Leo sighed as he heard the sarcastic note underneath his soon-to-be Alpha’s voice. He knew that the latter still believed that his cousin was his mate, and that Zoe, his girlfriend was a spoil show. But he wasn’t sure if his friend was right or wrong.

Some years ago he had come up to the Wind Winders Pack while trying to escape from his own pack, after commiting an offence which he hadn’t think he would be forgiven for. And he had met Zoe. They had met in the dark forest surrounding her pack at night. Then, she had mentioned that she had come to meditate. Of course when she had asked him where he was coming from, already knowing that he had been a rogue, he had told her the story that every rogue told, as if they have been drilled up to say the same by an unseen sergeant. He had told her that his pack had been attacked, some had been killed, some had been taken hostage, but he had escaped, and was now a rogue.

She had believed him, and had become acquainted with him, taking care of him, and keeping him away from her pack members who she had told him were wicked enough. He hadn’t known to the extent till he came here again, not as a rogue, but on a mission, been sent by Derek’s father. He didn’t blame them though. They were ruled by a wicked Alpha, someone who reminded him of things he wished he would prefer to leave buried in the past.

As time had gone by, they had gotten closer. She had wanted to get intimate but he had refused, having already made up his mind never to sleep with any girl who wasn’t his mate. She hadn’t been entirely pleased with the idea, but she had decided to wait. And when he had brought up the idea to leave the forest to a pack which he had heard had a benevolent Alpha, she had worked against it, not wanting to let him alone. But his will had won, and she had agreed, but not without giving him her favourite scarf as a reminder that as the days went by, she would still be here waiting for him. He had accepted it. He still had it. It was in the left front pocket of the brown sweat pants he was wearing. He had never parted with with.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

And then, he had met Derek who had made his entry and initiation into the Black Moon’s Pack less stressful, and had even incorporated him into his league of friends. Something he would always be grateful for.

When he had met Maya, his cousin. His first reaction to her had been a strong attraction. But he hadn’t felt the mate pull, and so, he had thought the attraction would pass with time.

But seeing her again, under the arms of Derek, he had been startled to feel the attraction again, more stronger this time around. But because he hadn’t felt the mate pull, he had tried to mask his feelings while still making the introductions he was already tired of making since he had come to this pack for the second time; that is introducing Zoe as his girlfriend. The girl was too clingy, and wouldn’t even allow any girl two feet close to him, even though she knew that they all knew that he wasn’t her mate.

Yes, he knew the almost brunette wasn’t his mate. He was sure of it. In short, he knew he felt more attracted to Derek’s cousin than her. But he couldn’t say it, would never say it, because the latter had been good to him, had saved his life when he had been a rogue. And what would be the use of admitting the feelings, the Blondie wasn’t his mate either. He felt that it would be better to stick to the girl he already knew and should be grateful to.

It’s true that he couldn’t deny the fact that his heart had constricted a bit as he saw the look of pain and hurt that had crossed her face when he had introduced Zoe as his girlfriend. But he didn’t know her much, even though he was very much attracted to her, more than any girl he had ever met, even though his friend seemed to think that she was his mate. He disliked playing with the unknown. He was determined not to meddle with her feelings, until he was sure that she was his mate. But shouldn’t there be a mate pull? He thought, as he stared at her beautiful face. Time would tell. But for now, he would be sticking with Zoe, after all, the other was mateless too. There was no harm done. And he wasn’t getting intimate with her too, just the occasional touches and kisses, which she definitely hadn’t been happy and satisfied with.

“She’s not my mate. We’re just dating.” He finally said, knowing even to himself that he sounded foolish. Why dating a werewolf that isn’t your mate? What’s the use? It was better it was a human even.

“That doesn’t sound meaningful to me.” Derek replied, echoing Leo’s thoughts, while still grasping Maya’s hand in his. He had been feeling her tension for a while now, and perceived that she wanted to anywhere but here. But first, he had to put someone in their rightful place.

“It doesn’t need to.” Zoe stated scornfully, earning a sharp glare from Derek which made her wish she could disappear. She could feel from Leo’s sudden sough, that she should have kept quiet, and not say anything like Maya.

And when he slowly removed her hand from his waist, she wanted to blow up in anger, the taunts and the snickers she was hearing from the others surrounding them not helping in her cause. She knew she had fucked up. Again, she reasoned that she should have kept quiet like Maya.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound rude. It’s just that we love each other, and we are just waiting for the right time for the moon goddess to pair us both.” She said after a while of uncomfortable silence between the both parties.

But then in less than a second after her statement, she bit her lips, tightening her fists in order to control her temper, when all of a sudden she heard Maya laugh out loud, with Derek.

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