The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 178 Pit Of Despair

I am dropping into an abyss of darkness, freefalling into a pit of despair. They say that your life flashes before your eyes when you stare death into the eyes…well, that is BULLSHIT. The only thing flashing in front of these eyes is the fury that I am feeling as a fire sets course from my core to every corner of my body.

Now which is worst is yet to be seen, the fact that the man tried to shoot my brother or that he then instead shot me. Well, I did, after all, jump in front of the bullet, and that was my first fatal mistake. But as I said, I will do anything to protect Roberto, even from these Hunters.

But that is the least of my problems, for I am staring death in the eyes, though that is what I thought, for I was shot with a silver bullet that pierced my heart right in the middle where it matters the most.

But I am not dead, I am in agonizing pain, and I can hear the deafening screams of Cassidy next to me as she takes me in her gentle arms. Her body is pushed right against my chest as she lies her hand where the bullet carved a way into my skin, and as she morns my departure, she is cursing Sam so loud that it is stinging my ears.

Now, do I let these misfits stew in their own misery for a while?

Guess that would be somewhat cruel, yet, I am going to have to do some explaining, but the fact here is that I have no idea what to explain, for I do not know why this bullet did not kill me.

So with nothing but a smirk on my face, I softly whisper, “My beloved, you are going to squeeze me to death.”

She gasps as she nearly falls over onto her back as she rips my face closer to hers, “Lucas!” Those deafening screams only continue to sting, “I thought you were dead?”

“No, my beloved, but I do know of a certain Hunter that is going to wish that he is.”

With that, Dean steps forward with a very confused Sam next to him, but it is our own Jacob that makes the most obvious observation, “You are supposed to be dead.”

Then Dean looks at Sam, “Are you shooting fucking blanks?”

“Hey,” Sam protests. “First of all, this gun is very much loaded,” He stops and emphasizes. “With silver bullets.” Then he asks the most important of them all. “Why does this crazy Vampire jump in my line of fire?”

I only but growl at him from deep in my chest while I finally rise to my feet, “Because you are shooting my brother. If anybody is shooting him, then it will be me.” I raise my voice but a pitch higher, “Do all of you understand?”

Then from behind me, I hear our Vampire Hunter mumbling, “Well, that man that we are not supposed to shoot has just disappeared.”

Well, is this not fantastic? As I look off in the distance, I watch as Roberto disappears off into the dark of the night. Alatar only but rumbles his voice, “I am on it.”

But as we all watch as Roberto starts to become a little speck in the distance under the ominous street lights, there is something else that shocks us even more to the core. The very young women that he was feasting on have now risen to their feet, but that is not even the most terrifying; from out of complete nowhere, they are joined by another five.

I only look over to Dean, and with a slight tremble in my voice, I speak, “The man is building an army.”

Dean only but shake his head at me, “You Lecardes are nothing but trouble.”

Cassidy grabs a hold of her dagger and moves a few steps closer to Dean, that has now grown wide-eyed, “Hey, I said, Lecardes.”

She hisses at him, “Yes, and I am married to one which makes me one too.”

Sam only but grumbles, “Can you three stop? We have a problem coming towards us.”

There is a suffocating silence that falls over the alley; you can hear a pin drop. The anticipation is high, and the air is tense. It seems the time for scuffling is over; we seem to have a good old stand-off on our hands.

So as I scan the alley ahead, I take a gentle spin on my heels and face the Hunters with a rather amusing smile on my face. “You boys feel like killing some Vampires tonight?”

And as I spin back around to face the seven horrors that Roberto has created, I need to advise them of only but two things. “If I was you, and god, I am glad I am not, for if you do not stop, you will find yourselves in a hole where the ray of the sun does not reach.” For but a few seconds, I watch as they hesitate between whose side they need to take, yet “I need to remind you that I am your Master.”

Yet, they choose to remain on their path; it seems that the force that Roberto has behind them is far greater than the fear that I can put into them. The mere fact remains, whomever they want to stay loyal to, they shall still meet the fate that I nearly did myself on but moments ago.

So with only but a smirk on my face, I look at my beloved. I take my stance and step but two steps back, for, at the present moment, Sam is looking at my back. As I make that single step, I see the fear creep into seven Vampires that have their fangs clearly visible and snapped at me.

Now, the question here begs, how do I take seven Vampires out? Well, the obvious answer is the pistol that has been safely tucked in the back of my pants. But wait, much to the shock of all around, I slip another pistol that is firmly strapped to my chest.

And next to me is Cassidy; I watch as the Hunters gasp as she slides her hand up her slender leg underneath her ever so goddamn tight red dress. Well, I can only imagine that these three believe that they are going to see something extraordinary and believe me, that they are. So in less than five seconds, she slides that very hand out, and there is a complete hush of silence as she stands firmly next to me and points a barrel towards those very Vampires with the fear of the seven horrors that they were created with.

But from next to me, I hear the voice of Dean, “If this were not such a fuck up, I would have said that is goddamn hot.”

I glare at him with a newfound fury that is building in my eyes, “And if I were you, I would rather shut my fucking mouth.”

He only but chuckles at me, and we get ready to stand off what lies ahead.

Just then, my beloved, move but inches forward to the seven Vampires, well, if that is what you can call them. “Now, I suggest that you stand down while you can still have a decent meal.”

They only but snap their fangs and carry to push on forward.

Well, my restraint snaps.

Then for what will be the final time, “Do I need to remind you again that I am your Master, regardless of who created you.” I slide the tip of my finger over the trigger, then I continue, “You have been warned.” And with that, I gently snap my finger until it makes direct contact with the trigger that sets in motion for the bullet to slide into the chamber. The heat travels through my hand as the adrenaline rushed through my body. In only one BANG, one of the Vampires topple in a heap of mess to the floor.

But wait…next to her, I hear the distinct sound of a rumble of laughter, as the fool thinks she can mock me. Even before she can make another sound, there is another jerk of my hand, as yet another bullet leaves my pistol at inches of inches in great speed. It pierces the soft skin of her heart, and she, too, finds her fate to the floor.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I stop, yet still firmly point, and speak to the five Vampires that are left standing, “Do any of you wish to join the party on the floor?” I only but look at them as they stand firm, and I shake my head in amusement, “You know I will blow your fucking brains out; why are you even bothering to tempt me?”

But death is thy ears…well perhaps not mine.

Next, I hear Cassidy calling for me, “Lucas, watch out.” Well, it seems that two of these brave souls think that it is rather a great idea to charge at me. So as they come towards me at great speed, I aim both arms straight forward, and in one…two…three…they both drop together like idiots they are.

“So, it only leaves you three. Now tell me, do you really want to test my patience tonight?”

They remain firm; they do not make a single move.

This leaves me with only one option.

“My beloved.”

“Yes, Lucas”

“Right of left?”

“Mmm…tough one. I think I will go for the middle.”

I only but nod my head at her, then I softly whisper in her direction, “Now, my beloved.”

And in absolute perfect precision, as a complete one, she drops the Vampire that was standing in the middle, and not even an inch of a second later, the two on her sides tumble forward, their knees give in as the last ounce of life leave their bodies.

Completely satisfied, I turn to a very shocked Sam and Dean, “Well, let us go find my brother.”

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