to people, helping them deal with the changes, spreading your wisdom and calm and All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

confidence to millions of people with every one you spoke with, for even your informal chats with

chance-met peasants in low-rent teahouses were reported far and wide. You went out and you spoke

to the world, then you went back to Hilia and spoke to leaders of the world at your beach in comfortable

and informal company, and you were the best conduit between the rulers and the people of The Just


“Now, when the changes we’re facing are getting completely out of hand, you haven’t done your job

since you went in the time-bubble! You came out of it and caused all these problems, but you’ve spent

all your time on increasing your military readiness far faster than we can hope to match, given the

challenges you’ve given us!

“Pardon me for being frustrated, but I’m not the only one who wants to say this to you; Most noble Key

to The Just Alliance, do your damn job!”

Mark sat back with eyebrows raised in surprise, then he chuckled. “Well ya save the world, and ya can’t

even take two months off.”

This only served to make the rulers angrier, and he raised his hands and said; “Look, I’m sorry. This is

as much of a surprise to me as I’m sure it is to all of you. And in my own defense, I was given two

months off to raise my children before I have to become a god and make a bunch of other people gods,

which I’m doing against my preferences and my better judgment because everyone else seems to want

me to do it, and I promised. I’m still raising my children full-time, and I’ve been working on these military

projects since we came out of the time-bubble because they’re my children’s projects, and I’m helping

them with it, as any responsible parent should.

“The military training and re-organization and the improved birth control spells are Six and Fire’s work,

and the spells that have caused most of the rest of the sudden changes are Val’s, and they’re only

seven. They’re great kids and they’re sworn to justice, but considering what they’ve accomplished and

their capabilities and how young they are, I think it’s wise for me to work with them so I can supervise

them closely. I’m sure you would agree.

“I’ll resume the work you mentioned as Key, but I won’t be able to spend as much time at it as I did

before. It never felt like work before, but I guess it is now. Talia and I only did all that because we

enjoyed it, and we wanted to help. I was unaware that it’s now considered to be duties of the office. In

short, Your Majesty, no one told me it was my damn job.

“Now I completely understand how you’re all feeling about your peoples’ disturbing behavior. I also find

much of what you said to be disturbing, and I empathize with those who feel like the world is going

crazy all around them. There’s also no reason for anyone to be disrespecting you, or anyone else, by

exposing you to disturbing behavior while knowing that you’d prefer they didn’t.

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