The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 176 Finding A Vampire

It is with great horror that the echo of the voice of a woman comes traveling from the direction that the man with the hoody has disappeared into. The very first thought that sets to mind is that Roberto has revealed himself. I can only envision the chaos that is set to break loose at any moment.

Now, this is not the place to have a battle; there are hundreds of masses. The sights of the Square lions, the Statues, and the Fountains, make Trafalgar Square an absolute popular place for tourists.

So we find ourselves heading in the southwest direction. There ahead of us is a crowd that appears to be a tourist group that moves from location to location around the city. It is this very direction and the same group where the hooded man has made his entrance. With steps that are haste and a somewhat nagging feeling, we follow the same way.

I shall not lie, but there is a dread of doom that settles over my body, something bad is about to happen. I am not prepared to take the life of my brother, and I shall not allow Dean to take it either. Will this end up in a battle between the Hunter and me?

Well, that we are about to find out as we come to a stand at the group of people. But as we look among them, we do not see the man, yet we can still hear the screams of a woman that comes from this direction. So as we push through into the crowd, we hear the screams only but get louder. Yet, there is no sign of who we believe is Roberto.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, I am starting to feel rather helpless. I do not seem to understand where the high-pitched scream is coming from. If Roberto were indeed here somewhere in this crowd, the rest of the people around him would have scattered.

Then that is when I see it, the very woman where the screams are coming from. She is not screaming from horror; much to my annoyance, she is just too over-excited as there is a man in front of her on his knees. It seems the poor soul build the courage to ask her hand in marriage between the masses of the crowd.

I only but hear as Dean curses, “Fuck, how can you get so damn excited over a ring?”

With that, we make our way back into the open, trying to scan as far as our eyes can see if we spot the man with the hoody.

I watch as Dean takes his phone from his pocket; in mere seconds, he has someone on the other end, which by the questions I do believe, is Sam, “Have you found anything yet?”

I listen to him as he only starts to curse even louder than he did before, then he continues, “Look for a man with a hoody. We believe that Roberto might be hiding his face.”

As he drops the call, he turns to me with the utmost frustration written on his face, “If you were your brother, where would you go?”

“Roberto is not an exhibitionist; he shall not kill in the open. I will guess that he shall follow one of these fools into an alley and take them there.”

Dean only but grunts, “How many goddamn alleys do you find around here.”

“My dear friend, I do not know everything. Best we regroup at the car and determine our next step from there.”

So after phoning Sam, we all meet back at the car, where dear old Alatar has got some news, “He is on the move.”

Well, Dean does not take that observation so well as burst out in anger, “You won’t say? Do you think we would stand here if we knew where he was? Now make yourself useful and find his location.”

Alatar only but frowns at him; I can see that he is close to snapping his scepter at Dean; it takes a fair amount of begging for him to step down. He then continues to retrieve the map of London City. We all stand in anticipation as we listen to him chant a spell while swinging a crystal pendulum around in circles.

But this seems to be taking far too long for Sam, for her retrieves a very same pendulum of his own. He pushes Alatar to the side and starts to chant a spell, yet not the same one that Alatar was humming. It only but takes him what seems to be twenty seconds, the pendulum stops and drops.

We have a new location for Roberto.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

After nearly leaving Alatar behind, as Dean reckons that he is fairly useless, we find our way heading towards the south of London. Well, here, if he goes in deep, we will find quite a number of alleys. It is the very same hunting ground for the Lecarde family. But one should not find yourself feeling too confident, for we all know from past experience that anything can catch you by surprise when you least expect it.

So as we drive towards the location from which we will start our hunt, the air in the car seems to grow rather thick. I know what is spinning through the head of Dean; he need not even say, for I can hear him, loud and clear. His intention is set firm, and it seems that he shall not back off; this is a rather big problem as I will not allow him to do what he seems to be repeating over and over in his head.

Finally, we find a quiet place where we come to a stop. My immediate concern is, “We are not breaking up. It is far too dangerous.”

Dean looks in the direction of where Alatar is standing, “As long as the Wizard does not come with.”

I watch as the fury build in Alatar’s face; the tip of his ears is starting to burn red hot from anger. He only but turns around and gets back into the car, but then Sam walks over to Dean and slaps him against the head, “We do not know what power Roberto possesses; we need the Wizard for protection.”

With that, I am forced to be the one to beg Alatar to forgive Dean’s stupid remark, “My dear Alatar, the boy is a hothead. Do not take the words that come from his mouth seriously. Now please, we need your assistance.”

After what seems to be one minute too many, Alatar finally joins the group as we make our way into the direction where the pendulum has pointed us to. So as we are approaching, the thoughts of Dean come to haunt me all over again. I do find myself in a rather large pickle, for whichever way I decide, I will be making the wrong decision. Let us hope that we can safely capture Roberto and cure him from whatever it is that has got him possessed.

With these thoughts running through my mind, I am suddenly brought back to the present as the very distinct voice of a man comes vibrating over my skin. I can feel as the chill freeze down my spine.

“It is Roberto.” I am yet finished saying his name, then the next sound that fills the air is the one that we have dreaded, “He is busy feeding.”

Dean grows a newfound determination as he picks up speed and heads off into the direction of the alley. Well, I will be floored.

And it is Cassidy that first mentions, “This is Jacob’s bar.”

Now I have another Hunter to be concerned about. I do hope that the man has not heard a sound. Yet with his keen senses, he is probably already making his way with his dagger in hand.

Then, as we come around the corner to turn into the alley, we see the very man that we have been hunting. He is standing over what seems to be the bodies of three young women. Now, the only reason he is not feeding at the moment is because our little Vampire Hunter is facing Roberto at the very moment, ready to attack.

I immediately raise my voice after Jacob, “Stop!”

With that, the five of us charge up to where Jacob is standing. He only but looks at me with a rather confused look on his face, “This man looks, well apart from the protruding veins, he does look an awful lot like you.”

“It is my brother.” I pause for a brief moment, for I do not wish to tell the Vampire Hunter, yet I carry on, “He has been possessed by blood lust.”

But then Conner turns to me, sounding like he is rather distressed. Something has him scared, and I can only assume it is the intimidating Vampire that is Roberto making his way towards us.

Then next, Conner speaks, “If he has blood lust, his eyes should be red.”

“Yes,” I confirm, “I have seen it many times.”

“Well,” Conner’s voice trembles, and it is like horror to my ears as he continues to inform me of his rather troubling observation, “His eyes are black.”

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