The CEO’s Pet Cat

Chapter 34 – You’re getting engaged.

Grandpa Jun coldly looked at them and slowly spoke, “I know what you two have in mind, don’t you just want to coax me back? It’s all because of you guys that he has become like this. Today, I must talk to him clearly about this matter, what is going on like this, it’s disgracing our Jun family!”

“I said why grandpa came to my place in the middle of the night, so it’s because he’s afraid that I’ll lose face!” Grandpa Jun’s words had just fallen, a cold voice came from the direction of the doorway. Grandpa Jun looked up coldly, and indeed saw Asher’s handsome and slender figure standing in the doorway, a pair of bland cold eyes gazing at him, with disdain and mockery on the corner of his mouth.

After just one glance at his grandson, Grandpa Jun’s critical gaze fell on the woman standing next to him, and when he saw Mia’s disheveled hair, his thick eyebrows knitted unconsciously, and a hint of harshness and impatience flashed under his eyes.

Unusually uncomfortable by Grandpa Jun’s gaze, Mia tried to leave, but couldn’t break free with one hand held tightly by Asher.

Grandpa Jun’s cane thumped to the ground with a loud sound, like a hard blow to Mia’s heart, and she shuddered, Grandpa Jun’s compelling gaze making her unconsciously lower her head and stand silently beside Asher.

The disgust in Grandpa Jun’s eyes deepened when he saw Mia scowl, and his voice echoed through the living room without anger, “You’re just getting more and more lawless! Say, what have you been doing today?”

Asher swept a faint glance at the crowd present, his deep eyes falling into layers of gloom, but ignored Grandpa Jun, taking Mia’s hand and heading upstairs.

“Where are you going?” Grandpa Jun shivered in anger at the sight of Asher having the audacity to ignore him like that.

Asher stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around, a frosty look under his eyes as he looked coldly at Grandpa Jun sitting in the middle of the room, “If it’s okay, please leave the area.”

As soon as his words fell, Jun Haotian and his wife hurriedly shook their heads at him, and Mia looked at him with a worried face, while Lina looked at Mia with resentment.

Hearing this, Grandpa Jun of the Jun family’s face was grim and very ugly, and the cane in his hand fell to the ground fiercely, “Asher what kind of attitude are you having!”

“Grandpa, I always do, don’t you know that?” Pausing in his tracks, Asher coldly locked eyes with Grandpa Jun.

Grandpa Jun’s body trembled and his angry sharp eyes looked at his grandson, “Asher, is that how you talk to grandpa? For the sake of such a woman, you even disregarded such an important meeting, you really disappoint me!”

Asher’s bland eyes instantly changed in flavor, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Grandpa Jun of the Jun family who was sitting on the sofa, that compelling sight made Grandpa Jun’s already gloomy face instantly turn into an iron blue color.

“Asher, is this the way you look at grandpa? I see you’ve gotten your wings, haven’t you!” A roar made the hearts of everyone present rise to their throats, “How dare you throw away such an important meeting and run away for this woman, what the hell were you thinking?”

Asher threw the meeting for her? Mia quickly raised her eyes and looked at the man not far away in shock.

Asher ignored her shocked look naturally and took a steady step to the couch, his deep eyes gazing down at the enraged Grandpa Jun, “This has nothing to do with her, and as for that meeting you call so important, I personally think it’s just a waste of time.”

Grandpa Jun glared hard at his grandson, his fury causing his chest to heave violently. After a slight pause, Grandpa Jun’s gaze began to turn to Mia’s body, and with a cold face, he ordered Mia, who kept her head down, “Come here!”

With a quiet glance at Asher, Mia took small steps to Grandpa Jun, but she wisely chose a safe place to stand in view of Grandpa Jun’s enormous anger.

As soon as Mia got close, the smell of alcohol emanating from her quickly burrowed into everyone’s nostrils, Grandpa Jun cringed in disgust, Mr. and Mrs. Jun Haotian looked at each other helplessly, while Leena let out an exaggerated cry, “Oh my god, how much alcohol have you had?”

She exaggeratedly covered her nose, one hand kept flickering as she looked across at Mia in disgust and said with contempt, “Well, stand back again, Grandpa is too old to smell this awful smell.”

Seeing Lina’s disgusted look and everyone’s staring eyes, Mia’s small face couldn’t help but rise up with a flush of embarrassment, and she took a few steps back with some restlessness.

“Drinking so much on a big night and not knowing exactly who you’ve gone fooling around with.” A contemptuous gaze swept over to the standing Mia, Lina’s voice not too loud, but just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Hearing Lina’s words, Grandpa Jun’s face became even more ugly, and even Jun Haotian and his wife’s face didn’t look too good.

