“What are we going to do?” Derek asked the others, after some time had elapsed with them left to their individual thoughts.

“Because this matter is very grave and sensitive.” He added, looking at each one of them, as he spoke. His gaze lingered a second or two seconds more on his cousin, Curtis, as he was not sure if it was still okay to let him into their circle. Who knows? He might change his mind, and follow in the footsteps of his father.

“You’re right.” Leo agreed. Going against an Alpha, with ties with a stronger opposing Pack, was a dangerous issue.

“Guys, it’s true that my father might be behind this attack… But I think we should investigate more properly, before bringing up the issue towards the council, and of course your own father.” Curtis stated, while looking at Derek, knowing that the issue might escalate to that point. After all, they exchanged warriors to boost up their training skills, so as to conquer the White Sted Pack which was threatening to take over their regions.

“Curtis is right. We have to investigate the matter properly. Not because my father is involved, actually I don’t care if he is at fault or not; but so that we could get the facts straight, and not make mistakes, or crucify an innocent person.” Maya opined.

“Also, I feel that a certain kind of desperation in my father, like a forceful urge. I’m not sure though, but I’m saying we should know the facts, and the motives behind the attacks. It didn’t just come to be. Something must have triggered it, and for a particular purpose. We have to find this out first, before informing anyone outside this circle of us now.” She concluded, not wanting to mention that the desperation she had seen in her father had been paramount and clear the previous night whilst they had eavesdropped on him and her brother. She didn’t think her brother would be comfortable with the revealed information now. She would let him tell her in his own time, whenever he feels like it.

“Yes. You’re right, Coz.” Derek concurred with a slow paced nodding of his head. He could see the sense in what she was saying. They had to know why his uncle was acting this way, and if the gods be for them, they might also found out the reason for the pack war seven years ago, more especially why he had chosen to betray them and separate. He could have sworn that he hadn’t seen it coming.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“So, our schedule is still the same?” He asked her.

“Yeah. We have to go back home today, as we promised your father. You know he was really uncomfortable with you following me here, your mother included. We could continue our research there, and ask questions. Although, we already have more than enough in our hands over there.” She replied, causing Curtis and Leo to furrow their eyebrows in confusion.

“We don’t understand.” Curtis said, speaking for both he and Leo, as he sensed that the latter was in the same dilemma with him.

“Well, strange things have been happening around Emma.” Maya started, looking at Derek to know if she should continue with the explanation or not, but he just shrugged and looked away. She didn’t know what to make out of it. So, she just tried to summarize the whole thing, without being vague at the same time.

“How strange?” Leo asked, wondering if it would be the story that Derek had told him. The forest story.

“Well, she has been visted by phanthoms, and witches, just in the space of three weeks. Derek’s mother had to call in the help of her witch friend to know why these supernatural beings are interested in a human.” She summarized.

” Witches too?”

” Phanthoms and witches?”

Leo and Curtis inquired respectively in surprise.

“Why would they be interested in her?” They both asked simultaneously.

“Well, we’re still waiting for answers from her friend. I think they will be ready when we get back to the pack.” She replied, resting her back on the wall.

“Wow.. that’s a lot.” Curtis muttered quite curious to see who the human was, and how she looked like; the human who was privileged enough to be mated to an Alpha wolf. He wondered why the goddess had made it so.

“Yeah. So while we work on that and ask certain questions about this particular issue over there, you two would have to do the same here. So that when next we meet we could share the information we’ve both gotten, and know the next step to take.” She suggested.

“When next we meet? How soon is that?” Derek asked, a bit surprised, when he saw Maya smiling widely at him. The last time he checked, his question was nowhere funny or humourous.

“Bone head.. you have forgotten, haven’t you?” She queried, still laughing at him.

“About what?” He asked, transferring his gaze from her to the other two with them. Curtis has joined his sister with a toothy grin as an evidence, while Leo stood with an open bewildered face, obviously in the same shoe with him.

“Your birthday is a few days from now.” Curtis stated. “So, that would be a good opportunity and a wonderful excuse to leave the pack and come to yours.” He revealed, the toothy grin still in place on his face.

“Oh…” He mouthed, surprised at himself for forgetting his own birthday. He couldn’t believe that he would be 18 soon. The revelation left him with a sweet and bitter aftertaste. He was now an adult, but that came with responsibilities. He knew that his father would be handing over to him, the mantle of leadership, because of his untimely injury, although he would still be there to coach and guide him always, in the company of Agrip. Thinking of Agrip, he remembered that the old man wasn’t back from his trip yet. What was the hold up? He thought. He hoped that nothing has befallen him, even as he tried to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling right in the pit of his stomach.

And then, there was the case of Emma. On his 18th birthday, he would be expected to find his mate. He wondered what would happen if he tells his father about the human. He was sure he couldn’t live without her. He was sure that he couldn’t stay with Claire as a mate. But then he also knew, that sometimes the pack might have to come first, and this realization made him thoroughly uncomfortable and skeptical about going home. He didn’t want to hurt her. He hoped that it wouldn’t come to that.

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