The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 66

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 66

Chapter 66: A Marriage Proposal

The next day, Evan came in the evening as promised. He was putting Lucas to bed when his son asked, “Daddy, why can’t we live in the same house? Do you have to leave for tonight?”

“Yes, son. I have to,” Evan answered. “For us to live in the same house, your mommy has to love Daddy back.”

“Mommy still doesn’t love you?” Lucas


Evan smiled and winked at his son. “Daddy is working on it.”

“What else can I do, Daddy?” Lucas asked.

A chuckle escaped Evan’s lips. Truth be told, his son helped more than enough, even without Evan directing him. Evan replied, Just be yourself, and keep loving Daddy. Everything else will follow.”

‘I hope,’ he said in his head. He pecked Lucas

goodnight before heading down to the living room. He found Shantelle on the phone, speaking to Doctor Hale.

“Be careful, Doctor Hale. These people attempted to hurt me,” Shantelle said with a worried expression. After ending the call, she turned to Evan and asked, “Heading


Evan nodded, replying, “Lucas is asleep.”

“Evan, I’d like to ask a favor,” Shantelle

sought. “Mark and Duane are based in Warlington, right? Can you connect me to

the same security agency and maybe offer

Doctor Hale protection -”

“What happened?” Evan asked, seeing

Shantelle’s concern.

Shantelle narrated what happened to the hospital, including how Briana West wound up with a mechanical heart. She described, Doctor Park got fired. She is facing a lawsuit from the West family. Doctor Hale had reported the incident to the organ center

and was planning to go to the media with the information he had.” 1

With a heavy sigh, she resumed, “Briana West is the mayor’s girlfriend. He was probably behind Peter Haris the whole time.”

Evan clenched his hands as he said, “That explains everything. The invitation to the party was probably not a coincidence. You or your father would have been trapped in that

room to manipulate the organ waitlist.”

“I’ll hire Mark and Duane again to protect Doctor Hale and his family. I’ll take care of the expenses.” He vowed, “And as for the mayor? I’ll make sure he suffers the

consequences of hurting you, Shanty. I

swear on my life.”



“On another breaking news, Warlington Hospital faces multiple lawsuits following the alleged manipulation of the organ waitlist. In Warlington, only Warlington

Hospital is certified to perform organ donor operations and maintains contact with the patients on the waitlist,” a news anchor of

TMC News reported on TV.

“Just recently, a respected thoracic surgeon, Doctor Hale, surfaced with allegations of the hospital accepting a bribe to push up a patient on the waitlist.”

The TV showed an interview with Doctor

Hale, saying in front of the camera: “The hospital dismissed two of our best surgeon, Doctor Shantelle Scott and Doctor William

Scott, because they opposed any

manipulation of the donor waitlist.”

“One patient was moved up to receive a heart. Her name is Briana West. That can be seen in hospital records, and the organ

center can confirm that we have received an organ. In the master list of the organ

waitlist, the patient in question was not on top of the list,” Doctor Hale explained.

“I met with the West family themselves, including the boyfriend of Briana West. Our

beloved Mayor, Frank Morgan, is the patient’s boyfriend. He was the one who pushed the hospital to accommodate the West family’s request,” Doctor Hale added. ”

They threatened me with my job if I did not



Within the CEO office of the Thompson

Group of Companies, Evan was watching the

news on TV.

Turning behind him, he directed his assistant, “Tell the lawyers working on

Shanty and Doctor Scott’s formal complaint against the hospital to support Doctor Hale. They can bring in another lawyer as needed. I’ll personally shoulder their professional fees.”

“Yes, Sir,” James confirmed. NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Have someone look into Frank Morgan, the mayor,” Evan instructed. “Then, hire a

blogger to spread this news across the

internet. Have them feature the

qualifications of Shanty and Doctor Scott. This exposure will greatly help the new heart and lung center by the time it opens.’

“This is noted, Sir.” James nodded. “I’ll work on it right away. And, regarding the

new medical facility, the documents are on your desk.”

“Mmmm. Very good,” Evan replied before dismissing his assistant. He walked over to

his desk and saw the said documents. He

read, “Saint Dominique’s Heart and Lung Center.”

Evan smiled, thinking of Shantelle’s new future. He had purchased fifty percent of the hospital’s shares, convinced the board of directors to turn it into a heart and lung

center, and recommended hiring Shantelle and William Scott.

