When Emma passed by a group of teenagers playing football in a yard mechanically and the cloth store without holding her head in pain or hearing thoughts other than hers, she knew that her history professor had granted her second favor. He had kept up the hypnotism. And for that, she was highly relieved and grateful. He was quite considerate. She thought with a small smile fanning her lips.

She shifted her gaze from the cloth store to her professor, whose eyes were straight ahead. She noticed that his face was strained and pale. She felt bad then, knowing that keeping up the hypnotism, dispensing his power that way, was draining him of his strength. She wondered if she should tell him to stop, but the memory of what had happened in the cafe zapped through her mind, and she shivered. She didn’t want a repeat of that. She would refuse to allow herself feel guilty until they reach the house. She trusted that Melvina, with her uncommon cooking skills, will whip up a delicious dish that rejuvenate the professor. For now, they had to be patient. The estate wasn’t much far again.

“Ms. Drackson…” Professor Perkins drawled out hoarsely, grasping Emma by the arm so tightly, frightening her a bit. He must be close to fainting. She thought, feeling guilty again.

“Yes…” She answered tentatively, having already halted in her movement.

“I need to…” He was saying, and then paused as if remembering something, his head hung low.

“What do you need, Professor Perkins?” She asked hurriedly, as she steadied him by resting her other free hand on his shoulders.

“Tell me…” She demanded worriedly, when she saw that he wasn’t saying anything.

“I will do anything you want now. But don’t faint on me. You are quite big.” She stated.

He couldn’t prevent the chuckle that escaped his lips as he heard her words. Even in her worried state, she sounded funny. And what was that about? She would do anything he wants?

Cut it off. He thought. There was no way he was feeding on her. But then, he couldn’t keep up with the compulsion. He decided that it was better he taught her how to filter through the noises, and how to train her mind not to hear any, unless a particular one she wanted to read off. He wasn’t sure how he would do it, but he had to try using his people’s way of teaching. He only hoped that it worked for her. Because if it doesn’t, there was no guarantee that he would know what would happen five minutes from now if he kept up with the compulsion.

“Professor!” He heard her shout, and winced. This girl would be the death of him. He thought.

“Ms. Drackson, stop shouting. You are not helping my cause here.” He stated, struggling successfully to lift up his weight off her.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that you weren’t saying anything, and so, I thought the worse.” She said.

“It’s alright. I think I should teach you how to stop the thoughts from entering unhinderedly into your mind. I don’t think I can keep up with the hypnotism.” He stated, not wanting to use the compulsion term. It was better to say things in her own term, for now.

“You think so? That would be better. So, how are we going to do it?” She asked.

“Let’s sit over there.” He said, indicating with a slight movement of his head, the row chair across the street.

“Alright.” Emma said, holding him by the arm as they crossed the street to the row chair. She couldn’t afford him to faint in the middle of the road. His voice had been so strained and ragged.

They sat down on the row chair, and let out sighs of relief and tiredness.

“So, what should I do? How does the teaching go?” she asked, wanting to relieve her professor from the stress and pain he was going through for her sake, but at the same time, bracing herself for the impact she would receive on her mind if he stops his hypnotism.

“It’s quite simple.” He said, not finding it necessary to mention that he hadn’t done it before; that is, he hadn’t taught any human using this method, he hadn’t even taught any member of his people how to block away thoughts, since it comes naturally to them.

“Oh, great.” She muttered, not really feeling great, but hoping that he was right.

“Okay. Now, I want you to imagine that your mind is free from being ravaged by people’s thoughts; then hold that picture even after I free them from the hypnotism.” He stated.

“Just that?” She asked, finding it somewhat unbelievable. Just imaginations? Hell! She was the queen of imaginations and daydreaming. This wouldn’t be hard at all. She thought.

“Yes. And remember, hold the picture in your mind. It might not be easy at first if I release the hypnotism effect, because the thoughts might rush into your head then, but still hold the picture no matter what. You have to persevere on that part. You understand?” He asked, hoping that she will pull through as the lesson wasn’t as easy as it sounded, and that, the lesson would work in her case, and for this particular issue.

“Yeah. I understand.” Emma said, staring at his eyes whose blackness seemed to be drained of their mysterious virtue. She had to get this right; for him and for her.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay. Are you ready?” He asked, and she nodded in affirmation.

“Alright. Imagine yourself free from their thoughts as I release the hypnotism effect.” He said, watching her as she closed her eyes, her lips drawn in, as she did as he had requested.

“Do you have a steady picture?” He asked, and she nodded in affirmation again.

“Good. Hold it. I’m releasing the hypnotism on the area now; in a count of one, two and …” He left the statement hanging, knowing she had already caught the drift of where he had been going to, and then he released the hypnotism effect on the area. He watched her shriek again and hold her head, and was tempted to put the people back under compulsion, but didn’t. she had to try for their sakes. He can’t keep putting people under compulsion daily.

“Hold the picture, Emma.” He said, drawing closer to her on the bench. He crossed his arms across her shoulders then, and continued to whisper the words into her ear, until he was sure that she had gotten the hang of it.

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