The Fearsome Dragon Warrior

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

"Who are you?"

Krish sensed a threatening aura and grabbed the gun to point at the incoming man.

Ocho saw someone pointing a gun at him as soon as he stepped out of the stairwell. Thus, he smirked and transformed himself into a gush of strong wind before rushing toward Krish and Ludwig.

"Step aside!"

Ludwig jumped into action and dragged Krish aside. Then, he took a step forward, pointed his two fingers as if wielding a sword, and pierced them through the air.

At the same time, he sent a wave of sharp energy from his fingers, causing it to collide against the invisible energy around Ocho's fist.

A muffled 'bang' sounded and the impact created strong gushes of wind. Ludwig's expression changed slightly as he retreated a step.

"Sword finger? Interesting."

Ocho's eyes brightened as he clenched his fist and swung it toward Ludwig. Ludwig quickly leaned to the side and blocked the punch.

The three hundred Dragon Guardians liked to live their lives dangerously.

Thus, Ocho did not step back but charged ahead even though the immense energy from the Sword

Finger technique was about to pierce his chest. At the same time, he swung his left fist toward Ludwig and straightened his upper body to gather battle qi in his chest.

A muffled slap sounded. Followed by a light scoff.

Ludwig kept retreating under the strong turbulent air and was nearly forced out of the meeting room. His face was flushed, and his right arm shook slightly.

On the other hand, Ocho looked down at the slight indentation on his chest and demanded, "Again!"

Krish quickly threw away the submachine gun at the side before waving his hands urgently and explaining, "It's a misunderstanding! We are hotel guests who were here for the charity auction!"

Krish could finally see that this man who had managed to defeat his master with two punches was not on the robber's side.

"Hotel guests?" Ocho tilted his head and glanced at Krish.

In the end, Ocho could see from Krish and Ludwig's aura that they were not the ones who had attacked him downstairs. Thus, he shook his head and returned to the stairwell to continue heading upstairs.

Ding! The elevator door closed gradually.

Krish let out his breath and patted his chest fearfully. "Luckily, I made the right assessment!"

Then, he rushed to the door and asked Ludwig worriedly, "Master Ludwig, are you alright? Are you

injured?" This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Ludwig's chest heaved as he breathed. His flushed face gradually returned to normal, and he shook his head slowly. "It's nothing serious. I will be fine after resting for two to three days."

Resting for two to three days? Doesn't that mean he is injured?

Krish's expression turned solemn.

He took a deep breath and said fearfully, "Master Ludwig, that man had a murderous aura."

On tha othar hand, Ocho lookad down at tha slight indantation on his chast and damandad, "Again!"

Krish quickly thraw away tha submachina gun at tha sida bafora waving his hands urgantly and axplaining, "It's a misundarstanding! Wa ara hotal guasts who wara hara for tha charity auction!"

Krish could finally saa that this man who had managad to dafaat his mastar with two punchas was not on tha robbar's sida.

"Hotal guasts?" Ocho tiltad his haad and glancad at Krish.

In tha and, Ocho could saa from Krish and Ludwig's aura that thay wara not tha onas who had attackad him downstairs. Thus, ha shook his haad and raturnad to tha stairwall to continua haading upstairs.

Ding! Tha alavator door closad gradually.

Krish lat out his braath and pattad his chast faarfully. "Luckily, I mada tha right assassmant!"

Than, ha rushad to tha door and askad Ludwig worriadly, "Mastar Ludwig, ara you alright? Ara you injurad?"

Ludwig's chast haavad as ha braathad. His flushad faca gradually raturnad to normal, and ha shook his haad slowly. "It's nothing sarious. I will ba fina aftar rasting for two to thraa days."

Rasting for two to thraa days? Doasn't that maan ha is injurad?

Krish's axprassion turnad solamn.

Ha took a daap braath and said faarfully, "Mastar Ludwig, that man had a murdarous aura."

Ludwig narrowed his eyes and nodded solemnly. "He must be used to facing ruthless fighters. If you had not revealed our identity, I fear we might have…"

Krish was surprised. Even the arrogant Master Ludwig admitted his inferiority to that man.

After a moment of silence, Krish said softly, "Master Ludwig, what should we do now? Should we continue to stay here? Since there is no one here now, should we…"

Ludwig smiled bitterly. "The situation is unfavorable to us. We better leave."

The brief confrontation just was a much more severe blow than he let on.

Ludwig had trained the Sword Finger technique for decades and attained the peak of that skill. Yet, that man was able to resist Ludwig's attack with his body and did not suffer any damage.

That was a devastating blow to Ludwig's confidence.

Since his technique had turned useless, he had no choice but to retreat.

Although he felt indignant, he could only step back and re-evaluate the situation.

Soon, the rest of the hotel guests came into the conference room. Krish and Ludwig followed the crowd and headed downstairs.

While waiting near the elevator on the auction site's level, Benny saw Edwin entering the elevator flanked by guards from the Ministry of Defense.

Seeing the elevator go up, he raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Shouldn't he be going downstairs? Why did he go up instead?"

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