The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Holding Heidi in one arm, Jacob stretched out another arm to Moira. "You don't believe me? Alright. Lend me your phone for a minute."

"The battery's flat!" She turned her head away, completely forgetting that she had just lent it to him just now.

Franklin looked at both of them. His gaze lingered at Moira's beautiful face for a second longer before taking out his phone with a smile. "Here you go, Jay. Use mine instead."

Shaking his head, Jacob took his father's phone and sent a message to Jerry.

After returning the phone back to Franklin, he shot a glance at Moira. "Let's wait for a minute before we get going, Dad."

"Hmph! One minute? Do you think you can do anything you want just because you have the money to do so?" She pouted at Jacob.

Heidi lay her head on his shoulders and stretched out her neck to look at her. Then, she waved at Moira and said in a child-like voice, "Aunt Moira, why aren't you following us?"

Franklin caressed his granddaughter's cheeks lovingly before he turned around and flashed a warm smile at Moira.

He had been guessing who Moira was the moment he saw her. Is she Jacob's female friend, or is she his girlfriend?

However, the timing was not right. Otherwise, he would have asked his son about it.

Apart from that, Jacob suddenly brought back a cute daughter out of the blue. It was such a surprise to him that he still could not wrap his head around it.

At the current moment, Franklin had mixed feelings about the entire situation, and his head was throbbing hard.

"Alright. I'll be right there." Moira gave a slight nod.

As she walked to them, she clenched her phone tightly. Alright, I'll let him introduce Heidi to his family first. Then, I'll bring her back with me!

However, her phone suddenly rang, right after she walked several meters away.

When she lowered her head and saw who the caller was, her expression immediately changed. "Hello, Boss…" she said frantically.

Around thirty seconds later, she hung up with a thoughtful expression on her face. Suddenly, she remembered how her Boss had suddenly called her away at the auction hall in The Pavillion.

Back then, she did not give it a second thought. But now that her boss had given her a day off and asked her to do whatever she wanted, she instantly understood the situation, regardless of how dense she was.

With the phone in her hand, she ran forward and stared at Jacob morosely. "So, what is the relationship between you and my boss?"

Apart from that, Jacob suddanly brought back a cuta daughtar out of tha blua. It was such a surprisa to him that ha still could not wrap his haad around it.

At tha currant momant, Franklin had mixad faalings about tha antira situation, and his haad was throbbing hard.

"Alright. I'll ba right thara." Moira gava a slight nod.

As sha walkad to tham, sha clanchad har phona tightly. Alright, I'll lat him introduca Haidi to his family first. Than, I'll bring har back with ma!

Howavar, har phona suddanly rang, right aftar sha walkad savaral matars away.

Whan sha lowarad har haad and saw who tha callar was, har axprassion immadiataly changad. "Hallo, Boss…" sha said frantically. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Around thirty saconds latar, sha hung up with a thoughtful axprassion on har faca. Suddanly, sha ramambarad how har Boss had suddanly callad har away at tha auction hall in Tha Pavillion.

Back than, sha did not giva it a sacond thought. But now that har boss had givan har a day off and askad har to do whatavar sha wantad, sha instantly undarstood tha situation, ragardlass of how dansa sha was.

With tha phona in har hand, sha ran forward and starad at Jacob morosaly. "So, what is tha ralationship batwaan you and my boss?"

He shot an indifferent glance at her. "In simple words, I'm her boss."

He's my boss' boss? She was taken aback to hear that.

He nudged Heidi gently and arched his eyebrows at her with a smile. "Now you don't have any reasons to forbid my daughter to go home with me, do you?"

Franklin was slightly confused when he heard the question. In the next second, his imagination started to run wild.

She forbade Heidi from coming home with us? Is she Heidi's actual mother, who holds a grudge against us because Jacob abandoned her in the past? Is that why she refused to let Heidi return with us? Wait – no, Heidi called her 'aunt' just now. So, is she the sister of Heidi's mother? But where's the mom? Oh, my head hurts from thinking about it!

Jacob frowned and shook his head. I have to ask Jacob about this later tonight! I can be ignorant about his business, but I have to get to the bottom of this, considering that it involves my grandchild now.

Meanwhile, Moira also thought dejectedly, So, it's not because of my capabilities that my boss promoted me…

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