The facility was contented to accept his offer since the same hospital had struggled over the past years, following Doctor Scott’s leaving. Saint Dominique Hospital used to be a regular medical institution, accepting all

kinds of patients. However, it will only focus on heart and lung treatment in the future. The center was still being refurbished, but it was due to reopen in a month.

Evan signed the documents before him and went about his day’s first meeting.


Stepping outside his office, James advised, Your first appointment is ready. It’s Mister Jason Turner and his daughter, Jessica. They had also requested your father’s presence, but I know it wasn’t wise, so I suggested a video call instead. Your father should be

online with them now.”


Evan frowned. He wondered why the Turners wanted to speak to his father. The Turners were business partners in Evan’s new realty company, but while their cooperation only started five years ago, Jason Turner was his father’s classmate back in the old days. They were old acquaintances, but they weren’t close.

James and Evan made their way to the floor below them and into the main conference

room. Evan saw how his father was on the

widescreen monitor, in the middle of the area, and he greeted, “Morning, father.”

“Morning, son,” Erick said back. “Jason and I were just talking about the good old days.

Evan nodded and studied the long table. On

one side, there was Jason Turner and his daughter, Jessica. Taking note of his number

one rule, he decided to take the opposite side of the table. Once there, he asked, “May I know what brings you here, Mister Turner? James has just updated me regarding the new condominium. There seems to be no


“Oh, Evan. I did not come here for business, “Jason Turner said. He smiled at Evan and then at Erick, who remained online with them. After which, he beamed at his daughter, Jessica.

Jessica Turner was an engineer and

functioned as the project manager of the new condominium being constructed. She was very effective in her job and contributed to the seamless building of the new

structure. She had long, black hair, brown eyes, slender features, and was young.

After her father regarded her, Jessica turned to Evan with a cordial smile, saying, “Just so you know, this was not my idea, Mister Thompson.”

“What is it? I have things to do,” Evan curtly

said. If it wasn’t about business, it wasn’t important to him.

“We want to strengthen our alliance with you, Evan, Erick, and I know that Evan is a single man. So, I wanted to propose a marriage alliance between Evan and my young daughter, Jessica.” Jason Turner had

a wide grin on his face. He elaborated on his

daughter’s qualities, “My daughter is still

twenty-eight, a well-achieved woman, is fit,

and is very intelligent. Many men wish to date her, but I don’t see potential in them. I

think Evan is the most suitable to be my son-


Next to Evan, James’s eyes widened.

On the TV monitor, Erick’s face paled.

On the other hand, Evan narrowed his eyes, his hand clenched into a fist. He said, ” Whatever respect I had for your daughter has gone down the drain.”

“I don’t know where you got the news from, but I am already married!” Evan shot back. ” Bring up this proposal again, and I will not. hesitate to discontinue our partnership, regardless of how much I will lose.”

“But Evan, you are not married,” Jason pointed out. “You would be lucky with my daughter. She is young and talented -”

“I am married!” Evan repeated. “Whoever said that I wasn’t?” Even in his compression garments, he flashed his wedding ring,

saying, “I am married, and I also have a son.

He glared at Jessica, adding, “Have some self -respect, Miss Turner!”

Evan got up and declared, “This meeting is over!” Instructing his assistant, he ordered, “James, make sure that my appointments are business-related moving forward. If there are non-business related appointment requests, have them pay a hundred thousand dollars per hour for my time!”

“Yes, Sir. Apologies, Mister Thompson. This won’t happen again,” James acknowledged. He glowered at the Turners, for he got mixed up in the mess they had just brewed. James sighed, thinking his boss would be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


Hours later, Jason Turner had dinner with his daughter in a private restaurant. He said, “I asked around and discovered that Evan is

still hung up on his ex-wife. He isn’t married anymore!”

“I found out that his ex-wife was a jealous

woman. Some veteran workers have attested that Evan’s ex-wife constantly monitored him, coming over for lunches and bringing him food. Then, I spoke to one businessman who said his deal with Evan had gone sour because his ex-wife suddenly appeared during their lunch meeting, thinking Evan was cheating on her,” Jason added.

“Oh, such an insecure woman!” Jessica

remarked. “I’ll never be like that!” 1

“It’s very simple,” Jason proposed. “All we need to do is to make this woman doubt

Evan.” (3

Jessica smiled and said, “Then, let’s do that. Who is this ex-wife of his?”

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