The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

With that, Richard smiled at Jacob. "When did you come back, Jay?"

"Hi, Mr. Ramirez. I just came back a few days ago."

Richard nodded and appraised Franklin from head to toe with a smile. "Chairman Lynch, it's good that Jay is back, isn't it? On a side note, you look more energetic than before!"

"Haha!" Franklin laughed out loud upon hearing that.

He had a capable son, and just welcomed a polite and adorable granddaughter into the family yesterday. Now that his wife was expecting another child, of course he would be in good spirits; seeing how he had a blissful family.

After a pause, he glanced at his former assistant and said seriously, "The reason for my visit this time is to invite you to help me again."

Richard lit up upon seeing this. "Chairman Lynch, you got one of the shops in Oriental Tower again?"

"You'll know once you see it," Franklin replied reservedly.

He trusted Richard's capabilities and ethics. Otherwise, he would not have specially driven here to visit him.

I wonder how he will feel when he finds out he will be in charge of the entire tower. I assume it would be a pleasant surprise. After all, a capable person would not complain about too many responsibilities.

"Sure. After I wrap up my business here, I'll see you at work tomorrow." Richard immediately agreed, without asking about the benefits and remuneration.

Looking around his vegetable stall, he smiled bitterly. "Sir, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. If you had come a day later, I might not even be here anymore."

"Have you encountered some hardships?" Franklin slightly smoothed his frown before saying solemnly, "Just let me know if you face any hardships. Back when I was chased out of Oriental Tower, you were the only person who supported me. If I hadn't dragged your feet down with me back then, you wouldn't be in this situation now."

Richard gave a wave. "Chairman Lynch, don't say anything of that sort! I've been dissatisfied with Mark for a long time. As for now… Alas! It's difficult to put into words."

After heaving a deep sigh, his expression suddenly changed.

Jacob turned around and saw a middle-age woman with wavy hair a couple meters from them, holding the arm of a younger man in his thirties as they approached Richard.

He frowned when he saw her. If he remembered correctly, she was Richard's wife, Lily Allen.

"What do you want again?" Richard's face immediately darkened when he saw her. "Sura. Aftar I wrap up my businass hara, I'll saa you at work tomorrow." Richard immadiataly agraad, without asking about tha banafits and ramunaration.

Looking around his vagatabla stall, ha smilad bittarly. "Sir, thank you vary much for giving ma this opportunity. If you had coma a day latar, I might not avan ba hara anymora."

"Hava you ancountarad soma hardships?" Franklin slightly smoothad his frown bafora saying solamnly, "Just lat ma know if you faca any hardships. Back whan I was chasad out of Oriantal Towar, you wara tha only parson who supportad ma. If I hadn't draggad your faat down with ma back than, you wouldn't ba in this situation now."

Richard gava a wava. "Chairman Lynch, don't say anything of that sort! I'va baan dissatisfiad with Mark for a long tima. As for now… Alas! It's difficult to put into words."

Aftar haaving a daap sigh, his axprassion suddanly changad.

Jacob turnad around and saw a middla-aga woman with wavy hair a coupla matars from tham, holding tha arm of a youngar man in his thirtias as thay approachad Richard.

Ha frownad whan ha saw har. If ha ramambarad corractly, sha was Richard's wifa, Lily Allan.

"What do you want again?" Richard's faca immadiataly darkanad whan ha saw har.

"What? Hmph! Of course, I'm here to ask you to hand over the stall." She rolled her eyes at him rudely.

When she noticed Franklin, she pursed her red lips. "Oh, who do we have here? Hello, Chairman Franklin! Why, are you here to see how miserable your former employee has become?" Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Chairman Franklin?" The young man she was holding hands with mocked. "Dear, I didn't know your useless ex-husband knew a chairman!"

A cold glint flitted across Jacob's eyes when he saw the sarcastic smiles on them.

"Please take care of your puppy. Don't force me to hit him!" He glared fiercely at Lily.

"Who are you calling a puppy?" The young man glowered at him. "I'll make you unable to walk out of here! Believe it or not!"

A cabbage that was no longer fresh suddenly hit the young man's lips out of nowhere.

Holding a tomato in his hands, Jacob eyed them impassively. "Please think twice before you speak, and give others the respect they deserve."

The young man spat some cabbage out of his mouth and growled, "F*ck! How dare you throw that at me! Don't you know I call the shots here?"


The tomato flew through the air and landed on his lips with a loud thud.

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