Riina’s mockery and contempt made Mia’s little face instantly pale, and she bit her lower lip and clenched her fists in an effort to compose herself.

Lily quickly swept over to Lina next to her, and the Ning Shiyi said, “This is nothing, they are all young people, so naturally they will go drinking. Lina, don’t you often go back to the bar too? So, don’t say things so hard.”

Riina blushed a red burst of white at Lily’s snatch and could only glare deadpan at the standing Mia in indignation, “Aunty, she was the one who didn’t respect herself and caused Asher to follow along and get scolded by grandpa …”

Lily raised her eyes, her gaze full of warning, and Lena immediately swallowed back the words that followed, her eyes looking at Mia with resentment.

Lily’s face eased slightly and her gentle smile looked at Mia who stood with her head bowed, “Don’t drink so much in the future, it’s not good for a young girl to drink so much outside.”

Mia’s heart warmed and she lifted her eyes, pale and smiled at Lily, “I …”

“Lina’s right, it’s not decent for a girl to be out drinking so much all day!” Grandpa Jun gave Mia a stern look, his eyes filled with disgust.

Knowing that she couldn’t confront Grandpa Jun, Mia unconsciously lowered her head and stopped talking.

Seeing that her attitude was still meek, Grandpa Jun decided to let her go for now and looked sharply at Asher, “Remember what I told you on the phone today, what exactly was your attitude?”

An unnatural sadness rose to Asher’s face at the mention of the day’s conversation, and his gaze at Mia was tinged with a touch of annoyance.

Seeing this look on his grandson’s face, Grandpa Jun knew that Asher hadn’t mentioned the day’s events to Mia, and his pale eyes glared at him fiercely, “It seems that you’ve completely left today’s events behind you!”

Mia looked up at Asher with a jolt of unease, and her heart went cold when she saw Asher look away unnaturally.

Grandpa Jun’s sharp eyes then turned to Mia, his voice even colder, “I thought I told you to leave Asher, why haven’t you left yet? If you don’t want to leave that’s fine, I’ll use my methods to get you to leave.”

Mia’s face paled instantly at the thought of Grandpa Jun’s phone call to herself, her arms hanging limply at her side as she slowly lifted her head and opened her mouth to speak.

“I was originally Asher’s girlfriend, and you’re shamelessly stuck on it! If it wasn’t for you, Asher and I would have been engaged long ago!” Riina looked at Mia with resentment, her tone cold.

Mia’s body instantly felt like it had been struck, standing there fixedly, turning her neck stiffly, her dull gaze turned to Asher, and it took a long time before she found her voice, “You … are getting engaged… …”

The trembling body, the pale face, the confused and helpless eyes, Asher surprisingly rose from his heart with a wave of pity, and under the gaze of those hidden tearful eyes, Asher surprisingly chose to be silent at last.

Seeing the movement of Asher’s head twisting, a flash of disapproval flashed in the eyes of Leena who was sitting next to her before raising a wide smile to look at the pale Mia, “You’re right, grandpa has decided that Asher and I are engaged and Asher has no objections, he also told grandpa that he would arrange for you to leave here and as soon as you leave Asher and I would get engaged right away.”

Hearing Leena’s words, Mia instantly felt as if all the sounds around her had disappeared, as if her whole body was swept into a huge whirlpool that kept spinning, and at this moment, her mind was filled with only one message, that Asher was getting engaged!

Trembling legs, uncontrolled by her brain slowly walked in Asher’s direction, the only figure in Mia’s eyes now was Asher’s, trembling as she stood in front of him, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty as she stubbornly asked, “You … want to get engaged to Leena? ”

Even though, she knew it was impossible to joke about such things, she just wanted to hear Asher admit it herself.

Looking at her pale, trembling lips, Asher’s deep eyes became even deeper, and his hands on the arm of the sofa couldn’t help but clench into fists as he suppressed the unknown pain floating in his heart to death, then raised those icy eyes to look at the woman in front of him and nodded slowly.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Seeing him nod, Mia felt instantly shot to hell, and her dull gaze lost focus, her lusterless eyes fixed on the man on the couch.

Pale without a hint of red, lost in thought, Mia’s disorientation made Riina on the side hook her lips, with a vicious and vindictive pleasure under her eyes: Mia, this game is yours to lose, Asher is still mine in the end!

Grandpa Jun, who was the head of the family, still had an ugly face, and his deep, sharp eyes stared at Mia’s bloodless face, “Miss Luo, things have been made very clear, you can leave now.”

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