The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 We held each other’s gazes. The intensity behind those captivating eyes made me stiff with anxiety. Then slowly, I got bolder. My eyes traveled down to her body. Shamelessly, I might add. Every little crevice of her body, every little dip, curve-everything. I wanted to see and carve everything into my mind. And from the way her breathing was quickening since the start, I knew she felt the same. Whatever the f uck this thing was between us, she felt. She crossed her arms, which only managed to emphasize the swell of her chests. A groan was stuck in my throat at the sight. Selene looks away, her gaze falling to Hestia who was slowly walking up to the pool. Turning behind her every few seconds, her gaze swept by everyone before she glued her eyes to the ground. Walker took the initiative to hand her his knife. The knife she used to slice her palm like I did. Everyone watched in silence as her blood dripped into the water and mixed with mine. I was certain of what the result would be, it was just a matter of when the water would decide to turn red. And red it was. I let out a small sigh of content knowing that Selene saw it first hand. That she knew Hestia and I were not mates. My wolf puffed out his own delight. “Hestia! How dare you lie?”

The angry voice came from Walker who stared down at his Luna in absolute fury. His fists were tight against this sides with his eyes wide and feral. Hestia, surprised by his tone, cowered away and stumbled back. Even Beta Dixon who was so overly confident earlier before, looked deflated. How can he not? He put his own pride on the line for the honor of his daughter who turned out to be lying. While part of me pitied him, another part really didn’t care.

Why would an Alpha like myself, deny my mate? That would be suicide and extremely stu pid. A Goddess given gift meant to complete and love me wholeheartedly as I would do with her, was something I dreamed of constantly. Who could be foolish enough to deny such a blessing? Instinctively, my eyes trailed back to Selene. These feelings I somehow have for her wasn’t like anything I ever felt. “Alpha Locksworth, I- I am so terribly sorry. My daughter, she- I cannot-” Beta Dixon stumbled on his words, his wolf bowing down in the utmost submissive position. He recognized his wrong and was begging for forgiveness. I stared at him, not letting anything slip through my facade. “My apo apologies… I’m sincerely.” I turned to Selene. “Alpha Crestfield.” Her arms draped protectively around her chest. She kept her unwavering eyes fixated on mine and I fount it hard not to smile. This little she-wolf held more power and stubbornness than anyone I’ve come across. Normally, they would’ve crumbled under my gaze and went on their knees. Yet she simply stares on, patiently waiting for me to continue at my own pace. I held my hand out to her, preparing myself for her reaction at the next few words I’d say. “The test. I’d like to try it with you.” She stared at me. Shocked, surprised, unsure, confused. Her arms fell to her sides as she regained her composure. “That won’t be necessary,” She said suddenly. My chest fell in slight defeat, but I was intent on holding my ground. Everyone around us was watching in interest.

Well, more like mortification, but still. My hand was still up for her to take. It may seem like a kind or gentleman-like gesture, but really, I was just looking for an excuse to touch her. I wanted to feel her soft hand with my rougher one, to feel how warm she was against me. I wanted everything she could offer. My wolf was growing impatient, already itching for a chance to have her skin against ours. “Do you already have a mate?” I asked, not really wanting to find out. I knew if she had answered ‘yes’ I would’ve gone on a rampage, wanting to desperately get rid of him but knowing I couldn’t. Either way, she was bound to have a mate. And the thought angered me, without saying. Someone out there was meant to do all the things mates would do. Someone was made to hold her to his chest, to cradle her soft body with his, protect her with his life, love her with everything he had in him, tell her sweet nothings at night, mold her body with his until they became one. Someone out there was made to do all those things with her. Someone who wasn’t me. But I desperately wanted it to be. My wolf snarled at the images flashing through my mind. Images of some man holding her in his arms. Then came the images of my wolf mauling on this man and tearing him to pieces. That somehow brought my mood up. These strange sensations coming over me like wildfire in regards to her told me otherwise of what I initially believed. This was what everyone with a mate said it was like. Tingles, sparks, unbelievable attraction. It was all there. I felt everything I would’ve with my mate. There was no misplacing emotions like the ones currently raining on me.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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