The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 174 The Encounter Of The Warlock

I am standing with somewhat trembling legs at the giant steel gate that leads up to the castle of what should be The Great Warlock, Alatar. Now I have requested of him rather foolishly to let me in, this, after I had many years ago, tried to kill the man, not on one, but several occasions did I try to claim his life.

The first time that I encountered The Great Warlock was in the year 1752. I was very much set in my ways to become the most desirable man among the ladies of both the living and the dead. Now, as with most of my troubles, I will admit that I met Alatar while we were both courting the same lover. Where the problem came in, is that he was quite settled in his relationship, as I might call it, with the very said lover.

Then, of course, I swept in and laid my eyes on her. From that very moment, I knew that I just had to have her. But where the difference comes between dear old Alatar and me is that I was only looking for a one-night occasion.

So much to his disgust, I used my power of persuasion and took his love, as he called her, one night on a little encounter. I need not to even mention that he did not sit well with my intrusion.

But the plot thickened where I discovered that she was, well, let us just say she was rather talented, so I went back on several occasions. And this is where I did bump into The Great Warlock one night as I was leaving her quarters. Now I was not going to stand there and let the man use his power on me, so I so gracefully tried to snap his neck for him.

And so began many years of Alatar and me chasing the same lovers, I do believe after a while it was purely just a game, but I did get much pleasure from trying to kill him every time he came in my way.

Now, if I am going to tell my beloved this story, shall be left to be seen, for I think I might just meet my end today. It is with only but a flick of his wrist that he snaps his scepter towards me. The bolt of lightning knocks me straight in my chest and drives my body backward, landing myself on top of the bonnet of the car crashing into the windscreen.

I hear as poor Cassidy gasp and yell in utter shock, “Lucas, are you okay?”

I only but nod my head at her as I straighten my tie; god knows why I am wearing a damn suit to come to see a Warlock any way.

As I find my balance, I slide off from the bonnet and move towards the gate once again. With a strong and yet determined voice, I call after Alatar, “My dear old friend, I come here in peace.”

“Ha!” his laughter comes out like rolling thunder. “You, Lucas, you do not understand the concept of the word.”

“Then I shall say that I am not here to harm you.”

I watch as he lowers his scepter and move but a few steps forward, “That is what you said after the first time you tried to kill me.”

“Well,” I start to explain. “I did say that the last time that I tried to kill you as well, and I believe I have not tried it since then.”

“Your wise mouth is not going to gain you entrance. What is it that you want from me?”

I take a deep breath and perhaps not quite yet, I feel relieved that I might have, or am, going to get through to his thick head.

“I need your help to locate someone.”

He remains silent for but a few moments, “What about your witches, or have you been through all of them as I know of a few that would like to see your head on a dagger.”

“I am afraid that you are indeed correct; I shall not find one that will be willing to help me. But, I also require one with far greater power.”

“What?” he slightly cocks his head. “Have you lost one of your lovers?”

Now the man is just being completely ridiculous, but wait for just one second, “I need not to lose one if I can take one of yours.”

Well, I should not have said that, for next, I see a flash of light that comes crackling just past my face. I only but laugh at him. “You are getting old, my dear man; you missed.”

Yes, this is one of those moments where I should learn to keep my wise mouth shut. Next, the bolt of lightning comes traveling faster, it completely knocks me in my face, and I tumble, crashing my back into a mountain of rocks.

The moment of the impact, it becomes dark.

Which seems like what could be hours, but it is only minutes; I find myself lying motionless on the floor. But as I finally open my eyes, I am staring into the ugly face that is that of Alatar. Well, I can recall now why I, in fact, had more persuasion over the ladies.

But that aside, where is Cassidy? We seem to be in Alatar’s house.

As I look around me, I see her nowhere; I immediately become worried that this man has done something to her, “What have you done with my beloved?”

I watch as the laughter comes rolling over his lips, “You finally stopped your whoring ways?”

“Alatar, I do not find this amusing. What have you done with Cassidy?”

Just then, from behind him, I see her appear; she has one giant frown on her face. I am going to guess here that Alatar has told her how we both are acquainted. She only but shakes her head at me and leans in to whisper, “You really seem to have a problem with keeping it in your pants.”

“But my beloved, that was many years ago.”

“Yes, Lucas. But everyone we encounter wants to kill you now.”

“Alatar shall never…” well, let me just end my sentence. We are losing sight of what we truly came here for.

So I turn to Alatar, which is now showing for us to join him to sit down around a giant oak table that seems to already have a map ready. “Lucas,” he starts. “Cassidy has explained to me that your brother has gone missing.”

I only but nod my head as he continues.

“I have seen through his eyes, and your brother is not who is used to be anymore. There is a great evil that possesses him. You shall be wise to leave for the Hunters to find him instead.”

“What do you mean, dear Alatar?” I ask with great panic in my voice. “What evil has possessed him.”

“That, Lucas, I cannot see, I shall need to be in his presence, but I can tell you where to find him. But I am afraid that there are others who are after him.”

“Others?”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“The Blood Lust has consumed his body. He is leaving a trail of dead bodies that are not going unseen.”‘

“So it is the Hunters? Is that who is after him?”

“No, they seek the power of the evil that is inside him. I am afraid that your brother’s fate has been handed.”

“I do not believe that there is nothing that I can do for him. I insist that you find him.”

Cassidy and I watch Alatar as he chants a spell while spinning a pendulum over the map that he has in front of him. It spins, and it spins; then, for a brief moment, it stops, but as soon as he points to the very spot, it starts to spin once again.

With utmost frustration, I listen as Alatar raises her voice, but a pitch higher, and starts chanting a stronger spell. As before, the pendulum only but spins in circles, stopping briefly and then spinning again and again.

I can see the white-hot anger start to build in his eyes as his spell seems not to be working. But yet, he is determined. He stands from his chair and drops the pendulum on the table. He lifts his hands to hover over the map and starts chanting a spell that reaches the height of his voice.

We watch in anticipation as the white light starts to consume his hands. Then just as the table starts to tremble, everything becomes still again.

He looks at me rather out of breath, “I have found him. Let us go before the others get to him.”

I only but shake my head in surprise, “Are you coming with us then?”

“Yes, Lucas, we cannot let anyone take what he possesses.”

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