The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 25

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 25

Chapter 25: One Day

“Oh, my goodness! Not again!” Mrs. Shaw exclaimed, seeing Evan being guided by Wendell into the villa’s entrance at four in the morning.

She tried to aid Wendell, but Wendell

said, “It’s okay, Mrs. Shaw, I can

manage. Please help me open the door to

his room.”

More than a week had passed since Evan

learned that Shantelle had left the city.

After confronting his parents, he locked

himself inside his room. Evan did not

bother to eat until lunch the next day. He spoke to no one, not his parents, friends,

or the villa’s caretakers.

Evan only returned to work after three days of isolating himself.

In the succeeding days, he spent it at the

office, working until midnight.

Occasionally, he went to the club with his

friends Wendell and Sean. Wendell often

drove Evan home since he was usually


Tonight was no exception. Wendell rang

the villa’s gates, delivering Evan in a

drunken state.

Same as the last that he was intoxicated,

Evan was talking like Shantelle had never


“Mrs. Shaw, where is the Misses? Tell her

to make my favorite dish.”

“Why is she not home yet? It’s already late. Mrs. Shaw, call the Scotts and have Howard pick up Shanty.”

“Wendell, call Shanty.”

“Yes, Evan. I will. Take a nap first, okay, buddy!” Wendell could only ride on

Evan’s gibberish, knowing he was not

himself. Generally, the next day, Evan would be back to being silent.

Wendell carefully laid Evan on the bed. He turned to Mrs. Shaw and said, “He is fine, Mrs. Shaw.”

“Oh, my goodness,” Mrs. Shaw asked. ” How long will he be like this?” 1

“I don’t know, Mrs. Shaw, but it’s

different with Evan because he knows he

is at fault,” Wendell said. He returned to

studying his friend, saying, “Only time

will tell.”


“Mr. Thompson?” In the morning, Mrs.

Shaw knocked on Evan’s room for the

tenth time. It was already past nine, and his assistant had been calling the

landline since seven.

It wasn’t like Mrs. Shaw to enter the

room without permission, but at the

same time, she was worried for Evan’s


“Sir, Mister Thompson?” Mrs. Shaw

called again while opening the door


To her surprise, there was no one on the bed. “Sir Thompson? Mister Thomson?

James has called about an important


There was no answer. She knocked on the

bathroom door, but there was no

response either. When she opened the bathroom, no one was there.

“Where is Mister Thompson?” Mrs. Shaw

was confident the man had not left the

villa since four in the morning. He was

not capable of walking a straight line,

much more, have the readiness to leave

the house.

Mrs. Shaw was about to leave the room

when she heard a thud inside the walk-in

closet. She frowned and decided to

investigate it.

After switching the lights to the enormous room, she found Evan sleeping

on Shantelle’s side of the closet! He was

still in his clothes from last night, curled like a ball on the part where Shantelle’s long dresses were kept.

She walked over to Evan with a painful expression. Instantly, Mrs. Shaw fell to her knees, crying. She wound up waking


“Oh, my. Mister Thompson, I’m sorry you and the Misses had to part. If only you had realized how you loved her then, this would not have happened to both of you,” she said, stuttering in her words. All those times when you were together “Her howls became lower as she said, ”

All those opportunities lost.” 5

The words that Mrs. Shaw said stung

Evan’s heart. He wasn’t completely sober yet, but he understood her words. Indeed, there were so many opportunities. They

were married for two years, and even

after their divorce, Evan remembered

how he felt empty but never acted on those feelings.

He silently reflected, ‘Did I love her? Did I love Shanty?’

Perhaps, because Evan would not have been so miserable these past few days if it were not the case. He had acknowledged how he missed Shantelle, but had not yet

admitted it was love.

Evan placed a hand on his chest and clenched it. The pang in his chest was unbearable. He thought, ‘So this is pain… the pain of loving someone. I loved Shanty. Why didn’t I see it before? Was it because she was always there that I took

those feelings for granted?’

‘I loved her… I loved her, but she is gone.

How unfortunate,’ Evan mocked himself.

For a minute, she listened to Mrs. Shaw

cry in front of him. He shut his eyes, stopping his tears from escaping.

Finally, Evan massaged his forehead,

sensing a headache. He tapped on Mrs. Shaw’s shoulder and softly requested,

Please, Mrs. Shaw, prepare some chicken soup for me.”

He looked up and studied the white gown he had bought Shantelle for her birthday.

Mrs. Shaw had hung the same in the

closet a few days back. Then he looked at

Shantelle’s other clothes.

Mrs. Shaw was still wiping the wetness

on her face. She was about to leave the

room when Evan instructed, “Please

make sure to maintain Shantelle’s


“When she comes back, she can readily

wear them,” he said. He left the walk-in

closet and went for a hot bath.


Days went by again. Evan found himself

in front of the Scotts’ mansion. This time

around, he had spoken to Kristine Jones

before visiting. That day, he came with

his assistant and a lawyer with an offer.

A maid guided them into the living room.

Kristine and her husband were waiting

for him.

“Good Morning, Mister Thompson,” Mister Jones greeted.

“Good morning, Mister and Misses Jones, Evan greeted back. His assistant and lawyer echoed the same.

“Welcome to our home,” Kristine said.

After Evan and his companions took their seats, she sought, “What brings you here, Mister Thompson?”

“I would like to make an offer,” Evan

suggested. He turned to his lawyer and

presented a document to the Jones


Kristine and her husband read the

document carefully, flipping from one

page to another.

When Evan saw their overwhelmed

expressions, he explained, “I want to buy back this house twice the amount you

paid Doctor Scott. This is… my ex-wife’s home, and I want it to remain the same.”

“Please, let me buy this house for her,”

he repeated.

The Jones couple looked at each other, contemplating. The Scotts’ estate was really lovely, but… Evan’s offer was also

very generous. They excused themselves into the library to discuss, and when they

returned, Kristine said, “Mister

Thompson, you must really love your ex wife. I hope this is all worth it. We agree

to sell you the property.” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Relief filled Evan’s heart. The house was

nowhere close to having Shantelle back,

but this was where she had lived for twenty years. Evan thought that one day Shantelle would return. One day, he will give this house back to the Scotts as a

gift, and one day, Shantelle will forgive


One day.

No matter how long it would take, Evan would hope for that… one day.

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