The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 180 Taken By Evil

It is with great horror that I see my beloved being dragged from the car by a sea of hungry, soulless monsters with only but the intention of feasting on her flesh. Yet, as I watch in horror and am about the exit from my side, I have Dean pulling me back.

“They are taking her to Roberto,” then for a brief moment, he hesitates, but he speaks again, “He seems to want to play a game with you.”

Well, this does bring me back to our childhood days where he always uses to taunt me, but the purpose of what will this be, “Does the man even know that it is me?”

“No, but he knows who he is up against.”

“You do sound so reassuring. I am starting to think that you too, just as Damien loves being the bearer of bad news. Now let us go ask this damn Alatar where they are off to.”

Then from behind me, Sam speaks, “Why don’t we just follow them?”

I turn around to face him with utmost annoyance in the tone of my voice, “And you are just one bright star, aren’t you?”

Now that I have insulted both the Winchester boys, I better make sure that when the next battle presents itself, that I don’t find myself with my back to any one of them.

So very confident that if we follow these, well, “What are those things?”

“I don’t know, flesh-eating Vampires?” Dean only but bursts out in a fit of laughter at his own expense.

With only but a shake of my head, “My friend, you are not well. But please explain to me why the fuck are we still stationary?”

“Whoa,” Dean looks at me rather shocked, “I did not know the great Vampire Master can curse.”

“Are we going to debate my use of the English language or go save my wife?”

With that, we pull off in front of Jacob to take the lead in the pursuit of Roberto’s army. Now, if we thought this was going to be easy, well, we have been sadly mistaken. The group of Vampires is traveling through alleyways that are far too narrow for a car to fit through. So we are left to drive up and down the streets to see from where they come. At this point, we have no idea where they are taking us.

But what is even more terrifying than going into the unknown is that ever so often, I see Cassidy’s head bop between the black mass of Vampires. So this is becoming rather annoying to me, we are far more behind them than what I would like, and it is with that thought that I take my phone and dial our dear Vampire Hunter.

It is immediately that I speak, no times for hello, “Stop that car and get that goddamn Wizard, Warlock, what the fuck he is to look for Roberto.”

So it is with screeching tires that we bring the Impala to a dead stop, Dean only but looks at me, “Have you gone crazy?”

“These things are playing a game of cat and mouse with us, and I have frankly got no time for bullshit.”

“Mmm,” Dean only but grins at me, “I see you are learning fast, but I agree with you; this is taking far too long. If we can get to Roberto before they reach him, if we trap him, then those things will just let go and walk away. Well, perhaps not, for our boys are up for a great clean-up once this is done.”

And yes, he has to say things and clean up; for next, I hear the ghastly sound that you only hear from those flesh-eating zombie movies. Then as I spin around, I am petrified of what we are facing.

“My fucking hell,” I hear Dean gasp, “Where did these come from?”

“Well, apparently when we were not looking.” So immediately it is game on, but first, “Alatar, if you get out of that damn car, I will personally kill you this time. I am not playing babysitter.”

Yet, he continues to protest, “You know that I can use a spell.”

“My dear friend, you have become old and slow. Now get back into that damn car.”

So we find the two Hunters and our very own one staring down a mob of angry Vampires that know that at least three of us constitute as a snack. As for Alatar, I think with old age, you just become odd-tasting. But what does that make me then? Blue cheese?

Sam and Dean have themselves armed with a Colt; now, these are not the ones that Dean lost that would have killed the demon in Roberto. That leaves Jacob and me with a dagger or two in each hand.

Taking stance.

Feet firmly to the ground.

We wait; we stand strong and wait for the impact.

And yes, as the first wave hit us, we are overwhelmed at how strong these creatures are. They seem to be something between a Vampire and a Demon, making them for something rather nasty.

So I step two steps back and grip my shoes deep into the tar, pushing the heaviness of my body down into my feet, making me near impossible to overcome. Yet, I am once again sorely mistaken. There right in front of me, is what use to be a rather attractive brunette that is heading towards me with nothing but snapping teeth; the growl from deep in her belly sets a chill up my spine, and…

One…two…three…she launched at me through the air, even higher than any Vampire possibly can. And as she comes down on me in force, she knows me off my feet straight into the wetness and mud on the tar. Yet, she does not stop there; she jumps like a goddamn rabbit on top of me and pins me to the ground. Furiously I try to gain control of my daggers, but she has my hands in place as she so horrifically straddles my lap.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Then, her next party trick is to scare the living shit out of me; yes, I am rather on a cursing spree, but if you saw this distorted face that has had skin ripped off here and there, fangs that are snapping at a tremendously fast speed, and now she has me bound to the floor, but that is not the worst, she is trying to rip off my flesh. She is using those fangs and trying to slice me to pieces.

But I soon gain my strength from underneath the horror and have her shoves with great force from my lap. And as she now falls back, I stand above a face that is now begging, yet I shall not be betrayed, and with one swift movement, I have two daggers piercing that heart.

From beside me, I have Jacob experiencing the very same battle; I was under the impression that Roberto wanted us alive, yet, there seems to be a different sentiment that these bunch of creatures holds.

So I turn to Dean as we take one onslaught after the other as the pack of Vampire keeps storming toward us. With nothing but sheer determination, we leap ourselves into the center of them. And with a snap here and a crack there, blood screaming voices echoing through the air, we are starting to make our way through them far, quick, and easily. But then, as soon as they started, they stop.

With only but confusion on our face, we hesitantly step a few steps back, and then that is when we see her, coming through the masses, captivated in all of her beauty, dressed in a rather flattering black dress that is flaring in the wind, with pure porcelain skin and one can say almost like the voice of an Angel.

As Dean steps back to admire her beauty, yet knowing who she is, he makes the bold step, “Well, Lilith, I am honored that you have graced us with your presence.” Then for a brief moment, as he takes a firmer grip on his Colt, he continues, “What does bring you to these parts?”

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